Anarky’s Tags are related to Anarky, one of the Most Wanted villains you need to deal with in Batman: Arkham Origins. His ill-conceived notion of delivering justice is a threat to Gotham City which is where you, the caped crusader, come in.
You will be disarming his bombs before confronting him in a boss fight. You will also need to remove his invisible Anrky Tags to stop his influence from spreading.
In addition to unlocking the Voice of the People achievement, finding all of his spray-painted logos will net you a total of 120,000 experience points.
Table of Contents
How to find all Anarky Tags in Batman: Arkham Origins
There are a total of 24 Anarky Tags to find across Gotham City. They appear as a spray-painted orange letter “A” but are invisible to the naked eye. The only way to see and scan them is through your Detective Mode.
Something else to note here is that the Anarky Tags are mostly found on landmarks and monuments similar to Cyrus Pinkney’s Plaques. Both of them are part of the Gotham Intel side mission, so you can scan both collectibles in the same process.
Below are map images that mark the locations of all 24 Anarky Tags in the game. We have ordered them according to districts but you can get them in any order you wish.

Amusement Mile District

Anarky Tag 1 – Gotham Casino (Cold, Cold Heart DLC)
This Anarky Tag only becomes accessible after acquiring the Cold, Cold Heart DLC for Batman: Arkham Origins. Head into the Gotham Casino and look at the entrance ceiling in Detective Mode to find the tag.
Anarky Tag 2 – Dixon Docks (Cold, Cold Heart DLC)
The tag can be found placed on the back walls of the Dixon Docks. There will be a small gap that you can go through to find the wall.
Anarky Tag 3 – Amertek Industries (Cold, Cold Heart DLC)
The last Anarky tag for Amusement Mile can be found on the balcony of Amertek Industries. The tag will be placed on the balcony occupied by enemy units.
Burnley District

Anarky Tag 4 – Hamilton Hill
The tag can be found in a cushioned space between the Hamilton Hills building. Try to find the gap by gliding or jumping down a few floors of the Hamilton Hills building to locate the Anarky tag smudged right beside a few gas pipes
Anarky Tag 5 – GCPD Gotham Precinct
Head to the GCPD Precinct’s southern wall to locate the Anarky tag in Arkham Origins.
Coventry District

Anarky Tag 6 – Mendo Soap
Head to the right side of the Mendo Soap factory and walk straight towards the pipes to find the Anarky tag sprayed on the pipe.
Anarky Tag 7 – Cale Anderson
Make your way east of the comms tower to find the Cale Anderson building. Climb on top of the building and fall down. Turn right from the street to find a ramp-like portion with machinery equipment. The Anarky tag will placed on the wall to your right.
Anarky Tag 8 – Lacey Towers
The tag will be placed on one of the top balconies of the Lacey Towers. Use your grappler to get on top and scan the walls to find the next Anarky tag.
Anarky Tag 9 – Wayne Enterprises
Get on top of the semi-truck located on the Eastern side of the Wayne Enterprises building. Take out your scanner and scan the top of the truck to find the tag.
Anarky Tag 10 – Trident labs
The tag can be found placed at the entrance of the tunnel. Jump down from the Trident Labs building and jump down to reach the entrance. Scan the entrance wall to get yourself another Anarky Tag in Batman: Arkham Origins.
Diamond District

Anarky Tag 11 – Furniture Company
Walk towards the Eastern side of the Furniture Store to find a short wall. Scan the wall to find the Anarky tag.
Anarky Tag 12 – Soder Cola
The tag can be found on a small roof next to the Soder Cola neon sign.
Anarky Tag 13 – Gotham City Daily
The tag can be found on the back of the wall Gotham City Daily building. Jump down from the building and reach the wall between the stairs and the parking lot to find the tag.
Anarky Tag 14 – Gotham City Cinema
By far one of the easiest to tag to get in Arkham Origins. Face the main entrance of the Gotham City Cinema and use your scanner to find the Anarky tag placed above the logo of the Cinema.
Anarky Tag 15 – Gotham City News
Make your way to the south side of the Gotham City News building and drop down to the small roof beside it. Face the wall and open your scanner to find the Anarky tag.
Anarky Tag 16 – Gotham City Royal Hotel
The tag can be found on the double doors in the alley located east of the Gotham City Royal Hotel.
Industrial District (Sheldon Park)

Anarky Tag 17 – Gotham Light and Power
Glide above the Gotham Light and Power building located far south of Sheldon Park. Reach the top of the building where a grid is cushioned between two pipes. approach the grid and turn left to find the tag spared on the pipe.
Anarky Tag 18 – Wonder Tower
The Anarky tag can be found sprayed on the top balcony of the Wonder Tower in Batman: Arkham Origins. Use your grappler to get there but beware of the snipers patrolling the area.
Anarky Tag 19 – Sionis Steel Mill
The tag is placed in the small alley beside the main entrance of the Sionis Steel Mill. Climb over the alley gate to find the tag sprayed on the wall.
Park View District

Anarky Tag 20 – Solomon Wayne Courthouse (Cold, Cold Heart DLC)
Explore the roofed area on the Eastern side of the Courthouse. The tag will be placed on the wall between the two pillars of the building.
Anarky Tag 21 – Monarch Theatre
The tag is placed on the Monarch Theatre wall opposite the water tower. Swoop down to defeat the enemies and scan the Anarky Tag.
Anarky Tag 22 – Ace Chemicals
The last Parkview tag for Anarky in Arkham Origins is located east of the Ace Chemicals Buildings. Glide to the small roof on the Eastern part of the Ace Chemicals building and scan the tag.
The Bowery District

Anarky Tag 23 – Carmine Hotel
The tag is sprayed on the Northern wall of the Carmine Hotel. The tag can be found right beside garbage placed on the sidewalk.
Anarky Tag 24 – Gotham Merchant Bank
The last Anarky tag location in Batman: Arkham Origins is located on the roof of the Gotham Merchant’s Bank in The Bowery. Climb on top of the roof and scan the middle chimney-like structure to find the tag.