The Bowery has 39 more Riddler Trophies for you to hunt down in Batman: Arkham City. This is one of the largest districts in the game for your Riddler Challenge, so make sure that you are ready to spend a considerable amount of time.
Do note, though, that we will not be listing down Catwoman Trophies. These do count as Riddler Trophies but you need to play as Catwoman to get them.
You can find out the locations of these trophies by interrogating one of Riddler’s goons but to save you the time and the hassle we’ve marked the exact locations of all the 39 collectibles as well as mentioned the process of getting them.
We recommend to start hunting them down after completing the main storyline. This is because some areas can only be accessed by beating the game.
How to get the Bowery Riddler Trophies in Batman: Arkham City

Riddler Trophy 1
Requirement: Explosive Gel
The first Riddler Trophy for the Bowery district can be found on a small rooftop building west of the Museum in the northwestern corner of the map. The trophy will be stuck behind a platform puzzle.
Plant explosive gel on the three question mark signs marked on the wall. Once that’s done, stand on the green platform to light up one of the three signs. Detonate the explosive gel on the glowing sign. You’ll be required to repeat the process on the rest of the two signs to unlock this collectible in Batman: Arkham: City.
Riddler Trophy 2
Requirement: Line Launcher
Make your way to the Iceberg Lounge located across the Museum towards the West of the Bowery district. Right next to the Iceberg Lounge you’ll spot a pathway that leads you below to the underground level. Simply drop down to find the Riddler Trophy stuck behind yet another platform puzzle.
This puzzle will require Batman to stand on one platform and move on to the next one using the Line Launcher. Stand on any one of the three platforms and shoot the Line Launcher at the wall to travel to the next. Stepping on the ground after activating one of the platforms will cause you to repeat the whole process again.
Once all three platforms are cleared, acquire the Riddler trophy and move on to the next.
Riddler Trophy 3
Requirement: Batarang, Remote Controlled Batarang
This collectible can be found in the small alleyway west of the Iceberg Lounge right next to the underground lair you entered to acquire Riddler Trophy #2. Once you make it to the alley, you’ll spot a Riddler Platform. Standing on the platform will cause one of the Riddler signs to light up in front of you. Simply throw your Batarang at the dot of the question mark to make a caged door appear and isolate the Riddler Trophy.
Once the caged door appears, the second question mark will light up. Equip the Remoted Controlled Batarang and throw it at the caged door. You’ll be able to squeeze the batarang through the small vacant space on the right and hit the dot of the sign. This will open up the cage and you’ll be able to collect the trophy.
Riddler Trophy 4
Requirement: Remote Electrical Charge
Face the main entrance of the Iceberg Lounge and turn 180 degrees to find an abandoned shop. The Riddler Trophy will be inside the shop. To find an entry point, climb up the door of the alley right next to the shop and equip your Remote Electrical Charge. Shoot at the red terminal above the shutter of the shop to make it go up. Crouch through the small opening and acquire the trophy.
Riddler Trophy 5
Requirement: Explosive Gel
This Riddler Trophy can be found placed inside a caged door on top of the abandoned shop’s building where you found Riddler Trophy #4. The collectible will be heavily protected by a sentry gun planted on the main entrance on the roof. To find a way through, face the small shaft on the left that has a breakable panel. Break the panel by using your explosive gel to reveal a small vent.

Enter through the vent and follow the pathway created that leads to the caged door with the Riddler Trophy inside.
Riddler Trophy 6
Requirement: Batclaw
This Riddler Trophy is one of the easiest ones to find in Batman: Arkham City. Simply face the horse statue placed in front of the Iceberg Lounge to spot the trophy planted on the horse’s back. Shoot your Batclaw at the trophy to acquire it in your collectibles
Riddler Trophy 7
Requirement: None
Head back into the underground area where you found Riddler Trophy #2. This trophy will be placed at the very end of the underground lair across the electrical fence. To go over the electrical fence you (Batman) will be required to glide across it and acquire the trophy.
Riddler Trophy 8
Requirement: Cryptographic Sequencer
This collectible will be locked behind a caged door in the Northern section of the Bowery district. Simply approach the locked door and use your Cryptographic Sequencer to hack the main unit of the door to access the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy 9
Requirement: None
Yet again this Riddler Trophy will be stuck behind a Riddler Puzzle in Batman: Arkham City. Climb on top of the building of the caged door where you found Riddler Trophy #8 to find another puzzle platform. Once you climb on top of the platform, a timer for three seconds will appear on your HUD.
Simply, run towards the small opening created by the wooden spikes right in front of you and slide through them. If successful you’ll find the Riddler Trophy in the very end of the small safe compartment.
Riddler Trophy 10
Requirement: Batclaw
Make your way to the Northern ends of the Bowery district to find the trophy. The trophy will be placed inside a motion-detected trap on the rooftop of the building northeast of the Iceberg Lounge.
If you come close to the trophy, the trap will be activated blocking you from acquiring it. What you should do is, get to a safe distance where the trap unlocks and shoot your Batclaw at the trophy to acquire it.
Riddler Trophy 11
Requirement: None
Head to the Western corner of the Museum’s rooftop in the Bowery district to spot the Riddler Trophy placed on the ledge of the metal crane. Simply grapple to the crane to acquire the trophy.
Riddler Trophy 12
Requirement: None
This Riddler Trophy can be found in the underground area located in the center of the Bowery District. From the Iceberg Lounge building simply walk towards the East to find the underground area. Jump down to find the Riddler Trophy placed on the ground right next to the metal pillar.
Riddler Trophy 13
Requirement: Remote Electrical Charge
Make your way inside the abandoned metro station through the broken glass ceiling to find the Riddler Trophy. It will be placed inside a closed restaurant called ‘Italian Cuisine’.
To get inside the restaurant, simply take out your Remote Electrical Charge and shoot at the red shutter to create an opening. Enter through the small opening below the shutter and acquire this Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City.
Riddler Trophy 14
Requirements: Batarangs
This Riddler trophy is placed on the railing right above the abandoned metro station that is covered by the bridge in the center of the Bowery district. As soon as you reach the location marked on the map above, you’ll find the collectible stuck to the ceiling and locked behind a trap.
Stand on the platform with the green question mark labeled on top of it and three question marks on both sides of the covered walls will light up with a timer of 6 seconds displayed on your HUD.
Quickly throw your Batarangs at the six question marks to unlock the Riddler trophy. You’ll also be able to find a Catwoman Trophy placed on the ceiling right next to Batman’s.
Riddler Trophy 15
Requirements: None
Make your way to the northern side of the metro station to find an old metro cart hanging on top of a pillar. The Riddler trophy will be placed inside the cart. Head into Detective Mode to spot a breakable wooden panel door on the cart. The panel will be highlighted in blue.
Get to a good vantage point near the cart and glide right at the breakable panel. Break through the panel and acquire the collectible.
Riddler Trophy 16
Requirements: Disruptor Tool, Explosive Gel
After you’ve found Riddler Trophy 15, simply jump down below to find the main entrance of the abandoned metro station. Face the main gate of the station and equip the Disruptor tool to hack all of the landmines. Once the land mines are all cleared, climb through the gate and put explosive gel on the breakable wall on the left side of the entrance gates.
Once the wall is broken, simply enter the secret area and find the Riddler trophy right in front of you.
Riddler Trophy 17
Requirements: None
This trophy is placed on the rooftop of the building located north of Amusement in the Bowery district. This is also the same building where Batman takes down Deadshot. The Trophy will be placed on the southern corner of the rooftop on top of a statue.
Riddler Trophy 18
Requirement: None
Make your way to a narrow alley located in the northeastern corner of the Bowery district that leads towards the secured walls of the Wonder City. This Riddler trophy will be placed inside a small flat covered by a breakable wooden panel inside the alley.
Simply glide towards the alley and enable detective mode to spot the wooden panel highlighted in blue. Glide right at it to break the panel and acquire the collectible.
Riddler Trophy 19
Requirements: Freeze Blast
From the last location where you found Riddler Trophy #18, simply head East towards the huge gas pipes connected to the walls of the Wonder City. The Riddler Trophy will be stuck behind a caged door with its opening blocked by gas.
Equip the Freeze Blast tool and throw it at the crack to create a pathway for you to enter the cage door. Crouch through the small opening and acquire the trophy.
Riddler Trophy 20
Requirement: Explosive Gel
This Riddler Trophy can be found placed inside the rooftop shaft of a building facing the Ace Chemical neon sign in the Eastern corner of the Bowery District. Make your way towards the marked location on the map image above to spot the shaft.
Plant Explosive gel on the wooden door of the shaft to break it open and acquire the Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City.
Riddler Trophy 21
Requirement: Explosive Gel, Remote Controlled Batarang
Make your way towards the small junction located North of the Subway station to find this Riddler Trophy stuck inside of a trap. The trap can be unlocked by exploding both of the Question Mark signs located in the Northern and Eastern ends of the junction. Simply plant Explosive Gel on one of the signs and immediately throw a Remote Controlled Batarang towards the other.
Once the Batarang hits the sign a timer for 3 seconds will be displayed on your HUD. Just aim at the sign you planted Explosive Gel on and blast it to unlock the trap and acquire the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy 22
Requirement: Batclaw
This Riddler trophy can be found stuck to the wall of the Wonder City above its Entrance Gates located in the East of the Bowery district. Simply climb above the balcony above the main gate to spot the collectible. Use your Batclaw to acquire it in your collection
Riddler Trophy 23
Requirement: None
This Riddler Trophy is quite easy to find. Simply make your way to the Southern ends of the Museum’s rooftop to spot the trophy placed beside some broken concrete blocks.
Riddler Trophy 24
Requirements: Cryptographic Sequencer
Head to the parked metro cart located next to the Western walls of the Museum in the Bowery District to find this Riddler Trophy. Climb up to the platform for the metro and use your Cryptographic Sequencer to unlock the metro cart’s doors. Enter inside to find the trophy placed next to some garbage bags.
Riddler Trophy 25
Requirement: None
This trophy can be found stashed inside a caged door located between the Museum’s walls in the South of the Bowery district. Use the marked location of the collectible in the image displayed above to reach the caged door. Since the caged door will have no way of breaking in, run right at the small gap below the door to slide through it and acquire the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy 26
Requirement: Explosive Gel
This collectible item can be found inside the Subway station of the Bowery district. Use the broken glass ceiling found in front of the Museum’s entrance to enter the metro station.
As you enter the metro station, pop your detective mode and face the northern walls of the station to spot a breakable wall highlighted in blue. Plant your explosive Gel and break open the door to find the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy 27
Requirement: Line Launcher
This trophy can also be found in the Subway station. From where you found trophy #26, simply face the other section of the station on your right to find a fenced door. Climb over the fenced door and walk straight until you reach a sitting area. Turn around and face the caged door you just climbed through, and enter Detective Mode to find a breakable panel above the caged door.
Use the Line Launcher to launch Batman at the breakable panel to destroy it and acquire the Riddler trophy.
Riddler Trophy 28
Requirement: Remote Electrical Charge
Climb on top of the building facing the main entrance of the Museum located in the east of the Bowery district to find the next trophy. The trophy will be stuck behind a platform puzzle which will be quite different from the other ones we just solved.
This puzzle will require Batman to stand on the green platform and shoot the Remote Electrical Charge at the terminal placed on the end of the rooftop. The electrical charge will move the Riddler Trophy forward. Standing on the platform will allow for the gates to be open.
Once the Riddler Trophy reaches halfway across the first unlocked gate. Move away from the platform and shoot at the second terminal placed on your left. This will move the trophy towards the green gate from where you can simply approach the trophy and acquire it.
Riddler Trophy 29
Requirements: Explosive Gel
This trophy can be found at the ground level of the same building where you found Riddler Trophy #28 in the Bowery district. Simply drop down to the Eastern corner of the building to spot the collectible stashed inside an abandoned room with a breakable wall right next to it. Use your Explosive Gel to break open the wall and acquire the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy 30
Requirements: None
This collectible can be found in the same building yet again. The Riddler Trophy will be placed inside a trap on the lower floor of the building which can be unlocked by activating all of the puzzle platforms in Batman: Arkham City.
Simply climb on top of the building that has a water tanker on the rooftop and glide towards the building holding the Trophy. You’ll spot a Riddler platform on the building.
Glide right at the platform to activate it and then face the building with the water tanker to spot the second platform. Glide at the second platform and for the last time face the older building to spot the last Riddler platform on the ground level. Land at it to free the Riddler Trophy from the trap.
Riddler Trophy 31
Requirements: Remote Controlled Batarang
Stand on the Northern ledge of the building where you found Riddler Trophy 28 to spot this collectible stuck inside a trap on the rooftop of the water tanker building. To unlock the trap, throw a Remote Control Batarang through the vents placed on the rooftop and control it to reach the end of the vent with a hidden Riddler question mark sign.

Once the question mark sign is eliminated, the trap will unlock and the Riddler Trophy will become accessible.
Riddler Trophy 32
Requirement: Cryptographic Sequencer
Glide towards the southeastern end of the Bowery district to find a heavily secured door that reads ‘Tyger Inmate Analysis Unit’. Simply approach the terminal for the door and use the Cryptographic Sequencer to unlock it. Enter through the small opening by crouching and looking up to find the Riddler Trophy dangling from the ceiling.
Riddler Trophy 33
Requirement: Line Launcher
Climb on top of the broken balcony attached to the Wonder City Walls above the Subway station in the southeastern corner of the Bowery district to find the collectible stuck inside of a platform puzzle.
The platform puzzle will comprise three platforms, one on the balcony and two on the small rooftop right below it. Simply stand on the first platform of the balcony and then drop down to the one on the rooftop right below it.
Once the second platform is activated, use the Line Launcher and attach a line to the wall facing the third platform. Launch yourself and time the drop on the third platform. Activating the third platform will cause the trap to unlock and the collectible will be yours for the taking.
Riddler Trophy 34
Requirement: Cryptographic Sequencer
Head over to the main entrance gate of the Wonder City situated in the East of the Bowery district. The Riddler Trophy can be found locked inside a small shaft on the rooftop building that has red neon sign that reads ‘Gotham’ which faces the entrance gate.
Simply approach the shaft and use the Cryptographic Sequencer to hack the terminal and unlock the shaft to acquire the Bowery Riddler trophy.
Riddler Trophy 35
Requirement: Cryptographic Sequencer
Make your way towards the tall building located in the center of the Bowery district. It is the same building where Batman fights against the Penguin and meets up with the Azrael in the Watcher in the Wings side mission. Simply climb up the rooftop of the building to find the Riddler trophy caged inside a trap.
Approach the terminal for the trap placed on the wall right beside the trophy to hack it and unlock the trophy.
Riddler Trophy 36
Requirement: Remote Electrical Charge
Enter the Arkham City Processing Center located above the main entrance of the Wonder City. Climb on the balcony where you found trophy 33 and enter through the broken door to reach the facility. You’ll be able to spot the Riddler trophy stashed inside a locked room.
To acquire the trophy simply shoot a Remote Electrical Charge at the red terminal above the closed shutter. Shooting the terminal will cause the shutter to open. Simply crouch inside the room and acquire the trophy.
Riddler Trophy 37
Requirement: Remote Electrical Charge
This collectible is also found in the Arkham City Processing Center. From where you found the latter trophy, jump down to the floor below to spot another shutter closed with a red terminal on top of it.
Use the Remote Electrical Charge once again and open the shutter. Enter the room and acquire the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy 38
Requirements: Explosive Gel
Enter through the door that is placed in the same room where you found the last collectible to expose a secret hall in the Wonder City restricted area. Drop down to the hall and face the door you just entered through. Activate Detective Mode to find a breakable wall on the left side of the door.
Approach the wall and use Explosive Gel to get it out of the way and bag another Riddler Trophy in the Bowery district.
Riddler Trophy 39
Requirement: Cryptographic Sequencer
The Last Riddler Trophy for Batman: Arkham City can also be found in the same hall where you found trophy 38. After entering the hall, simply face the door where you entered to find another door locked with a terminal right beside it.
Use your Cryptographic Scanner to unlock the door and find the collectible suspended to the ceiling.