How To Get Rid Of Enemy Of Justice Condition In Baldur’s Gate 3

The Enemy of Justice condition is Larian's way of preventing your murder hobo tendencies from taking over in Baldur's Gate 3.

In BG3, every action has a consequence, and it may affect you in various ways, including permanent debuffs. If you give into your murder-hobo tendencies and kill a lot of people, including guards, you will be inflicted with the Enemy of Justice condition in Baldur’s Gate 3.

This puts you on the hit list of every guard and lawkeeper you come across, as the name implies. They will immediately be hostile to you, making a lot of quests impossible to complete. It is important to understand what the Enemy of Justice condition does and how you can remove it.

Enemy of Justice Condition Explained in Baldur’s Gate 3

Enemy of the Justice condition is implemented on you when you start your villain arc. This means going on various rampages and killing sprees. If this debuff is imposed on you, the guards will leave no stone unturned in eliminating you. You will be considered an enemy of the state and ordered to be killed on sight.

This debuff doesn’t come by easily if you’re playing your normal game. However, if you make quite a bad reputation of yourself, so much so that people start chattering about it, and the allied guards hear of it, you are dead. The guards will start hunting you and ensure you are put behind bars or removed permanently.

In most cases, we have seen that the Enemy of Justice condition is applied when a witness talks to the guards about the murders you have committed in Baldur’s Gate 3.

How to Remove the Enemy of Justice Condition

As mentioned before, this debuff is permanent. But if it isn’t implied, you can still make up for it with enough time.

  • You must find and kill the witness before they talk to the guards, leaving no loose ends.
  • If the debuff has been applied, you can try to reload your game from a manual save before you were reported. That trick should work, although it can cost you your progress, depending on how often you manually save.
  • A strange way to avoid the Enemy of Justice debuff in Act 1 is to kill Pandrina. She is a Tiefling who is locked inside a shed in Emerald Grove. Apparently, she is a pepping tom who looks at your actions and reports them to guards frequently.
  • Progress enough until you reach Act 2, as the new events automatically cancel out your previously acquired afflictions.
  • Kill the character who is afflicted with the Enemy of Justice condition. This can be done by shoving them off a cliff and letting the fall damage do the rest. You can later revive the character with either Scroll of Revivify, Revivify Spell (cleric gets it at level 5), or by using the services of Withers. Once a character returns from death, all their past sins, including Enemy of Justice debuff, are forgiven and forgotten.

How to fix the Enemy of Justice Bug

There is a known bug in Baldur’s Gate 3 where the condition is applied automatically without you doing any unlawful activity. As of now, Larian has not fixed the bug. But some helpful tips can help you until this issue is resolved.   

You will receive Enemy of Justice debuff after clearing the Goblin Camp and killing Priestess Gut or Minthara. Killing either of them is important to progress your story and solve the conflict between Druids and Tieflings to progress in the game. 

The witness will be someone inside the Goblin Camp. The first thing you can do is kill every goblin inside and leave no one standing. This way, you can guarantee there are no witnesses. The second approach involves you completing Act 1 and getting ready to explore the Underdark

In this case, you might as well continue with the condition. Once Act 2 is unlocked, this debuff will be removed. So, bear just a tad bit longer. If the gameplay suffers a lot due to this condition, one more thing you can do is go back to a manual save. 

Also, make sure that you kill Priestess Gut inside the main chamber where there are no guards. Killing her inside her sleeping chamber can trigger Enemy of the State Debuff instantly.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...