Fiends are among the toughest enemies that Geralt will come across in the world of The Witcher 3. These creatures possess incredible speed, strength, and a single-minded desire to kill. Fiends fight in a ferocious manner and can be quite a lot to deal with if you come across them in TW3.
Fiends usually avoid humans, but if you engage one in a fight, it can quickly kill you if you aren’t prepared for its attacks and know the weaknesses to defeat a fiend.
The Witcher 3 fiend location
The best location where you can find fiends in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is south of Crookback Bog while searching for the silver sword diagram to complete the Wolf School Gear. They like to live in thick forests, bogs, and areas close to the swamps
Players will encounter fiends at numerous locations in TW3 Wild Hunt, but the most notable and challenging one is during Contract: Missing Son. While completing the contract, players will have to fight a fiend named Morvudd as part of the quest.

Apart from that contract, there are a number of other quests where you will have to deal with a fiend.
You will also get to fight a Fiend in The Witcher 3 while taking on another particular secondary quest. This optional quest will be called Return to Crookback Bog. You will need to head to Velen to start this quest and meet the Baron and his men in the Downwarren area. Following the objectives of this specific quest in TW3, you will be facing the Fiend and some other monsters, so you need to come prepared beforehand.
Apart from this secondary quest, you will also come across a Fiend during a main quest in The Witcher 3. This will be known as the Bald Mountain quest, and during this quest, you will need to venture with Ciri to a certain location called Road to Bald Mountain, which will also be situated in the Velen Region.
However, you will get to fight the Fiend in one of the caves in this area, and this is going to be a challenging fight for you in TW3. Since the area is small, you will need to dodge the Fiend’s attacks continuously and avoid getting hypnotized by this creature
Strategies to kill Fiends in TW3
A Fiend is a dangerous enemy that uses brute force to deal with its opponents and has a trick hidden up its sleeve. This is the third eye that the Fiend possesses, which it can use to hypnotize its enemies.
Once hypnotized, it is especially tough to escape it unscathed effectively. Moreover, the Fiend can also heal itself during the battle, so you will need to attack it continuously to stop this creature from regenerating its health in The Witcher 3.
There is not a wide range of attacks that the Fiend utilizes to deal damage to the Witcher. They can all deal a lot of damage if you fail to dodge or evade them on time.
At close range, the Fiend will use its claws to attack Geralt, whereas, at long range, it will similarly charge toward Geralt to a bull. You can either choose to roll out of the way or use Quen, which will nullify this attack’s damage.
The next attack from the Fiend that players must remain especially cautious of is a one-shot attack that will kill Geralt if it connects. There is no strategy to prevent this attack except for rolling away when the attack Fiend starts this attack.
That being said, before you set out to engage the Fiend, make sure to equip bombs such as Samum bomb or Devil’s Puffball, as these will prove quite effective when dealing with the Fiend in The Witcher 3. Both these bombs can be used to stop a fiend’s regeneration and blind it so you can attack it with ease.
As for dealing damage to the Fiend in TW3, you can deal extra damage to it by coating your silver sword with Relict Oil.
Starting off, the general strategy to defeat a fiend in The Witcher 3 is by engaging in combat against it while remaining on horseback. This will make you a lot harder to hit while also allowing you to deal a huge amount of damage to the Fiend.
Once you’ve dismounted, the battle will become especially tough since you must keep track of two of its attacks so you can dodge them effectively. The first attack players should keep track of is its ability to hypnotize Geralt through his third eye. Before the Fiend uses this attack, you’ll notice the ground shaking while it remains motionless.

Suppose you notice the Fiend attempting to hypnotize you. In that case, it is your cue to either create as much distance between yourself and it or to interrupt this attack by stunning it.
To interrupt this, a well-timed Samum bomb can permanently disable the Fiend’s third eye. Similarly, you can also use Axii on the Fiend when he uses the third eye to hypnotize you in The Witcher 3. If you fail to do this, you can try dodging either to the side or behind the Fiend, since for the Fiend’s hypnotize attack to work, Geralt must be in the direct line of sight of its third eye.
If you fail to do either, Geralt will get hypnotized by its third eye, during which the screen will turn dark. While you’re hypnotized, make sure to dodge as much as possible to avoid getting hit by its attacks.
Abilities to use in the fight against Fiend
If you’re unsure of your ability to remain unscathed when hypnotized, you should try drinking the Enhanced Cat or Superior Cat potion since it’ll make Geralt invulnerable to this attack.
The Fiend is not particularly weak against fire attacks; however, the fire stream of Igni can inflict fire damage upon it. Another pyromaniac damage-dealing option is to use the Dancing Star bomb at it.
As discussed above, Igni will help Geralt burn the Fiend, allowing him to deal an additional amount of damage to the monster. Yrden can slow the beast down, which is especially helpful if you want to keep it inside the Devil’s Puffball for a longer amount of time.
As for Axii, this is an effective sign that can be used while the Fiend attempts to use its third eye to hypnotize you. Using this sign will stun the Fiend, opening a window for the players to deal a high amount of damage to the monster.
Killing a fiend has random drop chances of numerous rewards. However, the most useful ones would be Fiend Dung and Mutagen.
Fiend Dund and Mutagen are highly useful alchemical items. Fiend Dung is used to make Chort Lure, which is required for the Mysterious Tracks contract.
On the other hand, the Fiend Mutagen is an essential ingredient to make Fiend Decoction in The Witcher 3. Upon consuming Fiend Decoction, Geralt’s weight-carrying capacity is increased by 20 points.