Serenade to Mija is a side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that allows you to wake up a fairy from her long slumber to help upgrade your armor. It is related to the Great Fairy Mija who is hiding in a flower bud at Mija’s fountain.
She is afraid of coming out due to the grievances of the outside world. You need to coax her out after which she will upgrade your armor.
This can be done with the help of a musician, Eustus. He plays music which Mija is fond of and the only way to bring her out is to have him perform at the fountain. The problem is that Eustus is missing, and you need to find him first.
As such, this article will explain everything you need to complete this quest, from its starting location and all you need to do in it. Here is how you can complete Serenade to Mija in Zelda: TotK.
Talk to Mastro at the Snowfield Stable

To unlock the Serenade to Mija side adventure in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you must complete the Serenade to a Great Fairy side adventure first.
Once you are done with the pre-requisite side adventure, you can start the Serenade to Mija adventure by talking to Mastro. You can find him at Hebra Mountains in the region of Tabantha Tundra in the Snowfield Stable. The exact coordinates are (1632, 2586, and 0234).

Complete the Hornist’s Escape side quest
Once you are at the snowfield stable, you will learn about the Stable Trotters from Mastro. This is the band that Eustus is a part of.
He will also tell you about the Great Fairy Mija who loves the horn. Now Eustus is a horn player, a part of the Stable Trotters, but he is stuck. Mastro wants you to find and rescue Eustus from his predicament.
So, to bring Mija out of her bud, we must bring Eustus who will coax Mija with his horn to come outside. Mastro tells us someone heard some horn sounds close to the Tabantha Bridge Stable, near Piper Ridge.
So Eustus may be around there. When you arrive at the location, keep an ear out for someone playing the horn. Follow it and you will find Eustus stuck in a pit.

Once you reach Tabantha Bridge stable, you will be able to observe a giant hole in the ground. You will see Eustus inside who’s gotten himself stuck.

This is done as part of The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape side adventure. You need to fix his broken vehicle and bring him out of this pit using the Zonai devices nearby.
Return to the Mastro
Once Eustus is free, he will return to Snowfield Stable and regroup with his band. Now the Stable Trotters need to reach the Great Fairy’s fountain.
The best way to do so is by using the wagon. Unfortunately, the weather conditions are drastically worsening. So, the wagon will need a roof to protect the inhabitants from the weather.
Repair the Wagon Roof

Look around near the wagon and you will find several planks. Use your Ultrahand ability and grab a plank to put on the wagon to make its roof. Now, find a horse nearby and attach a Towing Harness to it using Ultrahand.

You can take your horse from the stable as well and the stablemaster will offer to attach the towing harness.
Now use Ultrahand to lift the wagon and place it near the horse with the Towing Harness. Attach the harness to the wagon and now you’re ready to go. Mount the horse and lead the way.
Follow the marker and make your way across the tundra to Mija’s fountain. The way forward is easy to follow so just enjoy the ride.
Once you get to the fountain, Eustus and the band will play their music and Mija will appear.
Quest Reward

You will be awarded a Silver Rupee (100 Rupees) for the effort you have made so far in completing Serenade to Mija in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. You can revisit Mija to upgrade your armor sets with proper upgrade materials.