How to Marry Reinhard in Rune Factory 5

This guide will go over how to improve your relationship and marry Reinhard in Rune Factory 5

In Rune Factory 5, you can form a relationship with any of the 12 characters available in the game. This relationship can be built further by confessing to the character and marrying them. This guide will go over how to improve your relationship and marry Reinhard in Rune Factory 5.

How to Improve Relationship with Reinhard

Reinhard might be the most eye-catching character with a great personality among the characters you can confess your love to. Reinhard is a loyal knight of the kingdom and is a passionate worker.

He is found at the Belpha Ruins for the majority of the time, hanging out with Beatrice.

Reinhard’s Likes and Dislikes

Since every character in Rune Factory 5 has different preferences, you must keep them in mind when you gift something to the character. Below are Reinhard’s favorite items and the items that he is not too fond of:

Liked Items

  • Chain Mail
  • Strawberry Seeds
  • Cold Medicine

Disliked Items

  • Jewels
  • Crystals

Strawberry Seeds and Cold Medicine are the two most common items you can buy from any shop in Rigbarth. These are cheap, and Reinhard will love them when you gift these to him.

Reinhard’s birthday is on Autumn 30. Giving these items to him on his birthday will increase your Friendship Level by a lot.

How to Marry Reinhard in Rune Factory 5

Every character in Rune Factory 5 requires you to complete the three Romance Stories events before you can start dating them and confess your love for them.

The same is the case with Reinhard, where you will have to go through his three Romance Events and complete them to marry him. These will trigger once you start meeting him every day and increase your Friendship Level with him.

Once you have completed the main Romance Stories missions, you will now be able to confess to Reinhard.

But, more requirements need to be fulfilled before you can marry Reinhard:

  • Have met everyone in town.
  • Have a double bed.
  • Have an engagement ring unlocked.
  • Have the Friendship Level at 10 Hearts.

After meeting these requirements, you will now be able to marry Reinhard and grow a family with him.