Stat distribution in Lies of P has two key aspects to it, namely Soft Caps and Hard Caps. The terms were coined to indicate a turning point in Stat distribution where you get minimal returns on investment and should look to investing in different stats from thereon.
What are soft caps in Lies of P
The soft cap for a stat in Lies of P is where you can still make a case for investing stats since the returns are still notable. When you reach the Hard cap, though, investing further is strictly advised against since it’s simply a waste of points for no visible impact.
Take, for example, the Vitality stat. The first time you invest a point here, you gain an additional 24-ish points to your Health pool. The more you invest, though, the more diminishing returns you get, and the health gain becomes minuscule, e.g., simply gaining 7-8 health points beyond level 30 and even lower the more you keep investing.
The soft cap for each stat in Lies of P is different, after which there is very little reason to spend your hard-earned Ergo to upgrade that stat unless you absolutely need to focus on only one stat for your playstyle. I have mentioned each stat and its soft cap below. Later on, I will go over these in detail to explain how the soft cap affects these stats.
Stat | Soft Cap Level |
Vitality | 30 |
Vigor | 20 |
Capacity | 25-30 |
Motivity | 30 |
Advance | 30 |
Technique | 30 |
How stats scaling and soft caps work in Lies of P
Below, we will discuss the stats and their scaling in Lies of P, as well as the relevant soft caps for them so you can optimize your stat distribution for maximum returns.
This stat dictates the size of your health bar, which is crucial to let you stay in the fight longer. It also improves your ‘Guard Regain,’ the translucent red part of your health bar when you block an attack, which you can regain if you attack the enemy.

Higher points in Vitality mean you can regain a higher amount of health. It also increases resistance to Physical, Acid, Electric, and Fire damage.
The Soft Cap for this stat comes at around level 30 since beyond this, each point invested only grants 9 HP and similarly fewer returns on the other associated sub-stats.
This stat will affect the size of your stamina bar, which is your main source of energy to perform crucial actions in the game, such as Blocking, Attacking, Sprinting, Dodging, etc. It also increases resistance to Physical, Acid, Electric, and Fire damage.
The soft cap for this stat comes in at around level 20 since you only start getting +2-point increases in stamina from then on, half of what it starts as.
This stat determines your weight limit so that you aren’t over-encumbered and unable to perform quick rolls and dashes. It also increases the size of your legion gauge, which impacts how many times you can use your legion arm abilities. It also increases resistance to Physical, Acid, Electric, and Fire damage.
Unlike the other stats in the game, this one doesn’t really have a soft cap per se since even well into 80 points into the stat, the returns on Legion and weight capacity are the same at +3 points each, the same as when you first invest points into it. However, it is counterintuitive to invest so much into this stat and neglect the others so that you can treat 25-30 points in capacity as the Soft Cap.
The Motivity stat is the equivalent of the Strength stat from similar games. Points invested in this stat will greatly impact the damage of Motivity-scaling weapons and Legion arms as they scale better with this stat. Weapons that are slow but hit heavy tend to fit the bill of a Motivity weapon. It also increases resistance to Physical, Acid, Electric, and Fire damage.
The soft cap for the Motivity scaling settles in at around level 30, at which point, your damage gain is halved to 2 points instead of the initial 4 per level, and beyond level 35, it seems to be just 1 point per level.
The Technique stat is the equivalent of the Dexterity stat from similar games. Points invested in this stat will greatly impact the damage of Technique-based weapons and Legion Arms as they scale better with the Technique stat. Weapons that are quick and graceful tend to fall into the Technique weapon category.
The soft cap for Technique in Lies of P, much like Motivity, also settles in at around level 30.
The Advance stat is the equivalent of magic-based stats such as Intelligence, Arcane, etc, from similar games. In essence, this stat impacts the damage of certain weapons and Legion Arms with a high Advance scaling. Advanced scaling weapons tend to be those which exhibit elemental damage properties. Beyond that, it also raises resistance to Distruption, Shock, and the Break status effects. The soft cap for Advance scaling in Lies of P is around the 25-30 Level mark.