A lifelong companion and a loyal knight to Radahn, the Redmane Knight Ogha is a legendary summon in the Elden Ring. Once a student of gravity magic, Ogha lost his life in the War-Dad Catacombs fighting for the glory of his general.
In this guide, we will tell you how to obtain the ashes of the Redmane Knight Ogha and how you can use this legendary summon to its full potential.
Redmane Knight Ogha Ashes Location

Redmane Knight Ogha Ashes can be obtained by killing the Putrid Tree Spirit boss inside the War-Dead Catacombs.

This catacomb can only be accessed after defeating Starscourge Radahn in the Wailing Dunes. Progress towards the northeast corner of the area after defeating the boss until you find a small door leading to the War-Dead Catacombs.

These catacombs are filled with high-level spirit enemies that can one-shot under-leveled players. Make your way through the catacombs until you reach the Putrid Tree Spirit boss.
This boss inflicts Scarlet Rot with its attacks and moves really fast for its large stature. Don’t try to block its attacks. Dodge the attacks and only hit whenever there is an opening.
Once defeated, Putrid Tree Spirit boss drops the Redmane Knight Ogha’s ashes in Elden Ring.
Redmane Knight Ogha Stats and Requirements
Redmane Knight Ogha requires 106 FP to summon. You can invest in your Mind stat to increase your FP to meet these high summon requirements.
You can upgrade this spirit summon with the help of Ghost Glovewort up to +10. Ogha responds if you use War Cry and summon a volley of gravity arrows, only once per summon.
However, you can only summon Redmane Knight Ogha once you acquire the Spirit Summoning Bell from Ranni.
Visit the Church of Elleh at night after obtaining the spectral steed Torrent from Melina. Talk to Ranni, and she will give you the bell. Once a grave icon appears on the left side of the screen, you can summon the spirit ashes only once.