A shield made from the shell of a great turtle, the Great Turtle Shell in Elden Ring provides great resistance against damage and enhances stamina recovery. This medium shield is one of the best companions for the players seeking a Strength build.
In this guide, we will help you find the Great Turtle Shell and let you hop in the skin of a Koopa in Elden Ring.
Great Turtle Shell Location in Elden Ring

The Great Turtle Shell can only be obtained as loot from a dead body in the Weeping Peninsula. This medium shield is hidden on a rampart on the path to Castle Morne.

Castle Morne is in the southeast corner of the map of the Lands Between. This area is past the Bridge of Sacrifice. Once you reach there, continue south until you reach the Castle Morne Rampart site of grace.

This site of grace is right next to a wandering merchant. From the site of grace, turn back and look to your left to see a Spiritspring. Call your spectral steed Torrent and use it to jump to the roof of a tower.
There is a dead body at this place that you can interact with to obtain the Great Turtle Shell shield.
Great Turtle Shell Stats and Uses
Great Turtle Shell requires 14 Strength to wield in Elden Ring. The default skill for this shield is Barricade Shield, which allows you to deflect strong incoming attacks.

You can infuse this shield with any Ashes of War or consumables. Magic can also be applied to this shield.
The best feature of the Great Turtle Shell is that it increases your stamina recovery rate by 3/sec. This roughly translates to 7%, and it stacks with Green Turtle Talisman.
You can sell this shield for 200 Runes to any merchant in the game. We recommend using it with Strength builds because of its D scaling with Str stat.