A greatshield with an ancient dragon symbol, the Dragon Towershield in Elden Ring offers the best defense against all types of attacks. This shield was made to honor old dragons who would protect their lord with their stone bodies.
In this guide, we will tell you how to obtain the Dragon Towershield and how you can use it effectively against enemies.
Dragon Towershield Location in Elden Ring

The Dragon Towershield can be obtained from a treasure chest in the Crumbling Farum Azula.

To reach the Crumbling Farum Azula, complete Leyndell and progress to the Mountaintop of the Giants. Defeat the Fire Giant and burn down the Erdtree. This will instantly transport you to the Farum Azula.

Progress through the area until you reach the Dragon Temple Rooftop Site of Grace. Drop down and make your way through the rooftops until you reach the hurt ancient dragon targeting you with the red lighting.

Turn left and drop down on edges, leading to a small area. This will be a very long fall so beware of your landings. Once you reach the next area, turn left and climb the ladder to go to the upper floor.

Defeat the banished knight standing on the left, right before a treasure chest. Open the treasure chest to collect the Dragon Towershield in Elden Ring.
Dragon Towershield Stats and Requirements
Dragon Towershield requires 30 Strength to wield. The default skill for this greatshield is Shield Bash, and can be replaced with any compatible Ash of War.
You can also apply magic and grease to this shield. Dragon Towershield can be upgraded with the help of Smithing Stones up to +25. It weighs 17.5 and can be sold for 100 Runes to any merchant in the game.
The defensive stats for this shield are.
Guard Type | Value |
Physical | 100 |
Magic | 61 |
Fire | 67 |
Light | 55 |
Holy | 64 |
Boost | 69 |
This greatshield has some of the best defensive stats. You can never go wrong with it, whether you are up against a magic user or a boss spamming fire attacks.