Nornir Chests are more collectibles to find in God of War: Ragnarok but are a bit different to unlock from Legendary Chests.
Every Nornir Chest you find in the game will be covered with a few runes. These runes need to be activated separately in the nearby area which might sometimes involve solving mini-puzzles. That is the only way to loot Nornir Chests.
Take note that every realm has its own ways to activate Nornir Chests’ runes. You will need to either light braziers with the Blade of Chaos, ring bells and destroy totems with the Draupnir Spear, destroy idols, or activate paddles and switches.
There are a total of 35 Nornir Chests in God of War: Ragnarok. The first 30 will give you either the Apples of Idunn to increase your maximum health or the Horns of Blood Mead to increase your maximum rage. The last five will contain Hacksilver, crafting materials, and weapon enchantments.
Finding all of the apples and mead (the first 30 Nornir Chests) will unlock the Full Belly trophy for those interested in a 100-percent completion playthrough.
Remember that nothing is missable in God of War: Ragnarok. You can beat the main story and then return to find all of your remaining collectibles.
That being said, make sure to loot as many Nornir Chests as possible during your playthrough because the increased health and rage will give you a fighting chance against some of the most difficult bosses like Gna, Garm, King Hrolf Kraki, Heimdall, and Nidhogg.
The following guide will tell you where to find all of the Nornir Chests in all of the realms in God of War: Ragnarok.
Where to find Nornir Chests in Svartalfheim
- Aurvangar Wetlands
- Dragon Beach
- Radsvinn’s Rig
- Alberich Island
- Jarnsmida Pitmines
- Myrkr Tunnels
- The Forge
- The Applecore
Aurvangar Wetlands Nornir Chest location 1
Head right from the twin geysers in the starting area to find the Nornir Chest.
The B Rune is on the rocks behind the chest. The F Rune is on the right of the chest. Next, use your axe to freeze the geyser. Climb up the rocks to find the last, R Rune.

Aurvangar Wetlands Nornir Chest location 2
Sail to the location marked on the map to find an opening in the rocks. Lower yourself to pass through and get out on the shore. Head right to find the Nornir Chest.
Go straight from the chest to find the first switch beyond a geyser. Use your axe to freeze the geyser and hit the left disc once to change it to the D Rune.
Now head left to find the next switch. Hit it once on the right disc to change it to the B Rune.
For the last switch, return to the boat and climb up the wooden ledge nearby. Hit the switch once on the right disc to change it to the N Rune.

Dragon Beach Nornir Chest location
Make your way to the southern part of Dragon Beach to find the Nornir Chest. It will be directly ahead of where you dock your boat.
Start by freezing the geyser behind the chest to get the I Rune. Head right to freeze another geyser for the R Rune.
Head right again to the beach for the last geyser, where there are a lot of large bones. Freeze it for the F Rune.

Radsvinn’s Rig Nornir Chest location
Make your way to the furnace tower in the area. The Nornir Chest is next to the crane.
Light, the C Rune, left to the chest and then head right. Jump across and destroy the barrels on the left for the R Rune.
Turn around and enter the opening. The N Rune will be behind an iron grill. Look behind you for the grapple point. Climb over there and destroy the red pot inside the cage to light the N Rune.

Alberich Island Nornir Chest location
You will spot the Nornir Chest on the beach as soon as you dock your boat on Alberich Island.
Start with the R Rune opposite to the chest. Command Atreus to hit the sound plating to release the R Rune. However, do not strike it just yet.
Head right and hit the wooden paddles to raise the N Rune. Hit the N Rune, go back, and hit the R Rune. Finally, go to the chest and hit the C Rune on its right.

Jarnsmida Pitmines Nornir Chest location
The next Nornir Chest will be found inside the Jarnsmida Pitmines. As you soon as enter the area, freeze the water trough on your right to lower the wooden shoot. Use it to grapple over to the other side.
You must ignite three Runes to unlock the chest. The first, R Rune, is right beside the chest.
Jump down from the ledge to your left to find the C Rune.
The R Rune can be found by going through the blocked passage to your left. To unlock the passage, you must unfreeze the chute, which will also blow out the second rune, so you must ignite it again.
After you open the passage, grapple to the other side, ignite the third rune, head back, and freeze the shoot. Now ignite the second rune to unlock the chest.

Myrkr Tunnels Nornir Chest location
The Nornir Chest can be found in the main tunnel on the fork at the end.
When you find the chest, turn around for the N Rune. Then destroy the barrels on the left for the C Rune.
Finally, the R Rune is left of the chest. However, the way forward is blocked. You need to strike the oil barrel on the right of the R Rune to spill oil. Then use the barrel on the left to ignite the oil, which will get you the R Rune.

The Forge Nornir Chest location
From the train tracks, head down the wooden walkway and turn left. Turn right from the fork and climb the ledge. You will spot a heart painted on a rock, and the Nornir Chest is just on its right.
The B Rune is on the side of the cliff opposite the chest. Then look over the cliff to spot the I Rune. Head back the way you came until you spot the overturned cart. The F Rune is left of it, above the rocks.

The Applecore Nornir Chest location 1
Use the Mystic Gateway in the Aurvangar Wetlands and then take the ferry to the Sverd Sands. Now take the elevator to return to The Applecore.
On your second visit, keep an eye out for the Rope Frame. Use your spear to create a zipline and head down. Find the wind vent on the right when you enter the new room. Climb up and follow the path to find the Nornir Chest.
Stand at the edge of the cliff left of the chest to spot both the N and C Runes. Head back to climb up the two ledges to the right of the chest to find the R Rune.

The Applecore Nornir Chest location 2
You will have to make your way to the other side of The Applecore to find the next Nornir Chest.
Head north from where you found the first Nornir Chest in The Applecore. Climb the wall and go straight until you spot a fissured boulder. Use your spear to destroy the boulder.
Swing across and follow the tunnel to a new room. Look for the crawlspace on the left. Turn left into the second crawlspace and go through the wooden doors.
Head right across the wall and go straight through the waterfall. Drop below on your first right and go under the bridge. Swing on your left and go through double doors.
Use your spear on the wind vent on your left and make your way to the platform above. You will find the Nornir Chest here in the right corner.
Head right from the chest and stand at the edge. Throw your axe to freeze the waterfall ahead. This will reveal the B Rune.
Now head left of the chest to find the F Rune. Keep going further until you come across some gold rocks. Use the red pot to destroy the blockade for the final I rune.

Where to find Nornir Chests in Alfheim
The Strond Nornir Chest location 1
Slip through the gap after you come across the campfire early in the chapter. Take a left from the fork ahead and jump down the ledge to find the Nornir Chest.
While facing the chest, look behind you on the cliff’s edge to find the C Rune. For the N Rune, go past the chest and turn left for the wooden scaffolding.
The R Rune is above the N Rune. Head back to the area from where you first dropped down for the chest. Head right and climb the ledge to find the R Rune below on your left.

The Strond Nornir Chest location 2
There is a Nornir Chest in the middle of the area with the giant tree at the marked location.
The first, H Rune, is next to the chest along the rocks on the right. The N Rune is behind the tree, on the rocks above. For the F Rune, head back to the broken bridge and look to the right.

Temple of Light Nornir Chest location
After forming a light bridge with the help of Tyr, head up the stairs to find this Nornir Chest at the base of the stairs.
The R Rune is directly in front of you. Take a few steps back, and you will find the C Rune on a balcony left of the R Rune.
The R Rune is directly in front of you. Take a few steps back, and you will find the C Rune on a balcony left of the R Rune.
Finally, the N Rune. It is located in the corridor across the chest. While standing near the chest, throw your axe at the Twilight Stone. This will give you enough time to ring the other two runes.

The Below Nornir Chest location
Reaching this Nornir Chest requires a little effort. You must clear the way across the chasm by cutting down three Nest Vines and unlocking the two wooden doors near the chest.
The chest is found near the first door, while the other door is accessed from the right side after you have traversed the chasm and moved down from the ledge.
The C Rune is found on the left side facing the Nornir Chest. The R Rune is located in the door near the chest. The N Rune is seen stuck on a window after entering the top door.

The Barrens Nornir Chest location
You will find this Nornir Chest on an island of rocks in the northern section of the desert. The first thing you need to do is clear the Nest Vines.
Make your way east of the dead tree and position yourself at the base of the cliff wall. This will give you an angle to cut down all three Nest Vines simultaneously.
The C Rune is left of the chest, and the N Rune is on the other side of the island, right behind the chest.
The R Rune is on top of the elven structure. Destroy the red pot on its right to get the R Rune.

The Forbidden Sands Nornir Chest location 1
Find the falling pillar in the southwestern corner of the Forbidden Sands. Make your way under the pillar to find the Nornir Chest.
The N Rune is already near the chest, and the C Rune is located on the rock formation right before you come back outside. You need to create two Hex Bubbles to light the C Rune.
Now head to the right of the C Rune to find the R Rune between two ledges above. You must create more Hex Bubbles here to create a chain reaction.

The Forbidden Sands Nornir Chest location 2
You can only get this Nornir Chest after completing the Song of the Sands favor, which is the only way to remove the storm.
Head to the Elven Sanctuary in the northeast corner of the area. You can destroy the cracked wall to jump below into the Elven Sanctum with the storm gone. The Nornir Chest is here underground.
First things first. Cut down the Nest Vines by throwing your axe at the Twilight Stone, as shown below.

Now, use your Hex Arrows and Sigil Arrows to create a chain of fireball explosions that will light the torches. Start with the N Rune that is located left of the Nornir Chest. There is a campfire close by. Fire a Sigil Arrow at the campfire to explode and light the N Rune.

The C Rune is on the other side of the chasm. Stand in the position below and create two large Hex Bubbles to catch the campfire nearby, just like you did with the N Rune.

The rune is a bit tricky to get. It can only be lit after you light the C Rune, and that is because the flame from the C Rune will explode your Hex Bubbles.

Where to find Nornir Chests in Vanaheim
- The Southern Wilds
- The Abandoned Village
- Cliffside Ruins
- Goddess Falls
- The Veiled Passage
- Eastern Barri Woods
- The Plains
- The Jungle
- The Sinkholes
The Southern Wilds Nornir Chest location
You will find the Nornir Chest near the end of The Southern Wilds, in front of a large tree on your right. It cannot be missed.
For the C Rune, look immediately to your left from the chest for the switch on the ledge. Use the Leviathan Axe to hit the right paddle once.
For the R Rune, look to your right from the chest. Use the Blades of Chaos to burn the hel’s bramble and hit the left paddle once.
For the N Rune, head back away from the chest. The last switch is on another ledge. You need to burn the hel’s bramble on the left side of the wall to free the switch. Hit its left paddle once.

The Abandoned Village Nornir Chest location
The next Nornir Chest can be found under the wooden bridge at the marked location. The bridge is near the waterfall and has a wooden crane over it with a grappling point and a fire bucket.
While facing the chest, look behind you to light the N Rune. Now head back to the bridge and use the grappling point to reach the other side. Spot the switch on the crane and hit its left paddle to swing the fire bucket towards you. Grab the bucket with the Blades of Chaos and yank it to the left to light the R Rune.
Hit the right paddle of the crane’s switch once to rotate the fire bucket back. Jump across the gap to the bridge and yank the bucket to the right to light the C Rune.

Cliffside Ruins Nornir Chest location
The Cliffside Ruins Nornir Chest is located on its lower levels. Head southwest from the starting point of the Cliffside Ruins until you reach the shore. Go through the rock columns and you will spot the chest on your left between two rock formations.
The Cliffside Ruins Nornir Chest is located on its lower levels. Head southwest from the starting point of the Cliffside Ruins until you reach the shore. Go through the rock columns and you will spot the chest on your left between two rock formations.
The R Rune is located right of the chest but is covered in red fungi bramble. Use the Sigil Arrows to link three hex bubbles then explode them with the Blades of Chaos. Then hit the right paddle once.
For the F Rune, you need to climb the right-most rock pillar behind you. Use the grappling point to get to the top of the pillar and then jump across to the next platform. You will see the switch below next to the gold chain. Hit its right paddle once.
For the D Rune, use the boat to reach the shore, near the workshop. From there, look back to find the switch. Hit its right paddle once to complete the puzzle.

Goddess Falls Nornir Chest location
The next Nornir Chest is pretty easy to find. All you have to do is reach the top of Goddess Falls by scaling the cliff. Use the grappling point to reach the platform with the chest.
The R Rune is on the right of the chest with three rock formations that are designed like stepping stones. Link three hex bubbles for the steps and use the Blades of Chaos to explode them to light the torch.
Use the grappling point to jump back to the other side and look at the top of the waterfall to find the N Rune. Create and link two hex bubbles for another chain reaction to light the torch.
Head left to find the C Rune on a ledge. Link more hex bubbles like shown in the last image below to light the final torch.

The Veiled Passage Nornir Chest location
From Goddess Falls, sail your way south to enter the Veiled Passage. You will spot the Nornir Chest on your hand. Beach your boat on the small shore and use a fire bomb from the lava rock dispenser to destroy the yellow crystal barrier to reach the chest.
You will spot all three bells on the other side of the wall across the chest.
Head back to the lava rock dispenser and get a fire bomb. You need to first clear the red fungi bramble on the right-most bell. Create a hex bubble on it and throw the fire bomb to burn away the bramble.
Now, get another fire bomb and create a hex bubble for the left and right bell, and a large hex bubble in the center to link all three bubbles. Lob the fire bomb for a chained explosion that will ring all three bells.

Eastern Barri Woods Nornir Chest location
On your second visit, you will be able to use the Draupnir Spear to clear the way forward. Take the left from the crossroads and turn left again when you see the stairs. The Nornir Chest will be at the end of the path inside a circular ruin.
Before going up the stairs to the chest, look to your left to find the D Rune. Stand close to the rocks and you will be able to get in range to clear the bramble. Then hit the left paddle once.
The F Rune is located beside the chest. Hit its right paddle once. Take the left from the chest and you will spot the C Rune on the other side of the chasm. Hit the right paddle once but you will need to aim a bit higher to compensate for the distance.

The Plains Nornir Chest location 1
The first Nornir Chest can be found close to the Celestial Altar in the northeastern corner of The Plains. While facing the Celestial Altar, turn right and drop below the cliff to find the chest on your right.
However, before dropping down, go right and burn the hel’s bramble to free the bell. Now return to the chest.
Start with the C Rune right of the chest. Then ring the R Rune on the ledge on top of the chest. Then quickly follow the rocks on the left until you see the N Rune on top of the cliff.

The Plains Nornir Chest location 2
The second Nornir Chest is located in the northwestern part of The Plains but you have to come at nighttime. If it is day, use the Celestial Altar to change the time to night.
Head north of the main lake to find a gate guarded by an Ogre. Go through the gate and keep left until you come across a coffin. Look beyond across the rocks and you will see a Scorn Pole. Hit it with the Leviathan Axe to stop it from spewing gas.
Return to the main gate and head right (left if you are looking at the gate from outside). There is another path into the mountains that you need to take. Keep going straight and drop below to find another gate that you can open. The Nornir Chest will be right in front of you.
The R Rune can be found on your right inside a tree trunk. The F Rune is on the opposite end of the clearing, on top of a rock formation. Destroy both idols and then hit the Scorn Pole behind the chest. The N Rune is right behind the chest inside another tree trunk.

The Jungle Nornir Chest location
The Nornir Chest is located near a Celestial Altar in the southern part of The Jungle that you have to reach by boat.
The E Rune is on the right of the chest, on top of some ruins. Hit its left paddle once. The N Rune is in the walls behind the Celestial Altar. You will need to first clear the red fungi bramble using a hex bubble and then hit its right paddle once.
Finally, look at the top of the Celestial Altar for the B Rune and hit the left paddle once.

The Sinkholes Nornir Chest location 1
The first Nornir Chest in The Sinkholes can be found at the start. Once you reach the bottom of the canyon after taking the zipline from The Plains, turn around and head into the darkened area between the rocks to find the chest.
The N Rune is in the rocks on the left of the chest. Link two large hex bubbles for a chained explosion that will light the torch. The C Rune is to the right of the chest and can be lit the same way, using a hex bubble.
After activating the C Rune, use the grappling point on the right to climb the ledge. Work your way back to the edge to find the R Rune in the rocks above you. You will need to link three large hex bubbles to reach the torch.

The Sinkholes Nornir Chest location 2
The second Nornir Chest in The Sinkholes can be found just before your fight with The Ash Tyrant. From the marked location on the map, sail to the other side of the area and climb the chain to enter the arena. Turn right and you will spot the Nornir Chest under the tree.
Go past the chest to find the B Rune on the white pillar. Then go to the right of the chest to find the E Rune on a stone column. The T Rune is on a ledge in the northern corner of the arena. Detonate all three totems with the Draupnir Spear.

Where to find Nornir Chests in Midgard
Raider Hideout Nornir Chest location
Head to the eastern corner of the Lake of Nine to find a Nornir Chest at the back of the Raider Hideout cave.
Use a hex bubble to clear the red fungi bramble on the left of the chest and then another hex bubble to light the R Rune.
Head back to the start of the cave and pick a fire bomb from the lava rock dispenser. Destroy the yellow crystals in the back wall of the cave. Throw another fire bomb inside to light the N Rune.
For the C Rune, stand at the base of the stairs and look below the chasm. Create three hex bubbles and throw a lava rock while aiming high.

The Oarsmen Nornir Chest location
The Nornir Chest is located underground. Head to the Shores of Nine north of the Lake of Nine. You will see some hel’s bramble that needs to be burned down. Then jump across to reach the underground area.
Star with the C Rune on the left of the chest and then look behind you for the N Rune. Finally, the R Rune is found on the right of the chest. Something important to know is that while all the bells are nearby, they ring for different amounts of time. Hence, you need to ring them in the same, aforementioned order.

Well of Urd Nornir Chest location
Head north from Sindri’s shop to reach the marked location on the map. Jump over the fallen obstacle and climb the rock at the end to find the Nornir Chest in a shaded niche in the mountain.
The C Rune is just behind you on a ledge to the right of the chest. Use the grappling point right of the torch and then grapple to the other side of the mountain to reach the top.
Climb the rock and work your way to the left to find the N Rune. Drop below and you will spot the R Rune on another ledge on your left.

The Lost Treasury Nornir Chest location
For the next Nornir Chest, you will have to put in some extra work. The chest can be found to the right of Tyr’s Shield.
Use the grappling point on the right side of the shield and yank it to the left to reveal the C Rune. Use hex bubbles to light the torch.
Then use the same grappling point but this time, yank the shield to the right. Climb up Tyr’s Shield and reach the platform on the right. Hit the explosive pot to destroy the yellow crystals and bring down the column. Latch on to the column and yank it to the left but Tyr’s Shield will be blocking the exit.
Go back down and grapple the left side of Tyr’s Shield and yank it to the left. Climb back up and use hex bubbles to light the R Rune.
Return to the fallen column from before and yank it to the left. Head back down once again and yank Tyr’s Shield to the right. This will solve the puzzle.
Use the wheel crank to open the gate and freeze both gears on the left and right sides to ensure that Tyr’s Shield does not roll back into place.
Head inside and light the N Rune on the right side of the room.

Where to find Nornir Chests in Muspelheim
Burning Cliffs Nornir Chest location
There is only one Nornir Chest in the Burning Cliffs area. Turn right from the Crucible Mystic Gateway and follow the same path you took to find Surtr. After crossing the lavafall, stick to the path until you find a fissured rock on your right. Use the Draupnir Spear to destroy the rock and reveal the Nornir Chest.
The N Rune is above, to the right of the chest. Light the brazier with the Blades of Chaos. Head outside of the niche and turn right to spot the C Rune. Link three large hex bubbles to light the next torch.
Return to the Nornir Chest and look across the gap from the left. You will see the R Rune as well as the lit C Rune brazier. Link three hex bubbles to reach the torch and light the R Rune.

The Crucible Nornir Chest location
The second Nornir Chest in Muspelheim requires you to complete the first six Crucible Challenges. That includes the Weapon Mastery and Flawless challenges for the F Rune, the Feed the Rift and Health Steal challenges for the N Rune, and the Population Control and King of the Hill challenges for the R Rune.
Where to find Nornir Chests in Niflheim
Aesir Prison Wreckage Nornir Chest location
You will not be able to get this Nornir Chest until you beat God of War: Ragnarok. Return to the Raven Tree in Niflheim to find a new path that will lead you to the Aesir Prison. The Nornir Chest is located on the third floor (or second floor from the top) of the prison.
Clear out all of the enemies and then make your way to the bottom of the prison. The F Rune can be found on the iced floor in the middle of the bottom floor.
Then use the left pole to reach the next floor. The T Rune will be on your left. This cell will contain a dark elf, so opening the cell will first task you to defeat the dark elf before destroying the idol.
Now head around the elevator shaft and use the chain to raise the pole. Go through the opening on your right with the smashed wooden boards. Smash through the cracked wall and destroy the R Rune in the corner.