How To Destroy Yellow Rocks In God Of War: Ragnarok

Yellow rocks are annoying obstacles in God of War Ragnarok that will block your path. But there are many ways of dealing with them.

The only frustrating obstacle in God of War: Ragnarok is the yellow rock barricades, which can be easily destroyed with the right tools and techniques. These crystals are strategically placed throughout the game, preventing you from entering certain areas or completing the objectives.

One thing to note here is that you cannot use any weapon to destroy these yellow crystals. In this guide, we will walk you through the necessary steps you need to take to destroy these yellow rock barricades in GOW Ragnarok.

Draupnir Spear

Complete the “Forging Destiny” quest, and you will be rewarded with a special spear. Equip it, and once you reach a yellow crystal barricade, target the heart of the barricade. This can be done in simple steps: press and hold the L2 button to aim and press R1 to throw the spear. Press the triangle button to detonate the spear; this will clear the path ahead.

Explosive Pots

The first way is to find and attack a nearby explosive pot to shatter the yellow crystals. These pots appear as red-colored jugs with a little flame at the top.

Explosive pots are normally placed near a yellow crystal barricade. You only need to attack it from range using your Leviathan Axe to make it explode. Sometimes, however, you might need to reposition yourself in order to aim your axe at the explosive jug.

Lava Pots

Unlike Explosive Pots, Lava Pots have to be found somewhere in the nearby areas. They spawn a Fire Bomb for you to pick up and take back to where the blockade lies. Then lob the bomb at the yellow crystals to destroy them.

Many puzzles in God of War: Ragnarok will require you to first find a way to get to a Lava Pot before finding a way to throw its Fire Bomb to destroy a yellow rock barrier blocking your way.

Saqib is a managing editor at who has halted regime changes, curbed demonic invasions, and averted at least one cosmic omnicide from the confines of his gaming chair. When not whipping his writers into ...