In Elden Ring, Smithing Stones are items that can be used to reinforce/upgrade your equipment. They are essentially the game’s only upgrade material and are rare. Somber Smithing Stone 5, in this case, is what you need to upgrade your special armaments to +5.
This guide will cover all the locations where you can find Somber Smithing Stone 5 in Elden Ring. Additionally, we’ll also look at how you can acquire an unlimited amount of this item by completing a small task.
Volcano Manor

1) The first location will take you to a scarab spawn location, which you will find on the rooftop. Defeat it and collect the dropped Somber Smithing Stone 5.
2) The second location will also take you to a scarab spawn location, this time to a lava river. Defeat the Scarab and collect the dropped Somber Smithing Stone 5.
3) Inside the Volcano Manor’s dungeon area, you’ll notice a corpse dangling from the edge. To get up toward it, you must take the cage lift to get to the top.
Next, you must take the first right to lead you toward the corpse. Loot the corpse to obtain another Somber Smithing Stone 5.
Siofra River

Three pieces of Somber Smithing Stone 5 can be found in the Siofra River. This underground area can be accessed by going to the Limgrave region and using the lift at the Siofra River Well.
You can alternately head to the Caelid region and use the lift at the Deep Siofra Well.
1) The first Smithing Stone 5 can be found by looting the corpse in the puddle at the marked location. This will be guarded by a Red Wolf roaming the area.
2) You must head toward the river’s highest point, where you will find a large stone ruin. Search the area inside to find a corpse holding the Somber Smithing Stone 5.
3) Make your way to the bridge, and you will encounter a Mimic Tear at the marked location. Defeat it to get a Somber Smithing Stone 5 piece.

1) This location can be found by heading toward the Gaol Cave in the Caelid region. You can enter the cave through the entrance inside the scarlet lake. Move East from Fort Gael to find the lake and the cave entrance.
An Imp Statue Seal will lock the area, so you need two Stonesword Keys to break the seal and access the area. Once inside the cave, you can collect the Somber Smithing Stone 5.
2) The second Smithing Stone 5 location in Caelid is inside the Canyon to the region’s eastern part. To get there head southwards from the Deep Siofora Well Grace.
You will eventually find a School of Graven Mages you can defeat before obtaining the Smithing Stone 5. You must search and loot a corpse inside the canyon beside the giant, white crystals.
Redmane Castle

The only Somber Smithing Stone 5 you can find here is inside the monument structure in the northern section of Redmane Castle.
Make your way to the marked location to loot a corpse for the Somber Stone 5. You will know you are in the right area by spotting the chairs.
Leyndell, Royal Capital

1) This Somber Smithing Stone 5 location is found at the Sealed Tunnel, which you can enter by traveling toward the Capital Outskirts.
The entrance of the Sealed Tunnel is near the outer side of the western gate of the Leyndell Royal Capital, towards the southern end of the lake nearby.
Head to the chamber with the lift and reach its end to find two Illusory Walls. Dispel them to open the southern access point, leading to a cavern.
An Abductor Virgin will protect the lower area while overgrown roots will cover the environment. Drop down to the lower section and head to the northwestern wall of the cavern. The Somber Smithing Stone 5 is on this wall in Elden Ring.
2) Fast-travel to the Erdtree Sanctuary Site of Grace and then go to the marked location to find a small room. There is a corpse inside that you can loot for 3x Somber Smithing Stone 5.
The Shaded Castle

Head to the Shaded Castle valley between the Altus Plateau and Mt. Gelmir. Go towered the castle’s outer courtyard and search its western end.
Near the western rampart of the courtyard, you will find a tree. Search behind the tree to find a dead body carrying the Somber Smithing Stone 5.
Minor Erdtree

1) A Teardrop Scarab here will give you another Somber Smithing Stone 5 in Elden Ring. You can reach this location by heading southwest from the Bower of Bounty Site of Grace
2) There are some unmarked ruins east of the Minor Erdtree that you need to head to next in the game. Head to the location marked on the map and find a corpse in a chair. Loot the dead body for a Somber Smithing Stone 5.
You can alternatively reach the same ruins by fast-traveling to the Outer Wall Battleground Site of Grace. Exit through the gate and start heading west.
Where to get Somber Smithing Stone 5 Bell Bearing in Elden Ring?

In Elden Ring, you can offer The Twin Maiden Husks different Bell Bearings and unlock certain items for purchase that are otherwise only available by exploring the Lands Between. This vendor can be found in the Round Table Hold.
To unlock unlimited quantities of Somber Smithing Stone 5 and 6, you must offer them Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing 3. To locate this Bell Bearing, you must go to the First Church of Marika in the Mountaintops of the Giants area.
From there, head north and find the item you’re looking for on a body in the snow. Once you pick it up, simply offer it to the Twin Maidens, and you’ll be able to buy an unlimited amount of Somber Smithing Stone 5 and 6.