Elden Ring has a special kink for magic lovers with two types of spells: sorceries are cast with staves, and Incantations require Sacred Seals. Sacred Seals are a weapon that scales with Faith and is essential for Faith builds.
There are nine Sacred Seals in Elden Ring, each unique and distinctive for improving your builds. Though these seals don’t weigh much, they hold power equal to an offensive primary weapon.
This guide details the top 5 ranked Sacred Seals you can find in the game, along with their locations. So, without any further delay, let’s get into it!
5. Finger Seal

The Finger Seal is also one of the strongest early-game Faith and Strength seals in Elden Ring. To get this seal, you need to head to Stormhill Shack Site of Grace, and from there, Melina will take you to the Roundtable Hold.
At the Roundtable Hold, move past the first merchant near the table and enter the first hallway on your left, where you will find the Twin Maiden Husks. They sell the Finger Seal for 800 Runes.
The Finger Seal is the Starting Weapon of the Prophet and Confessor Class. This seal is suitable for early-game when you don’t require specialized buff upgrades but this is perfect for tackling enemies you find in Limgrave and Liurnia of the Lakes.
4. Erdtree Seal

Erdtree Seal has the highest faith requirement, with top-tier healing incantations and excellent faith scaling. With this seal, the players can deal tremendous damage from their incantations. However, they need to ensure that they upgrade them while holding this seal.
The seal is hidden in the Volcano Manor between the Guest Hall Site of Grace and the Prison Town Church Site of Grace. You will find a corpse lying near the front wall with a painting. Roll into that wall to reveal a hidden passageway and walk toward the Prison Town Church Site of Grace. You will find the Erdtree Seal in one of the jails in the city’s southeastern corner.
The Erdtree Seal does not buff certain incantations but guarantees the highest damage output for any incantation once it’s fully upgraded.
3. Gravel Stone Seal

The Grave Stone Seal is a late-game seal you can grab to unleash havoc on your enemies in Elden Ring. This seal takes the damage output for the Dragon Cult-Incantation to the next level, and it is a perfect seal if your build is focused on Faith stat.
To get this seal, you must have progressed far enough in your game to visit Leyndell’s West Capital Rampart Site of Grace. Defeat the lance-wielding knight with an archer that drops Gravel Stone Seal.
This seal will upgrade your lightning abilities, one of the most powerful incantations in Elden Ring.
2. Clawmark Seal

The Clawmark Seal is perfect if you are looking for a hybrid build that relies on Faith and Strength. It allows you more comprehensive options during combat, and the best thing about this seal is that you can get this very early in Elden Ring.
You get the Clawmark Seal as a reward for feeding Deathroot to Gurranq Beast Clergyman. This only becomes possible after you defeat Tibia Mariner during the early phase of the game.
This seal is recommended to those players who prefer versatility in their attacks, including a blended focus on melee and Beast spell damage. If you want to buff your Beast Incantation, this seal provides an impressive scaling with strength in early-game.
1. Dragon Communion Seal

This is one of the best seals that boosts Dragon incantation and improves the damage abilities of Faith-Arcane build players in Elden Ring. This is an early game seal that requires high Arcane and Faith. So, use this seal to unleash the true potential of Fire-based incantations against your enemies.
To get the Dragon Communion Seal, head to the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave from the First Step Site of Grace. Find your way to the banished knight at the top of a chariot’s road in the stranded graveyard and take him down to get the seal.