Millicent’s questline is one of the longest side quests in Elden Ring as it takes place across three separate regions: Caelid, Atlus Plateau, and the Mountaintop of the Giants.
In this guide, we’ll go over all the steps to complete Millicent’s questline in Elden Ring. The guide below will cover all locations, bosses, and items you must find to reach the quest’s end. Without wasting any more time, let’s get into it.
Go to Gowry’s Shack

To begin this questline, you must visit the south section of Caelid (southern part of Sellia) to find Gowry waiting for your arrival in his Shack. You must take the route from Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank Site of Grace to the southwest side to reach the location.
Converse with him and select the “Hear the request” option when the option prompt appears. Upon selecting the required option, Gowry tells you about Millicent, who’s atop the Church of Plague at Sellia, suffering from her in-curable sickness.
It’s now your objective to find the Unalloyed Gold Needle that may not cure her sickness but can surely improve it.
Unalloyed Gold Needle Location

The item is not hidden in a secret location or chest, but you must go to the Swamp of Aeonia in Central Caelid to get it.
The location of the Unalloyed Gold Needle is to the west of Gowry’s Shack at the Heart of Aeonia, marked on the map image above. You’ll have to defeat Commander O’Neil, a rather difficult boss, to get it.
Return to Gowry’s Shack

With the needle in hand, return to Gowry and give it to him. Next, rest at the nearest Site of Grace, and then speak to him once more, and he’ll give you the repaired needle, which you’ll have to take to Millicent.
During your second visit, he’ll also tell you about the secrets of Sellia, the town of sorcery, where the next part of this quest takes place, and where you’ll meet Millicent at the Church of Plague.
Meet and Cure Millicent at the Church of the Plague

Once you’ve received the Secrets of Sellia from Gowry, it’s time to visit the Church of Plague to meet Millicent and give her the Unalloyed Gold Needle.
Multiple enemies heavily guard the church itself. Go past them either using stealth or killing them all to enter the Church that holds a Site of Grace and a Sacred Tear for your flask.
Once inside, you’ll find Millicent resting at the western wall of the Church. Talk to her, and she inform you about her curse. As the Dialogues finish, a prompt appears to give her the Needle.

Select “Give an Alloyed Needle,” and once she has used the needle on her, come back after a while to talk to her again to receive the Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom Talisman.
Return to Gowry’s Shack and Speak with Millicent

Once you’ve cured Millicent at the Church of Plague, it’s time to head back to Gowry’s Shack. However, instead of Gowry, you’ll find Millicent investigating the area and recalling her memory.
Once the conversation is over, come back later to the Shack, but this time to talk to Gowry. He thanks you for your hard work in finding the needle for Millicent and curing her. As a reward, you’re given a few options: “Study Sorcery,” “Millicent paid a visit,” and “Leave.”
Find Millicent in the Atlus Plateu

Once you’ve talked with Gowry at his Shack, visit Millicent north of the Erdtree-Gazing Hill site of grace near a cliff.
Talk to her as she explains how her memory is coming back. The first name she talks about is Malenia. She wants to find her. You’ll have to bring her Valkyrie’s Prosthesis to progress the quest.
Valkyries Prosthesis Location

Once you’ve exhausted the dialogue with Millicent atop the Erdtree-Gazing Hill, find Valkyrie’s Prosthesis at the Shaded Castle (northern Altus Plateau). The item’s exact location is marked on the map image above.

It is inside a room guarded by a Cleanout Knight. Once found, return to Millicent and hand over the Prosthesis. Exhaust the dialogue with her once more to end this part of the quest.
Defeat Godskin Apostle at the Windmill Village

After giving Millicent the Prosthesis, start traveling toward the Windmill Village, which is found along the northern road of the area. Explore the area to see wild residents, leading you to their leader, Godskin Apostle.
Once found, you will face him near the wind turbines. Defeat the boss and rest in the area for Millicent to spawn there. Talk to her again when she spawns, as she will thank you for giving her the Prosthesis. In return, she wants to aid you in a battle to show her appreciation for your hard work.
Find Millicent at Mountaintop of the Giants

The next part of the Millicent Questline takes place on the Mountaintop of Giants in Elden Ring. You’ll find Millicent at the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace. Once at the location, talk to her. During the conversation, Millicent will tell you about a Medallion that grants access to the Haligtree and believes that’s where you’ll find Malenia. The medallion comes in two halves, and you need to find both to further your quest.
Haligtree Secret Medallion Locations
The key to progressing this quest further is finding both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion.
Haligtree Secret Medallion Left Location

The left half of the medallion will be found inside Castle Sol. Make your way to the north part of the map and take out Commander Niall. Once you do, head to the area marked on the map above to acquire it.
Haligtree Medallion Right Location

The right half of the Haligtree Medallion is located in the Village of the Albinaurics, under the cliff of the Cathedral of Manus Sellus. Keep going to the end of the village area, and you will find a character named Albus. Speak to him, and you will receive the right half of the Haligtree Medallion.
Reach Miquella’s Haligtree and Talk to Millicent

When you have both halves of the Haligtree Medallion, fast travel to the Grand Lift of Rold in the Forbidden Lands. Choose the Hoist Secret Medallion option before the Grand Lift of Rold, and a cutscene will play.
Enter the area, and it will open the hidden path to Haligtree. But to enter Haligtree, you first need to light four flames in Ordina, Liturgical Town. Enter the evergaol in Ordina and search the location for four statues holding a candle.
Three of these flames are located in the watchtowers, one on the right and two on the left. The fourth statue will be on the ground level. When all four flames have been lit, go up the Ordina staircase to Miquella’s Haligtree.
Upon entering Miquella’s Haligtree, make your way down while facing multiple giant ants and Albinaurics. Keep moving into the building till you come across Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree boss. Now, go to the Player Room in Haligtree to find Millicent. Talk to her as she talks about Malenia to end this step.
Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit Boss

While searching Miquella, you’ll come across a Drainage Channel Site of Grace past the Inner wall. This will lead you to Ulcerated Tree Spirit Boss. Defeat the boss and then Rest at a site of grace to recover for your final stages of the Questline.
Millicent Quest Choice

The last step of the chapter sees you make a choice. Return to the Drainage Channel Site of Grace and get two choices to make.
Either you can choose the yellow sign and fight with Millicent to kill the enemies; which will lead you to getting rewarded with Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, a talisman for increased attack power. Choosing the red sign will lead you to fight Millicent instead, and as a reward, you’ll get Millicent’s Prosthesis.
Where to Find Miquella’s Needle and Defeat Malenia

The last task of the Millicent questline is to head to Haligtree Roots and take on Malenia in a boss fight. There will be two phases to the Malenia Boss fight, which you can learn about in our Elden Ring Malenia Boss guide.
When you have successfully defeated Malenia, reload the area to return the Unalloyed Gold Needle. Now, head back to Gowry to finish the quest line.
Miquella’s Needle can be acquired after completing the entire Millicent Questline through all chapters. Simply use the Gold Needle on scarlet blossom in her boss’s room and get rewarded with Miquella’s Needle.
How to Use Miquella’s Needle to Undo Frenzied Flame Ending?

Using Miquella’s Needle, you can Undo the Frenzied Flame Ending. Simply visit the Dragonlord Placidusax area and take part in a hoss fight. You can use the Needle before or after defeating Dragonlord Placidusax; the choice is yours.
Once you’re cured, your eyes will return to their normal color, and you can no longer make a pact with Three Fingers again and will conclude Millicent Questline in Elden Ring.