Where To Find Dragoncrest Shield Talisman In Elden Ring

Enhance your physical damage negation with the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman in Elden Ring.

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman is a great accessory in Elden Ring to increase your defense against physical damage. It increases physical damage negation by 10 percent, which can increase by 13 and 17 percent by finding two other variants.

All of the variants of the talisman are located at hard-to-reach places on the map but all of them are worth the hassle they cause.

Below, you’ll get to know the location and procedure to find each variant of Dragoncrest Shield Talisman in Elden Ring.

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman Location

This base talisman is found in Caelid. Go to the Bestial Sanctum in Dragonbarrow in Caelid to get your hands on the talisman.

The route to the talisman is the same as for Cinquedea Dagger. To find it, get inside the structure and head towards the west side of the entrance.

Now, get around the building’s pillars, and then you need to carefully leap down to the jutting roots below. The players may use soft cotton here to reduce fall damage as you will be leaping from high places.

After performing some hard parkour on the giant roots, you will eventually get to the lowest level. From there on, you need to head northeast and jump on one of the large pillars before dropping down three floors. Here, you will find a corpse that you can loot to get the base Dragoncrest Shield Talisman in Elden Ring.

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1 Location

This variant can be found in the famous Sainted Hero’s Grave in the middle of the Altus Plateau.

To reach the location, leave the walls of the capital from the outer Wall Battleground Site of Grace and then head down west to the Rampartside Path. At the entrance of the dungeon is a Black Assassin guarding the entrance.

Get inside the Grave and reach the first corridor where the blades are falling. The next level can be reached by making use of the falling blades trap. After a blade falls down, stand on it and get to the next level.

After getting to the next level, you’ll encounter a chamber locked with an Imp Seal Statue Seal. Make use of the Stonesword Key to open the hurdle, and then look at the right corner and find the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1 in Elden Ring.

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2 Location

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman +2 is the final variant and can be found in the Crumbling Farum Azula. Head over to the Godskin Duo area and make your way to the Dragon Temple Altar Site of Grace. Then, go through the pathway ahead leading to Maliketh’s Liar.

The Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2 variant is located on secluded rubble under the main walkway. The walkway is in the section of floating debris between the Dragon Temple Lift and the Rooftop. So you will have to make your way across it to finally get the last variant of this talisman, the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2 in Elden Ring.

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman Uses

The base variant of the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman is effective against enemies. As it decreases the physical damage exerted by the enemy attacks on you by 10 percent in Elden Ring.

Similarly, the Dragoncrest Shield talisman (+1) increases that reduction percentage by 13 percent, reducing the physical damage you take during your fights with all kinds of enemies.

The last variant of this talisman is the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman (+2) and it further boosts your physical damage negation. It decreases the amount of physical damage you take by 17 percent which makes a huge difference when you are facing tougher opponents in Elden Ring.

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Usman is an Associate Editor at Segmentnext who is obsessed with retro gaming. His love for video games begins all the way back in 91 with Final Fight on arcades and is still going strong ...