The Crystal Staff is part of the Glintstone Staff family in Elden Ring. It cannot be infused with any Ashes of War, but its unique passive ability is enough to significantly boost all of your Crystalian Sorcereries in the game.
It is rather easy to miss the Crystal Staff. This is because the weapon is behind a hidden path that requires you to break down a wall to open a path inside a hidden cave in the central Liurnia. let us help you find it and craft a great build around it.
Crystal Staff location in Elden Ring

The Crystal Staff is located in the Academy Crystal Cave, located west of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. The cave can easily be accessed by moving from the Crystalline Woods Grace toward the north side.

Take note that you need to have two Stonesword Keys to gain access to the Academy Crystal Cave.

Once you enter the Academy Crystal cave, go straight and turn left. Follow the path littered with rats until you reach a cave with large crystals and Glintstone Sorcerers.

Hug the right wall until you come across a small tunnel. Open the door at the end of the tunnel to enter a new area. There is a strong foe in this area so it is better to enter stealth.

There is an illusory wall to the left of the door with a patch of flowers in front of it. Strike the wall or roll through it to enter the hidden area.
Once you are inside the hidden room, go up the ramp to find a treasure chest. Open the treasure chest to collect the Crystal Staff in Elden Ring.
Crystal Staff Stats and Requirements
Crystal Staff in Elden Ring requires 8 Strength and 48 Intelligence to wield. It has B scaling with Intelligence, making it one of the best staff in the game to cast sorceries.

Initially, you can deal around 31 physical damage along with 148-189 sorcery scaling against the enemies. The Staff also provides you with negligible damage negation against all kinds of incoming attacks from the enemies.
You can upgrade the Crystal Staff up to +10 by using Somber Smithing Stones. The upgraded Staff allows you to inflict 75 physical damage and 367 Sorcery Scaling with 80 Intelligence (244 with 48 Int). At this point, Crystal Staff has S scaling with Intelligence Stats.
The passive ability of Crystal Staff improves the damage output of Crystalian sorceries by 10 percent, including spells like Crystal Release, Shattering Crystal, and Crystal Torrent. So having this Staff makes you strong against different foes.
The Crystal Staff is better than the Carian Regal Scepter due to its value proposition. You get the Crystal Staff for free, but for the Scepter, you must defeat Rennala and spend a hefty sum of 20k runes to get your hand on it.
Crystal Staff Best Build
As this is a purely sorcerer build, we recommend using Glintstone Staff +10 with the Jellyfish Shield and Clawmark Seal for some extra protection. Spread your attributes as follows.
- Vigor: 50
- Mind: 40
- Intelligence: 80
For the spells, go with the following ones.
- Comet
- Glintstone Cometshard
- Great Glintstone Shard
- Crystal Torrent
- Shattering Crystal
- Carian Slicer
- Adula’s Moonblade
- Terra Magica
- Glintstone Pebble
- Bestial Vitality
Use the following Talisman to maximize your sorcery’s damage output.
- Magic Scorpion Charm
- Godfrey Icon
- Ritual Sword Talisman
- Dragoncrest Shield Talisman
Go with any medium armor that allows you to roll fast. With this Crystal Staff build in Elden Ring, you will be able;e to annihilate your enemies both in PvP and PvE.
Rotten Crystal Staff in Elden Ring
This Staff is another version of the original one that exists in Elden Ring. The damage and scaling of both the staffs are identical. However, there’s a clear difference between the Crystal Staff’s appearances. Additionally, you can inflict Scarlet Rot on your enemies using the Rotten Crystal Staff.