Diablo 4 Mithering Descent Dungeon Guide

The Mithering Descent dungeon is part of the "Threads of Envy" side quest in Diablo 4 where you have to find the Sodden Growths.

Mithering Descent is a story dungeon in Diablo 4 that is completed as part of a side quest ‘Threads of Envy’ which belongs to the ‘A Sodden Pact’ quest chain.

This dungeon is located in the Scosglen region and has no class specification in D4. The two most common enemies encountered in this dungeon are the Shambling Corpse and Shivering Deckhand.

It is not a good dungeon to farm as it is just completed as part of a side quest. There is also no final boss at the end of this dungeon.

Mithering Descent location in Diablo 4

The Mithering Descent dungeon is located in the northshore sub-region of Scosglen, directly north of the Sunken Ruins dungeon. The Calibel’s Mine is also present southwest of this dungeon in Diablo 4.

The nearest waypoint from the Mithering Descent dungeon is the Marowen waypoint although you will automatically come across this dungeon while playing through the Threads of Envy side quest.

Mithering Descent completion rewards

You will be rewarded with 20 Renowns after you have completed the Mithering Descent but there is no specific Legendary Aspect for this dungeon as it is a story dungeon.

You are also rewarded with a Rare Amulet but that is when you complete the Threads of Envy side quest for which Mithering Descent dungeon is necessary.

Mithering Descent dungeon walkthrough in Diablo 4

The first objective of the Mithering Descent dungeon is to look for the Water Wight which is at the end of this dungeon. To reach there, keep walking through the dungeon while watching out for the Corpses and Drowned enemies found inside.

Once you are at the Water Wight, you will find the Sodden Effigy there who is actually Roina’s mother. Now, you need to talk to Roina.

Take down the Sodden Effigy and talk to Roina again

Roaina will get into a heated argument with the Sodden Effigy and as a result, you will have to defeat the Sodden Effigy.

Hitting the Sodden Effigy directly is of no use as she will be invulnerable. This elite enemy has the ability to summon Sodden Growth around her, one at a time that protects her by taking away her vulnerability.

So, the best strategy to defeat her is to take down the growth first and then deliver your blows on her before she has summoned another growth.

Eventually, this will make her weak enough and she will be destroyed. Talk to Roina again and this will end the dungeon walkthrough.

Muaz is a veteran in Counter-Strike and a sucker for the Souls-Borne genre. He is a guides writer on SegmentNext and continues to write about his favorite video games.