It is time to scour the streets of Dry Steppes and rid them of some undead monsters. If you don’t know what we are talking about, let it be known that we are talking about clearing out Komdor Temple Dungeon in Diablo 4.
It is one of many Dungeons in D4 and follows the same pattern as most of them as well. You need to be at least level 30 and have a sizeable arsenal of weapons to complete this one.
If you are not sure how to complete Komdor Temple Dungeon in Diablo 4 then here is how you can do it.
Komdor Temple location in Diablo 4
Komoror Temple is located in the Dry Steppes region of the Sanctuary. If you are looking for a more precise location then it is located in the extreme east of the Sanctuary and in the Scarred Coast.
You can take the Fields of Hatred waypoint as shown in the map below to get to the dungeon quickly.

Komdor Temple completion rewards
Upon the completion of the Komdor Temple Dungeon, you will receive 30 renown along with the Aspect of the Bounding Conduit as a reward. Though this Legendary Aspect is limited to the Sorcerer class, still the significance of it cannot be denied.
How to complete Komdor Temple in Diablo 4
It will take a total of three steps to complete the Komdor Temple dungeon in Diablo 4. A little heads up is that the enemies found in this Dungeon are second to none so you have to prepare for that.
You need to be reasonably leveled if you don’t want to break a sweat while completing the Dungeon.
Slay the High Priests
Once you enter the dungeon, your first task will be to slay 3 high priests. These are a type of enemies that you will locate and take down as part of the objectives required to clear the Komdor Temple.
When you first enter the Dungeon, your first encounter will be a swarm of Goatmen and Skeletons, both of which are bound to give you a hard time but if you are prepared then you can be the one to wreak havoc on them.
Keep yourself topped up with movement buffs because you need to be quick if you don’t want to stay in the Dungeon forever. The most likely chances of you encountering the High Priests are at the edges of the Dungeon.
Roam around and eventually, you will find all three of them. They will never be alone and will be surrounded by their minions. AOE attacks and crowd control attacks are the best courses of action against them.
Once you have slayed all three of them, you need to move on to the bigger boss.
Defeat the Khazra Abomination
After slaying the 3 priests, you will have to locate and open the chamber doors that lead to the second part of the dungeon where you come face-to-face with the dungeon boss.
In Komdor Temple, you will be facing Khazra Abomination which is particularly not the most complex boss to take down.
Since he prefers to get up close and personal, if you are a melee build, it won’t be a problem for you. You will need to hold your ground and keep an eye on his movement.
As soon as the Khazra Abomination gets close to you, launch an all-out attack and take a few steps back. It specializes in AOE attacks that can deal massive amounts of damage so as soon as the marker comes on the ground, be sure to avoid it at all cost.
Keep repeating the process of attacking and then maintaining a distance and you are bound to succeed.