Joker has left behind several wind-up Teeth to both distract and taunt you in Batman: Arkham City. They serve no major real in the storyline except as breakable objects like the Joker Balloons that count towards the Riddler Challenges.
Similar to the Tyger Security Cameras, you can destroy these teeth using a simple Batarang. You can use other gadgets like the Batclaw as well, but Batarangs can auto-lock onto the teeth to save you a bit of time and effort.
It can be a bit difficult to spot Joker Teeth on the floor due to their size. They are not at all noticeable like the Penguin Statues. So you will have to sometimes track them down through their noise. They make an annoying “nya-nya-nyanyanya” sound.
It is recommended to go after the breakable objects after you’ve finished the main story of Batman: Arkham City as some areas where these teeth are present may be blocked off for you.
Where to find all Joker Teeth in Batman: Arkham City?
There are a total of 12 Joker Teeth that can be found in the Subway Station and Sewers sections. Destroying three of them completes one challenge, so all 12 ticks off four challenges.

Joker Teeth #1
Enter the Subway Station and then take the first left. Go down the flight of stairs and you will come across a Joker Teeth in front of the abandoned train.
Joker Teeth #2
This Joker Teeth is quite hard to miss. Make a right turn from the entrance of the Subway Station to find the teeth moving around in the security room. The security room will be located on the east side of the station, next to the staircase with the ‘To the Trains’ sign on top.
Joker Teeth #3
Make your way to the Subway Tunnels using the staircase on the left side of the Subway Station. The Joker Teeth will be placed at the entrance of the second subway tunnel next to a vent with a red glow emitting out of it.
Joker Teeth #4
Grapple on top of the wrecked subway halted in the Subway Tunnel where you found Joker Teeth #3. Follow along the path that leads you toward a hole blasted through the wall. Enter the hole and turn right towards the leaking gas pipes. Slide underneath the gas pipes to find the Joker Teeth in Batman: Arkham City.
Joker Teeth #5
Head to the Subway Terminal in the eastern section to come across a closed shutter. Use a Remote Electrical Charge to open the door and then slide underneath it to find another Joker Teeth.
Joker Teeth #6
Make your way towards the abandoned train platform in the Subway terminal’s northern section. The Joker Teeth can be found prattling at the north corner of the platform right next to the staircase with a Santa Prisca poster
Joker Teeth #7
Make your way through the small alleyway with a broken platform North of the Subway Terminal as shown in the map image above. The Joker Teeth will be placed on the ledge across the broken platform. Simply Line-Launch towards the end of the platform and climb on top of the ledge.

Joker Teeth #8
From the Subway Terminal, travel to the East area below the Subway Maintenance Access to find the Joker Teeth moving around next to some rusty old canisters.
Joker Teeth #9
This Joker Teeth can be found in the same area where you found the latter breakable object in Batman: Arkham City. After finding Joker Teeth #8, simply look up to find a vent that leads to the Subway Maintenance Access area. Use the grappler to enter the vent and find the Joker Teeth gabble right in front of you.
Joker Teeth #10
Make your way towards the Western corner of the Subway Maintenance Access to find an area flooded with water. Simply line-launch yourself across the water towards the dry platform in front. As soon as you line launch yourself, face right to spot the Joker Teeth stashed inside a hidden pipe.

Halfway along the launch, simply detach yourself and reattach the line launcher to the wall of the hidden pipe to acquire the breakable object.
Joker Teeth #11
This Joker Teeth is located on top of the waterfall in the middle of the Subway Maintenance Access. Simply approach the waterfall and look up to find a platform that is available for grappling. Grapple to it and enter the concealed pipe with the Joker Teeth floating around in the sewer water.
Joker Teeth #12
The last Joker Teeth for Batman: Arkham City can be found in the pipes located in the south of the Subway Maintenance Access as shown in the map image above. It will be present in the corner pipe that leads towards the Steel Mill.