Baldur’s Gate 3: Circle Of The Moon Druid Build And Subclass Guide

Circle of the Moon build for Druid in Baldur's Gate 3 is the ideal subclass to choose if you prefer transforming into animals.

Circle of the Moon druid subclass in Baldur’s Gate 3 heavily focuses on Wild Shape abilities like transforming into other creatures. Having a diverse option of animals to transform into, the Baldur’s Gate 3 Circle of the Moon druid build allows you to become a decent hybrid between DPS and tank roles. 

As can be expected, the Circle of the Moon druid subclass relies on melee combat. But to offset that, you get a nice HP bonus when you transform into other creatures. This build is also one of the best builds for Halsin in Baldur’s Gate 3. You can also use the Circle of the Moon druid as a good build for Jaheira.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Where the Circle of the Moon druid build offers a lot of advantages to its players, it surely comes up short in some departments.


  • Ability to transform into a vast array of wild animals with different characteristics.
  • Moon druid build in BG3 can be used as an offensive melee powerhouse, for support, or as a spellcaster.
  • Have access to nature magic that allows you to manipulate terrain, wildlife, and even plants.


  • Circle of the Moon druid doesn’t have access to a vast array of magic spells as compared to other druid builds.
  • Casting nature or class-specific spells is a chore when it comes to moon druid build in BG3.
  • All Wild Shapes become available later in the game, making the early segments a slog.
  • Poor armor and defense. Unless you are using a specific high AC wild shape, the Circle of the Moon druid lacks proper protection against enemies.

Starting Abilities and Skills for Circle of the Moon Druid

Race: The best race for the players who have selected the Circle of the Moon druid build in BG3 is Half-Orc. This race allows players to act as melee powerhouses without taking the help of Wild Shape effects. You get an Intimidation proficiency bonus for various dialogue options by using this class. 

Ability Point distribution: STR 14(+2), CON 15(+1), DEX 14, INT 8, CHA 9, WIS 15. Circle of the Moon druid in BG3 scales with WIS, but because of melee attacks, we are going to have a major focus on CON and STR abilities. 

Skills: Animal Handling, Intimidation, Nature, Perception

Best Background for Circle of the Moon Druid build

The best background for the Circle of the Moon druid build in BG3 is Folk Hero. Selecting this background will allow you specifically to role-play along with different dialogue options. This background lets you choose the unique character of various animals in Baldur’s Gate 3. 

With the selected background of Folk hero, you get proficiency in Survival and Animal Handling. You are considered a champion of folks who help people against the tyrants and protect them from the monsters.

Best Feats for Circle of the Moon Druid build in BG3

Druid characters in BG3 have the option to choose one feat after every four levels. We have covered the best feats for you if you are playing as the Circle of the Moon druid in Baldur’s Gate 3. 

Mobile: This feat unlocks at level 4 and will give you enhanced movement speed for your Circle of the Moon druid build. You get an advantage in Difficult Terrains. This feat helps your Circle of the Moon druid build to accomplish their aims much faster. This feat can be used on Wild Shapes, resulting in enhanced performance of your animal forms. 

Polearm Master: You can unlock the Polearm Master feat at level 8. The Polearm Master feat gives your Circle of the Moon druid bonus action along with a bonus attack if you have the Quarterstaff weapon equipped. This way, you can enhance your character damage per turn. 

Ability Improvement: At this point, we recommend that you invest in Wisdom and Constitution abilities instead of unlocking a new feat. Maxing these abilities will immensely benefit your Circle of the Moon druid build in BG3. Besides that, you have an option to increase your strength points if you wish to increase the damage of your equipped weapon.

Best Bonus Action for Circle of the Moon Druid build

Lunar Mend: At level 2, you get access to the Lunar Mend spell, which is the only spell that Circle of the Moon druid build in BG3 can access. This spell allows you to spend spell slots to regenerate HP during the period when you are in Wild Shape. 

The rest of the spells or bonus actions at your disposal are automatically unlocked as part of the Circle of the Moon druid subclass progression, which we will discuss below.

Best armor and weapons

Barkskin Armor: This piece of medium armor automatically enables Barkskin effects on the character, equipping this armor and ultimately enhancing their AC. 

Disintegrating Night Walkers: By wearing these boots, you will not get Enwebbed, Entangled, or Ensnared on the ground where you experience grease, webs, or iceAlong with these effects, you will also get a bonus Misty Step spell. Kill True Soul Nere to get these boots. 

Nature’s Snare: This melee weapon is a Quarterstaff weapon that provides proficiency to the Circle of Moon druid build in BG3. By choosing this two-handed melee weapon, there is a probability that you ensnare your opponent. The ensnare effect doesn’t work on beasts.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Circle of the Moon Druid build level progression

Circle of the Moon Level 2

At level 2 for Circle of the Moon druid in BG3, Wild Shape, Combat Wild Shape, and Wild Shape: Bear is unlocked. Along with that, you will also unlock a Lunar Mend spell mentioned above. 

With Wild Shape actions, you can magically transform your character into the wild shapes of animals. Once you are in animal shape, you are unable to talk and cannot cast any of your spells. Wild Shape actions can let you transform into the shape of animals, including Cat, Badger, Wolf, Spider, Deep Rothe, and owl bear. 

The Combat Wild Shape feature gives you bonus action while you are in the form of any animal. With this feature, you can make a wild transformation two times when you take one short rest.

Circle of the Moon Level 4

At level 4 for Circle of Moon druid in BG3, you will unlock Wild Shape: Deep Rothe and Wild Shape: Dire Raven

Wild Shape: Deep Rothe action gives you the ability to transform into the shape of a Deep Rothe. In this shape, you will cast dancing lights and unleash on the opponents. Deep Rothe comes with 23HP. 

Wild Shape: Dire Raven bonus action lets you transform into the shape of a dire Raven. This bonus action is great for distracting your enemies. It can also blind your opponents. This dire raven comes with 13HP.

Circle of the Moon Level 5

At level 5 for Circle of the Moon druid in Baldur’s Gate 3, the Wild Strike class feature is unlocked. This feature allows you to deal extra attacks. Keep in mind that your extra attack can be done once you perform an unarmed strike during the time when you have transformed into a wild shape.

Circle of the Moon Level 6

Wild Shape: Panther, Wild Shape: Owlbear and Primal Strike can be unlocked at level 6 for moon druid in BG3. 

Wild Shape: Panther action allows you to transform into the shape of a Panther. This panther can prowl around, and nobody will see it. Panther comes with 45HP. 

The Wild Shape: Owlbear action lets you transform into the shape of an Owlbear. It can rupture the surface and become enraged. Owlbear comes with 65HP. 

The Primal Strike feature can make your attacks work as magic by providing you resistance to incoming non-magical damage.

Circle of the Moon Level 8

At level 8 for Circle of the Moon druid in BG3, Wild Shape: Sabre-Toothed Tiger is unlocked. This bonus action allows you to transform into the shape of a Sabre-toothed Tiger. This tiger can shred armor along with regaining HP with each attack. It comes with 62HP.

Circle of the Moon Level 10

Improved Wild Strike, Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus, Wild Shape: Air Myrmidon, Wild Shape: Earth Myrmidon, Wild Shape: Fire Myrmidon, and Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon unlocks at level 10 of the circle of the moon druid. 

The Improved Wild Strike class feature gives you the ability to deal 2 extra attacks after performing an unarmed strike in the wild shape. 

Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus action allows you to transform into the shape of dilophosaurus. Its corrosive spit is highly dangerous and can bring down a target’s armor class. 

The Wild Shape: Air Myrmidon bonus action gives you the ability to transform into the shape of an air myrmidon. 

Wild Shape: Earth Myrmidon bonus action allows you to transform into the shape of an Earth Myrmidon. 

The Wild Shape: Fire Myrmidon bonus action lets you transform into the shape of a Fire Myrmidon. 

Wild Shape: Water Myrmidon bonus action gives you the ability to transform into the shape of Water Myrmidon.

Circle of the Moon Level 12

You can unlock a new and final feat as Druid Circle of the Moon at level 12.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...