Polymer is a strong and useful resource in Ark Lost Island that is used in crafting tools, armor, and other items. You will find Organic Polymer throughout the Lost Island map that can be crafted into Polymer using Fabricator, Cementing Paste x2, and Obsidian x2.
To get Organic Polymer, you can hunt Mantis or Penguins, which can easily be found in the game. This guide covers the top 6 locations you need to visit to farm this item in Ark Lost Island.
Ark Lost Island Organic Polymer Location #1

To farm organic polymer fast on Lost Island, head to the Snow Cave, where the volcano meets the Red Obelisk above the Wyvern Trench at 28.9 Latitude and 60.7 Longitude. Cross the bridge leading to the volcanic area; you will find a small cave entrance filled with many insects you can farm for polymer.
This area is dangerous as Wyverns spawn here, so we recommend bringing a strong tame like a Rex, Giga, or Wyvern. You will find Mantis in the cave that gives a couple of hundred polymers on a 1x server.
Ark Lost Island Polymer Location #2

The Snow Cave has another opening on the mountain’s opposite side at 31.6 Latitude and 61.2 Longitude. Raid that area with a Giga, chomping on every creature that comes your way to gather tons of organic polymer.
Ark Lost Island Polymer Location #3

The next location is in the Scorched Earth. Head straight to 88.4 Latitude and 47.3 Longitude, and you will find many Mantis that you can farm for organic polymer.
Ark Lost Island Polymer Location #4

Head to 93.6 Latitude and 52.5 Longitude, and you will find a group of Mantis spawning here that you can hunt for organic polymer.
Ark Lost Island Polymer Location #5

In the middle section of the area, head to 32.6 Latitude and 51.8 Longitude, and you will find a lake that spawns penguins. Kill the penguins to harvest organic polymer.
Ark Lost Island Polymer Location #6

To find more penguins, head to the frozen lake at 33.2 Latitude and 42.1 Longitude. This area spawns a large number of penguins.
Polymer Location #7

Move to the other side of the frozen lake, and you will find more penguins at 44.7 Latitude and 41.3 Longitude.
Polymer Spawn Command
If you’re having difficulty locating Polymer in Ark Lost Island, you can always rely on the respawn command. For this, do the following steps:
- Open the console command box by pressing TAB on the PC. If playing on PlayStation, press and hold the L1, R1, Square, and Triangle keys together. Lastly, press and hold LB, RB, X, and Y together if you’re on Xbox.
- Once the console opens, type and enter the following: “cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Polymer 1 1 0”