Where To Find Quartermaster At Baron’s Castle In The Witcher 3

Find the quartermaster to grab some supplies.

The Quartermaster is a merchant in The Witcher 3 that sells different Gwent Cards. He also sells other items like the Nilfgaardian Armor set and the Nilfgaardian crossbow at his store once you have installed 3rd week’s free DLC.

Finding this Quartermaster in TW3 is not a difficult job. This guide will tell you complete details about finding this merchant and what items you can get from him in The Witcher 3.

How to enter Baron’s Castle?

The entry to the Baron’s castle and its difficulty depends on how you react with the villagers and Baron’s soldiers in the Inn by the Crossroads quest. If you were good to them, as you arrive at the castle, the soldiers would simply let you in.

However, if you were hostile, go to the Crow’s Perch village and look for a peasant. He will demand some coins for an alternative passage. This passage is underwater and takes you directly inside the castle grounds.

Finding the Quartermaster at Crow’s Perch

Finding the Quartermaster is not a difficult task. To get to the store, you have to head to the upper area of the Crow’s Perch, which is the castle of Bloody Baron, right where you find the armorers like Yoana and Fergus Graem.

You will find the Quartermaster right next to these armorers in Crow’s Perch area of The Witcher 3.


Sometimes, after the first visit to the Quartermaster, he goes missing. This is a common bug and can cause players to lose the chance of getting multiple Gwent cards. If this happens, leave the area and then go back to see if he is now there. If he still is not there, fast-travel to a new area and then come back to check. The quartermaster sometimes goes away, but he spawns back after a while, so all you need to do is wait.

At the Quartermaster, Geralt can buy Gwent Cards and play with this merchant. The following are the Gwent Cards that you can purchase from the Quartermaster at Baron’s Castle in TW3.

  • Morteisen
  • Poor Fucking Infantry
  • Blue Stripes Commando
  • Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter
  • Albrich
  • Blue Stripes Commando
  • Cynthia
  • Decoy
  • Impera Brigade Guard

Other than that, if you have installed all the DLCs, you can get some other items from the Nilfgaardian set, which are given below

  • Nilfgaardian Armor Set
  • Nilfgaardian Crossbow
  • Adalbert Kermith’s Third Map

The Nilfgaardian Armor set is for both Roach and Geralt. It is a fantastic armor set that will be very handy for you in The Witcher 3. On the other hand, the Nilfgaardian crossbow is part of the Elite Crossbow Set, which is one of the strongest crossbows in the whole game.

Last but not least, you can also buy Adalbert Kermith’s third map from the Quartermaster’s Store.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at SegmentNext.com, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.