A helm that greatly decreases the damage received at the cost of visibility, the Greathelm in Elden Ring is a massive headgear that can only be purchased from an obscure merchant.
In this guide, we will help you obtain Greathelm in Elden Ring and how you can utilize it to maximize your strength builds against powerful bosses and invaders.
Greathelm Location in Elden Ring
Greathelm can only be purchased for 1800 runes from the Nomadic Merchant in South Caelid.

Caelid is the eastern region of the Lands Between and is marked red on the map. This area is infested with Scarlet Rot that can wreak havoc on unsuspecting players.
To find the Nomadic Merchant in the south, start from the Mistwood area of Limgrave. Travel east until you enter Caelid. Open the map and check the location of the map fragment. This merchant is sitting right next to the obelisk with the map fragment.

If you are coming from the North, you must cross the Swamp of Aeonia. We recommend traversing this area with the help of your trusty steed, Torrent, to avoid Scarlet Rot.
Talk to the merchant, and you can offer him 1800 Runes in exchange for the Greathelm in Elden Ring.
Greathelm Stats and Uses

Greathelm is not a part of any armor set in the game. However, it gives you a massive boost to your defense stats once worn. However, it weighs a massive 5.9, making it a bit difficult to justify its use for players with low equipment load.
Damage Type | Negation |
Physical | 5.5 |
Strike | 4.2 |
Slash | 5.8 |
Pierce | 5.2 |
Magic | 4.2 |
Fire | 4.6 |
Light | 3.8 |
Holy | 4.2 |
This helm is best suited for players with melee Strength builds having massive Endurance to wear heavy load equipment. This way, you will get good protection from incoming attacks without losing mobility.