The Thunder Gleeok in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is an optional dragon boss with the elemental power of thunder. It is a three-headed giant with thunder breath. Taking it down can be difficult as it launches air attacks with its humungous wings.
It can also fly up in the air and shoot thunderbolts on the ground as a last resort if it feels any danger. This guide contains information on defeating one and keeping you alive through the hellish encounter.
Thunder Gleeok Locations

You can find the Thunder Gleeok in Zelda: TotK in a few locations. The few known places to find this boss are in the Surface region. The map above shows all the locations where you can encounter a Thunder Gleeok.
There are three Thunder Gleeoks that you can find on the surface region of Hyrule.
The first one can be found to the east of South Akkala Plains Chasm in Akkala Region at the following coordinates (-3420, 1356, 0037).
The second one can be found to the south of Herin Lake near Guchini Plain Barrows in the Faron Region at the following coordinates (1029, -3604, 0076).
The final one can be found inside the Coliseum Ruins in Hyrule Ridge at the following coordinates (-1139, -1216, 0046).
How to Prepare for Thunder Gleeok Fight
The Thunder Gleeok is one of the most difficult bosses in Zeda: TotK. Its three heads can demolish the players with a non-stop barrage of shock and lightning attacks. To survive this fight, you need to prepare accordingly.
As Thunder Gleeoks reside in regions with a lot of rain and thunderstrikes, we recommend finding and equipping the Rubber Armor set and upgrading it to at least level 2. This will provide you with complete shock resistance.
Remove any metallic weapon, bow, or shield, as they can attract lightning. Get a powerful bow and some Keese Eyeballs. Fuse some powerful non-metallic weapons.
Make sure you have enough meals to restore at least 10 or more heart containers. Increase your health by completing many shrines and resting at a Stable to get temporary hearts. The more, the better.
How to defeat Thunder Gleeok in Zelda: TotK
To defeat a thunder Gleeok, you need to target its eyes on each head. These beasts can only be defeated by having high-ground leverage on them. Fuse a rocket with your shield and go airborne to gain this supernatural ability to fly.

While in the air, shoot all three heads with arrows fused with any material that will increase the damage. The more powerful your bow is, the better it will be for you. It means you must shoot fewer arrows and deal more significant damage.

Once you hit all three heads of Thunder Gleeok in Zelda: TotK, it will fall to the ground. This is your window to deal as much damage as possible with your melee weapons.
Once it starts waking up, leave everything and repeat the routine. You can avoid its deadly air attack if you manage this routine correctly. But if you screw up, don’t worry; it will give you a chance to take it down.
After it goes airborne, start running and do not look behind. One more brilliant thing to remember is to deselect all your metal equipment. Yes, that means your shield as well. Trust us, when it starts raining down thunderbolts, you will be much happier that you have no metal to attract them toward you more.

But do not stop running. Where the attacks of Thunder Gleeok land, some air currents will form. Ride these currents with your glider and gain as much height as possible. Shoot it again in the head to stun it.
Fortunately for you, these beasts are, in fact, vulnerable to fall damage. Falling from such a great height will cause it to lose almost all, if not all, its health.
Defeating the Thunder Gleeok in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom doesn’t necessarily give you a chest, but it does drop three of all the following items: Gleeok Wing and Gleeok Thunder Horn. You will also get Gleeok Guts that can be used to complete the side quest in the Gerudo Desert.