Josiu Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is one of the sky region shrines you can unlock by finding its green crystal. While finding the shrine is not a major problem, locating its crystal and returning it can be difficult if you do not have proper guidance.
In this step-by-step guide with visual aid, we will tell you how to find Josiu Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and easily locate its green crystal.
Josiu Shrine Location in Zelda: TotK

Josiu Shrine is on a small island in the North Necluda Sky Archipelago. This sky island has a zonai device dispenser and is directly east of Great Sky Island.

The only way to reach this island is by using the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower and gliding east. You don’t need any vehicles or specific zonai devices to land here.
The exact coordinates of Josiu shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom are (1761, -1210, 0923).
Josiu Shrine Walkthrough

As Josiu Shrine belongs to the crystal shrine category in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you must first find and return its life crystal to access it. Interact with its entrance to unlock a fast travel point and start the North Necluda Sky Crystal shrine quest.
1. As far as the Crystal Shrine quests are concerned, this is the easiest one yet. Follow the green light originating from the shrine.
2. Once you reach the edge of the island you are on, you will notice a mechanism to rotate a small platform in front of you. Don’t use it yet.

3. Glide to the platform and use it to reach the next island where the shrine crystal is.

4. Pick up the crystal with Ultrahand and place it on the rotatable platform.

5. Once more, glide to the island where the Josiu Shrine is. Now, grab the mechanism with Ultrahand and rotate it so that one end connects to the island you are on.

6. Go to the platform and grab the green crystal. Take it all the way back to Josiu Shrine to unlock and enter it.

7. Aas Josiu Shrine belongs to the blessing category; there will be no combat or puzzle challenge inside. Open the treasure chest to obtain a Large Zonai Charge.
8. Interact with Rauru and Sonia’s statues to complete Josiu Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and earn a Light of Blessing as a reward.