How To Feed Horses In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom

Just like in the previous edition of the game, you can feed your horses in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom to strengthen your bond with them ...

Just like in the previous edition of the game, you can feed your horses in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom to strengthen your bond with them. Feeding horses is also important if you want to tame them. You can simply tame an untamed horse in Zelda TotK by feeding it,

But feeding a horse can get difficult for you if you don’t know what to do. But no worries, this guide is here to help.

How to feed untamed horses in Zelda TotK

Untamed horses are notoriously known to be spooked quite easily. So, it’s a better idea to tame a horse before feeding it. However, if you like to put yourself in difficult situations, keep fruit in Link’s hand and follow the horse closely until it accepts the meal from Link’s hand.

If it does, the horse will also be automatically tamed. Do not make sudden moves, as it will just spook the horse. And also, try to have a little patience as the horse will not accept the fruit so quickly.

How to feed tamed horses in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Tamed horses trust Link. That is why it is easier to feed them. Before that, it is necessary to know why it is essential to feed them. When you tame a horse, it doesn’t always do what you want. It takes some time for the horse to bond with you.

It will randomly either stop walking or wander off the intended path during this time. You can speed up this process and feed the horse in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom regularly to familiarise it with Link faster. Feeding them is the same as before.

Take an apple from your inventory and place it in Link’s hand. Offer it to the animal, and it will heartily eat the fruit, increasing its understanding with you.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...