How To Recruit Betty Howser In Starfield

Recruit Betty Howser to handle enemies and pickpocket them.

In Starfield, you can interact with various NPC characters, including Betty Howser, and recruit some of them. Unlike the other character, Betty isn’t too much of a cheerful character, and you will find her quite serious during your interaction.

She was a bounty hunter, so if you are looking for a hired gun, she is a good choice for your crew. You can read on to learn more about Betty Howser’s whereabouts and how you can add her to your party.

Betty Howser location in Starfield

You must set a course for the Heinlein System to find Betty Howser’s precise location. After entering this system, you can choose the planet Heinlein 1, and if you look towards the left side of this planet, you will receive a Distress Call.

You will need to make your way directly to the coordinates of this distress call. You will find a damaged Spaceship orbiting the planet Heinlein 1. On closer inspection, you can learn the name of this spaceship in Starfield, Lucky Lu.

Once you board the Lucky Lu, you will encounter Betty Howser, pointing her rifle at you. In a short cutscene, you will learn that her ship was attacked and that she is a bounty hunter. Moreover, Betty will ask if you know any demolition experts in Starfield.

How to Recruit Betty Howser

If you want to recruit Betty Howser to your party, you can ask her during your initial conversation by selecting the following dialogue option.

I could always use another hired gun, if you’re interested.”

Betty will ask you to do one thing once you select the above option. You must get her a Repair Kit to fix her ship, Lucky Lu. Once you do that, Betty Howser will join your party in Starfield.

In short, you must get the Ship Parts by visiting different ship vendors. You can purchase the Ship Parts for 1125 Credits from any ship vendor.

If you already have ship parts in your inventory, you can give them to Betty Howser, and you will have a deal with her. You can then send Betty to any of your ship or outpost locations, but keeping her in your crew is best.

Moreover, if you are interested in learning what attributes Betty has to offer, then these will include the following:

  • Demolition (3 Stars)
  • Missile Weapons System (1 Star)

In short, if you are looking for a crew member who is good with guns, better with grenades, and an expert at pickpocketing others, then Betty Howser is the one you should choose.

Lastly, you need to keep one thing in mind: unlike many characters you will encounter during your playthrough, Betty Howser is not a romance option for you in Starfield.

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