Starfield Locate The Seller Mission Walkthrough

In the colorful district of Neon city in Starfield, there is a seller hiding with an artifact who you need to locate at all costs. Why not let us identify this elusive person for you?

While on your journey to collect Artifacts for Constellation, you will find they aren’t always within underground areas, waiting to be mined. A shady person will be willing to sell you the Artifact for a high price. With nothing to go on, your job is to team up with Walter Stroud to locate the seller in Starfield and bring back the Artifact to Constellation Headquarters.

It is a relatively short mission, but you can spend hours searching if you don’t know what you are looking for.

After talking to Walter Stroud in All that Money Can Buy main questline of Starfield, your next objective is to Locate the Seller among the sea of people at Astral Lounge. It is the 13th objective in All that Money can buy questline and takes place on Neon. So, you will have to play through the quest a bit to be able to access Locate the Seller mission in Starfield.

After hearing about The Artifact being up for sale, you will be tasked to Locate the Seller in Starfield and sniff him out for a deal.

Find Walter Stroud

First, you will have to take up the assignment from Walter Stroud and listen to what he has to say about the seller. Apparently, the seller is inside a nightclub in Neon known as Astral Lounge nightclub.

To locate the seller in Starfield, travel to Neon City. Neon is located on the Volii Alpha planet in Volii star system. Take a right from the Spaceport terminal and head to the building in the very back where you will find stairs leading to Astral Lounge nightclub. You may remember Astral Lounge if you did Faction missions for Ryujin Industries particularly from One Step Ahead and Sowing Discord ones. You can also consult the map of Neon below to locate the seller in Starfield.

Walter will be waiting for you inside, just at the main entrance and will share information regarding the seller. He will point out that the person who is carrying a larger-than-normal security briefcase is the seller, to fit The Artifact. While there is no visual clue about the seller’s appearance, there is some pre-established communication so you will have to use the code phrase “Ramsey and Travers” to identify yourself to them.

In the end, you and Walter will split up to search for the person in Astral Lounge that fits the description provided.

Where is the seller in the Astral Lounge

To locate the Artifact Seller in the Astral Lounge of Starfield, head to the back right of the dancers in the main lobby and you’ll see a man named Musgrove standing under the big Astral Lounge sign. He’ll be wearing black formal clothes, have spiked hair, be fairly young, and most importantly there will be a huge white briefcase by his side.

Tell him you are with Ramsey and Travers and he will mention meeting after a few minutes in the VIP lounges. Report back to Walter about your findings to complete the short mission Locate the Seller in Starfield.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...