Where To Get Companionway Hab Interior In Starfield

Companionway Habs not only help you decorate your ships but also have certain key features to them as well

Although your priority should be to select the best ships in Starfield, it is still nice to decorate them with certain interior changes. This is done via habs in the game. You can use the Starfield Companionway Hab interior to change how your ship looks from the inside.

However, you will find it a bit challenging to get these Habs. Especially, considering how you will find several Compaionway Habs in different parts of the Galaxy.

How to get Companionway Hab Interior in Starfield?

Companionway Hab is a module in Starfield. You can use this module to customize your ship from an interior standpoint. Furthermore, this module comes in favor sizes and can reflect your character’s personality. Therefore, we have arranged all Starfield Companionway Hab Interior and their locations.

1. Deimos Companionway 1×1

The Deimos Companionway 1×1 is a Hab in Starfield. It is a lightweight Companionway Hab which consists of 3x Hulls in total. Deimos manufactures it. You can purchase this Hab from Jasmine Durand at the Kryx star in the Settled Systems. 

2. HopeTech Companionway 1×1

This Starfield Companionway Hab is another lightweight Hab. Hopetech manufactures this module. You can purchase it from any Ship Technician, such as Inaya Rehman at the Valo Star in the Settled Systems. However, you must be at level 1 in Starfield to acquire it.

3. HopeTech Companionway Fuselage A

Manufactured by HopeTech, this Companionway Hab is the first of the series of Fuselage habs. You can find this Hab by purchasing it from the Lon Anderssen Ship Technician. You will find this technician at the Porrima Star in the Settled Systems. However, acquiring it requires you to be at level 1 in Starfield.

4. HopeTech Companionway Fuselage B

This is the second addition to the series of Companionway Habs manufactured by HopeTech. You can find this Hab by purchasing it from any Ship Services Technician in Akila City in the Settled System’s Cheyenne Star system. However, you are required to reach level 1 in Starfield.

5. HopeTech Companionway Fuselage C

One of the final Companionway Habs manufactured by HopeTech. You can purchase it at the Cheyenne Star system in the Settled Systems. You must search for a Ship Services Technician at Akila City to get it. Like other HopeTech Habs, it also requires you to reach Level 1 in Starfield to place it in your inventory.

6. HopeTech Companionway Fuselage D

This is the final HopeTech-manufactured Companionway Hab on this list. Therefore, you can purchase this Hab from any Ship Technician found at the Cheyenne Star system in the Settled Systems. However, you must attempt to buy it after reaching Level 1 in Starfield.

7. Taiyo Companionway 1×1 Bottom A

Taiyo Astroneering manufactures this Companionway Hab. You can purchase it from vendors such as Veronica Young. You will find this vendor at the Settled System on the Volli Star system. However, the Hab is only accessible at level 1.

8. Taiyo Companionway 1×1 Bottom B

This is another Bottom part of the Companionway Hab. Taiyo Astroneering manufactures it in Starfield. You can purchase this Hab Veronica Young. You will find the vendor on the Volli Star system in the Settled System, after reaching level 1 in Starfield.

9. Taiyo Companionway 1×1 Mid

Another addition to the list of Companionway Hab manufactured by Taiyo Astroneering. You will purchase this Hab from Veronica Young at the Volli Star system in the Settled System once you are at level 1 in Starfield.

10. Taiyo Companionway 1×1 Top A

This Companionway Hab is the first of the series of Top Habs manufactured by Taiyo Astroneering. You will acquire it after purchasing it from any Ship Services Technician at the Clinic. But for that, you must reach the Clinic. Also, you must be at level 1 to acquire it.

11. Taiyo Companionway 1×1 Top B

You will find this Companionway Hab on the Porrima star system in the Settled System. However, after reaching level 1 in Starfield. It is the second addition to the Top Comapnionways Habs manufactured by Taiyo Astroneering.

12. Taiyo Companionway 1×1 Top C

Moreover, Taiyo Astroneering has manufactured yet another Top part of the Taiyo Companionway Hab. You will purchase this Hab after visiting the Porrima Star system at level 1. Lon Anderssen sells it in Starfield.

13. Taiyo Companionway 1×1 Top D

This Companionway Hab is the last Top part module manufactured by Taiyo Astroneering. You can purchase it from Lon Anderssen. However, you will find the vendor at Porrima Star. This Star system is only accessible after reaching level 1 in Starfield.

14. Nova Galactic Companionway 1×1

After visiting the Alpha Centauri start system, you will find the Nova Galatic Campionway. Nova Galactic manufactures this Hab. You can purchase it from any Ship Services Technician available. Additionally, you must be at level 1 to acquire it.

15. Stroud Companionway 1×1

On the last spot, we have the Stroud Companionway Hab. You will find this Hab at the Narion star system. However, you must reach level 1 first in Starfield to acquire it. You can purchase it from Havershaw.

Starfield Companionway Hab Interior additions

In addition to simply decorating the interior of your ship. You can use these Comapinonway Habs to interact with particular objects. However, this solely depends upon who manufactured the product. Regardless, interacting with your interior adds a nice touch to your ships when exploring different galaxies in Starfield.

These additions include Beds, Storage, Chairs, and even Crew Capacity. Starting with a bed, you can use beds to regain parts of your health. Additionally, you can use them to travel fast if you participate in progressive missions in Starfield.

Furthermore, Storage is an alternative for cargo spaces. They are a great Interior addition as they prevent taking up more cargo space than the required number. Moreover, we have Chairs which act as time jumpers. You can use them to travel fast in time, similar to Beds. However, unlike Beds, they do not regenerate your health.

Lastly, Crew Capacity is all you need on your ship. With a large crew size in Starfield, you will be open to exploring your ship with different characters wandering around the corridors. This adds to the realism of the journey. Therefore, you can use some Compaionway Habs to increase your ship crew size in Starfield.

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