To become a master chief in Rune Factory 5, you must pass the cooking license test. This guide covers the answers to the Rune Factory 5 Cooking License Test that you can take to pass the test easily. In addition, the answers to the Forging License Test are also discussed.
Among other things, cooking is not readily available to the players in RF5, but it needs to be unlocked through a license you can get by taking the test and answering simple questions. You can take the test by having a dialogue with Saint Eliza at the Rigbarth outpost. And then, select the license you want to take the test for.
You can obtain two types of cooking licenses in Rune Factory 5.
- Basic Cooking License
- Pro Cooking License
Basic Cooking License Test Answers

200p are required to take the basic test. The answers to the basic cooking test in RF5 are as follows.
- You need a cooking table
- More RP to cook
- To cook more dishes
You will unlock the Cooking Table, which you can buy from Studio Palmo after you have passed the test.
Pro Cooking License Test Answers

The second type of test is the Pro Cooking License Test; taken after you’ve given the basic license test and have spent 500p at Saint Eliza.
The answers to the Pro Cooking License Test in RF5 are as follows.
- Vegetables
- Edible Ingredients
- Cook at higher level
- Higher RP to cook
You can buy an additional cooking table from Studio Palmo and now will be able to add extra ingredients, vegetables, and more after you’ve passed the test.
How to fix pro license not unlocking?
There is a known bug in Rune Factory 5 where you can’t get the pro cooking license even if you acquired the basic variant. You won’t get the option to do so even when you complete all the required steps. To fix this, go to Elsje and buy something from the store. Then go talk to Elise and the option will show up.