Raft Survival Receiver, Battery, And Antenna Setup Guide

Raft is not just about surviving, it is also about navigating the perilous sea to discover and explore numerous islands....

Raft is not just about surviving, it is also about navigating the perilous sea to discover and explore numerous islands.

You hence need a fully functional navigation setup that includes having a Receiver, rightly placed Antennas, and Batteries to power the setup.

The following guide will show you how.

How To Craft Receiver In Raft Survival Game

You first need to find the Receiver Blueprint to be able to craft a Receiver. When you find the Blueprint, it will be automatically added to your Research Table. If you don’t have a Research Table, you can build one with 14x Plank and 2x Scrap.

Raft Blueprint: Receiver
Fortunately, it is one of the first Blueprints that you find in the game. Just pull in floating Barrels on the sea to find the Receiver Blueprint in one of them.

After researching the Reciever Blueprint at the Research Table, you can finally craft a Receiver with 8x Plank, 6x Plastic, 2x Circuit Board, and 1x Hinge.

Planks can be found in the sea as flotsam or can be looted by cutting down trees. Plastic can be obtained from the sea as well, inside Barrels, Vacated Rafts, and Loot Boxes.

Circuit Boards, however, need to be crafted with 5x Plastic, 2x Copper Ingot, and 1x Vine Goo. Hinges can be crafted with 1x Metal Ingot but can also be found inside Loot Boxes.

How To Craft Antenna

Once you are done placing the Reciever, you need to craft its antennas.

Raft Blueprint: Antenna
Just like the Reciever, the Antenna Blueprint is also one of the first Blueprints that you find in the game, and that too inside floating Barrels.

Once you get your hands on the Antenna Blueprint, research it at the Research Table to craft an Antenna with 4x Scrap, 1x Circuit Board, and 1x Bolt.

Chances are that you have already found Bolts inside Loot Boxes during your search for Plastic. You can also make Bolts by throwing Metal Ore inside a Smelter.

Where To Place Antenna In Raft Survival Game

You will need three Antennas for your Receiver. However, don’t place them close to each other.

There needs to be some distance between all three Antennas and between the Antennas and the Receiver.

The best bet is to have around two foundation units at minimum between an Antenna and the Receiver, but you can increase the distance to around 10 units. In addition, there should be around three or four foundation units between the Antennas themselves.

Also, one Antenna should be placed one floor above the Receiver and the Receiver should be one floor above the Raft’s foundation to make the setup fully operational.

How To Use Receiver

After setting up everything, look into the screen and check if it shows any kind of error. If there’s any misplacement of any Antenna, the screen will tell you.

If everything is perfectly placed, you’ll see a radar screen that will show points of interest as green and blue dots.

The green dots on the screen are large islands with massive loot and dangerous enemies. The dot appears when you’re at least 1,000 meters close to the island.

The blue dots are only for quests and become visible when you enter the 4-digit corresponding code. In this case, there’s no distance limitation.

How to Craft Battery to Use Receiver

Having said that, everything becomes meaningless if you don’t have the power to use the Receiver. You’ll hence need Batteries to power up your Receiver.

Each Battery has the capacity to power a Receiver for 500 seconds. Batteries must be researched at the Research Table using a Copper Ingot. Make sure that you always turn off your Receiver when not in use. Otherwise, it will drain your Batteries.

Later on in the game, you will be able to craft Battery Chargers to recharge your spent Batteries. You will also be needing Batteries to power up other items such as Sprinklers and Electric Purifiers.

Batteries are furthermore crafting materials needed to craft the all-important Metal Detector.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...