At the Seafolk Village, you will find Mina in a Whiscash-shaped boat after defeating Necrozma in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon. Your job is to go to her and accept her island trial and win against her team of Mawile (level 51), Granbull (level 51), and Ribombee (level 51) and earn 6120 Pokedollars and the Pink Petal. This Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Mina’s Trial Guide will help you understand the trails.
It will help you secure your chances of winning. Trial Captain Mina will be available at the Altar on Poni Island, so travel to the island and start the trial by talking to her.
For more help on Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon also read our Rare Candy Guide, Shiny Pokemon Guide, and Vast Poni Canyon Trial Guide.
Defeat Mina

To win against Mina, you need to understand her Pokemons first and plan your team accordingly.
The first Pokemon, Mawile, is a Steel/Fairy-type. You can send in a Fire/Ground-type to deal with its STAB damage and Sucker Punches.
For the second Pokemon, Granbull, you can use Poison/Steel-types to inflict STAB damage and take it out.
Lastly, for Ribombee, you can go for Steel-types to take them down and resist the attacks.
After completing the first trial, Mina will hand you a Pink Petal and will give you the task of acquiring petals from all the captains in Alola.
Defeat Ilima

You will find Ilima at Hau’oli Cemetery on Melemele Island. Before getting to her, you will encounter Hau, who will offer you Max Elixir.
Captain Ilima possesses a Level 51 Gumshoos, Level 51 Komala, and a Level 51 Smeargle. Once it is done you will get the Orange Petal as well as 6,120 Pokedollars.
Defeat Mallow

Ilima will take you to Mallow in a Lush Jungle. In the jungle, you will see Mallow standing in the light. She will run off when you approach her. You will have to follow her Pokemon, where you will see her surrounded by five of them.
Challenge her for battle and take down her Level 51 Pokemon: Tsareena, Trevenant, and Shinotic. She will give you a Green petal, and Lana will give you a Blue Petal.
Defeat Kiawe

You will find Kiawe at the Wela Volcano Park. Captain Kiawe has Level 51 Arcanine Talonflame and Marowak. After defeating him, win against Hiker David and earn a Red Petal.
Defeat Sophoscle

You will catch Sophoscle with Molayne at Hokulani Observatory with his level 51 Pokemon, Togedemaro, Magnezone, and Alola Golem. Defeat him to get the Yellow Petal. He will then lead you to the Aether House to your next Captain.
Defeat Nanu

Take Route 15 in Ula’ula Island toward Aether House; you will meet Guzma there, who will hand over a Grip Claw. Inside the house, you will find Nanu, who is not a Captain but a Hakuna.
Nanu uses level 15 Sableye, Absol, and Persian; you need to take them down to get the Purple Petal from him.
Once this is done, head back to Mina in the Seafolk village. Give her all your petals, and she will return them as a Rainbow flower.
Defeat Totem Ribombee

After taking the rainbow flower from Mina, you will be challenged by Ribombee. You can use Magnezone with Z-power to fight safely against it. Once Rimbombee’s power drops to a significant level, it’ll call Blissey as an ally. Once you take down Rimbombee, you will gain 1,746 Exp points.
For Blissey, use the Discharge attack to paralyze it and then, with a flash canon attack to drain its health. Switch to Hawlucha, and with just one flying press, it will take down Blissey and gain 5,799 Exp points. This final battle will earn you a piece of Fairium Z.