Early in your adventure through Persona 5, you’ll face a formidable foe – the Heavenly Punisher, also known as Archangel. This mini-boss packs a punch with powerful physical attacks; guarding against them is crucial for survival. While not the toughest opponent later in the game, the Heavenly Punisher can be a real challenge during your initial gameplay in Kamoshida’s Palace.
This guide details the secrets of overcoming this mini-boss with ease. We’ll reveal the Heavenly Punisher’s weaknesses, allowing you to exploit them for maximum damage. We’ll also recommend the ideal party composition and tactics to ensure a smooth victory in Persona 5.
Where to find Persona 5 Heavenly Punisher Boss?

You will find the shadow of the Heavenly Punisher (Archangel) in the Chapel at Kamoshida’s Palace. Once you reach the Chapel, Morgana will ask if you’re prepared to head to the giant altar to Kamoshida. You need to respond with a “yes”, and after some brief dialogues and a cutscene of the Guard Captain, Heavenly Punisher will finally appear.
This will be the first encounter with the mini-boss, and after this, you will find him again as a strong Shadow in the latter areas of the Palace.
How to defeat the Heavenly Punisher?

Before the fight begins, Morgana will tell you to guard yourself to reduce the impact of damage received or to prevent getting knocked out. When you see the opponent charging for his move, you must use all your members to block the incoming attack.
You should note that the first attack might be his one-shot-kill move that can take down any member who is not blocking. But if you have full or half of the above health, you might survive the attack but face serious damage. You must repeat the block strategy throughout the fight when you see him charging up. After his attack, you can take turns using your team to wail damage on him.
The mini-boss uses Cleave, which does light physical damage to one target; Vajra Blast, which does medium physical damage to all opponents; and Charge attack, which does 2.5x physical damage to all enemies.
Heavenly Punisher weaknesses
In Heavenly Punisher/Archangel in P5R is weak to curse and electric skills. Take advantage of this weakness and mainly use these skills. Ryuji and Joker are strong in electric and curse skills, so using them against Heavenly Punisher is a wise decision.
Best team composition for Heavenly Punisher
You need to focus on his elemental weaknesses to take down the Heavenly Punisher. For this, Joker and Ryuji are ideal for normal damage and electric and curse skills, as mentioned above. You also need to have healers in the party. Ann and Morgana would work best for this; you can also use them to attack.
Rewards for defeating Heavenly Punisher

After defeating the Heavenly Punisher in Persona 5 Royal, you will get 62 EXP and 1,200 Yen.