A crystal tear formed from the bounty of Erdtree over ages, Twiggy Cracked Tear, prevents the user from losing their runes upon death. While a temporary effect in nature, this cracked tear allows the players to be braver and fearless in the face of certain death.
In this guide, we will help you locate the Twiggy Cracked Tear in Elden Ring and explain the best-case scenarios for using it.
Twiggy Cracked Tear Location

Twiggy Cracked Tear can be obtained as loot in the Altus Plateau. This cracked tear is placed on a dead body beneath a minor Erdtree in the Capital Outskirts.
To reach this area, you must first reach the Altus Plateau by either going through the Ruin-Strewn Precipice or by operating the Grand Lift of Dectus by finding both dectus medallions.
Once you reach the Altus Plateau, go east until you reach the entrance of Leyndell, the Royal Capital. Instead of entering the capital, go northeast to find Hermit Merchant’s Shack.

From the shack, travel east until you find the minor Erdtree surrounded by demi-humans and a horned guard. You can either kill those guards or avoid them altogether to collect the Twiggy Cracked Tear from the base of the Minor Erdtree in the Capital Outskirts.
Twiggy Cracked Tear Stats and Uses
Twiggy Cracked Tear can only be used once it is mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick. It allows you to retain your runes upon death.

However, you can use it only once per rest at a site of grace, and its effect only lasts 3 minutes. If you get killed by Death’s Blight, Twiggy Cracked Tear won’t help you retain your runes, and they will be lost.
The best use of this tear is when you want to explore tricky and dangerous areas. One such example is the Divine Tower of Caelid, which involves tricky platforming and one of the most difficult early-game bosses, the Godskin Apostle.