How To Get The Cerulean Tear Scarab in Elden Ring

Use the tears of the Cerulean Scarab to increase your FP recovery in Elden Ring.

A blue scarab that changes shape when worn, the Cerulean Tear Scarab increases the wearer’s FP recovery in the Elden Ring. This headpiece comes with a debuff that makes the user take more damage from enemy attacks.

In this guide, we will tell you how to obtain the Cerulean Tear Scarab in Elden Ring and if it is worth it all the hassle.

Cerulean Tear Scarab Location

Cerulean Tear Scarab can be looted from a corpse on the top of a building in Sellia, the town of sorcery.

Sellia can be found in the southern part of Caelid. You can’t miss this place if you are trying to complete Millicent’s Quest.

To solve the mystery of Sellia, you must climb the rooftops and light three braziers. The easiest way to do so is by using the spectral steed Torrent.

The house to the right in the northern part of Sellia contains a dead body on its roof. However, you can’t reach it directly. You must circle through the roofs on the opposite side and use the large tree branches to reach there safely.

Look out for the puppet archers on this roof. Once you clear the roof of enemies, interact with the body to obtain the Cerulean Tear Scarab in the Elden Ring.

Cerulean Tear Scarab Stats. Is it worth it?

Cerulean Tear Scarab is a peculiar headgear. It increases your FP recovery from the Flask of Cerulean Tears by 10%. However, it debuffs your resistance and has a negative impact on your physical damage negation.

Damage TypeNegation

This makes it extremely difficult to recommend the Cerulean Teardrop Scarab helm. The amount of the FP recovery bonus is not worth the penalties you will get for wearing it. However, if you want to play as a sorcerer with no intention of getting close to the enemies, you can give it a try.

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Usman is an Associate Editor at Segmentnext who is obsessed with retro gaming. His love for video games begins all the way back in 91 with Final Fight on arcades and is still going strong ...