Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Spear is a dragon cult incantation and a red lightning attack in the Elden Ring. This weapon of choice for Placidusax and Fortissax is one of the best Faith-based sorcery in the game.
Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Spear creates a massive red lightning in the caster’s hand, and upon slamming it into the ground, it splits and attacks multiple foes at once. In this guide, we will help you acquire this incantation and tell you how to use it efficiently.
Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Spear Location

Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Spear can only be obtained after you unlock it with the help of the Ancient Dragon Prayerbook.
To obtain this Prayerbook, you need to travel to the Crumbling Farum Azula. To reach this area, complete the Royal capital, Leyndell, and defeat the Fire Giant in the Consecrated Snowfield.
Burn down the Erdtree, and you will automatically wake up at the Crumbling Farum Azula. Follow the path until you reach the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths Site of Grace. You can’t miss it as it is a part of the main journey.

From the grace, go straight to enter a small room. Defeat the beastmen here and enter the room to the right. Go down the stairs to enter a large hall. The Ancient Dragon Prayerbook is present in the center of the room.
Once you obtain the book, return to either Brother Corhyn in Leyndell or Miriel, pastor of vows inside the Church of Vows. Hand over the prayerbook to either of them to learn and purchase Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Spear incantation for 8500 Runes.
Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Spear Stats and Requirements

Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Spear requires 32 Faith, one spell slot, and a good Sacred Seal. We recommend using Gravel Stone Seal as it boosts Ancient Dragons’ Sorceries. When casting this incantation, you receive a poise boost that prevents you from getting staggered. You also deal 22 Stance damage to enemies in addition to AoE.