Hogwarts Legacy brings to you an ancient world of magic and mystery that has all kinds of creatures and beasts. You are going to encounter all of them during your adventures and hence, it becomes necessary that you know about the strengths and weaknesses of every enemy type in the game.
There are a total of four categories for all All Hogwarts Legacy enemies that are then further split into different types and factions.
All enemy types and their locations in Hogwarts Legacy
Encountering enemies in Hogwarts Legacy is one of the most essential elements of your journey as they are a part of the collections tab and provide you with various trophies to collect.
Regardless of what the outcome of your battle is, you will still add them to the collection entry since the entries are counted on the basis of an encounter rather than the defeat of these wicked enemies.
But if you choose to face the enemies and defeat them in a battle, you will earn rewards as well that may include Appearance. Furthermore, these rewards will also be added to your collections, making it a useful choice to make.
Although the level of the enemy will mostly be the same as yours, you will still find a few who are below or above your level depending on which area they belong to.
However, the encounters may differ depending upon which console you are playing on as there are 67 Hogwarts Legacy notorious enemies in the PC version of the game while PlayStation players will encounter 69 due to the PlayStation-exclusive “Minding Your Own Business” quest.
Below we have arranged a table that consists of the Hogwarts Legacy enemies list and their locations whom you can defeat to earn the Finishing Touches trophy.
Dark Wizards

You will mostly face Dark Wizards in Hogwarts Legacy. These Wizards are divided into two categories: Poachers and the Ashwinders. Here is a list of all Dark Wizards and where you can encounter them.
Dark Wizard Type | Location |
Ashwinder Duellist | Forbidden Forest |
Ashwinder Scout | Forbidden Forest |
Ashwinder Assassin | Forbidden Forest |
Ashwinder Ranger | North Hogwarts Region |
Ashwinder Soldier | South Hogwarts Region |
Ashwinder Executioner | Manor Cape |
Poacher Duelist | North Ford Bog |
Poacher Tracker | North Ford Bog |
Poacher Animagus | North Ford Bog |
Poacher Ranger | North Ford Bog |
Poacher Stalker | North Ford Bog |
Poacher Executioner | Poidsear Coast |
Ailsa Travers | Underground of the Manor Cape Ruins |
Death’s Shadow | Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial (main quest) |
Gwendolyn Zhou | A Basis for Blackmail (side quest) |
Iona Morgan | Poidsear Castle |
Silvanus Selwyn | Clagmar Coast |
Dunstan Trinity | Southeast of Manor Cape |
Catrin Haggarty | The Lost Child (side quest) |

Being part of the Goblin rebellion, these creatures play an important role in Hogwarts Legacy. They are classed as loyalists which represents their role of allegiance to Ranrok. Below is a list of all Goblins.
Goblin Type | Location |
Loyalist Assassin | Korrow Ruins |
Loyalist Commander | Korrow Ruins |
Loyalist Sentinel | Korrow Ruins |
Loyalist Warrior | Korrow Ruins |
Loyalist Ranger | Korrow Ruins |
Ogbert the Odd | East of Coastal Cavern |
Pergit | Korrow Ruins |
Belgruff the Bludgeoner | Rookwood Castle |
Grodbik | Coastal Mine |

These are one of the fastest-moving enemies you will encounter. Spiders are of various shapes and sizes but have certain weaknesses as well such as being vulnerable when faced with Fire in Hogwarts Legacy.
Spider Type | Location |
The Absconder | Absconder Encounter (side quest) |
Acromantula | Battle Arena in the North Ford Bog |
Insatiable Spider | Tangled Web (side quest) |
Venomous Scurriour | Tomb of Treachery |
Venomous Hatchling | Spider Liar northeast of Hogwarts Valley |
Venomous Ambusher | Battle Arena (Feldcroft) |
Venomous Shooter | Spider Liar northeast of Hogwarts Valley |
Venomous Matriarch | Spider Liar northeast of Hogwarts Valley |
Thornback Scurriour | North Ford Bog |
Thornback Hatchling | North Ford Bog |
Thornback Ambusher | Spider Liar northwest of Hogwarts Valley |
Thornback Shooter | North Ford Bog |
Thornback Matriarch | North Ford Bog |

Hogwarts Legacy’s most wicked enemies. Mongrels are foul creatures that show no mercy. Although they are superior to humans, they can still be defeated using Proteg.
Mongrel Type | Location |
Dark Mongrel | North Hogwarts Region, Forbidden Forest, and North Ford Bog |
Death’s Dark Mongrel | Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial (main quest) |
Mongrel | Forbidden Forest |
The Grim | Cave west of Hogwarts Valley |

Arguably one of the most versatile classes of enemies in Hogwarts Legacy, Trolls are large creatures possessing a good amount of HP. They cannot be defeated without a proper strategy.
Troll Type | Location |
Armoured Troll | South Sea Bog |
Fighter Troll | Entrance of Korrow Ruins |
Fortified Troll | South Sea Bog |
Fastidio’s Monster | Minding Your Own Business (side quest) |
Death’s Troll | Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial (main quest) |
Forest Troll | Forbidden Forest |
Mountain Troll | North Hogwarts Region |
River Troll | North Ford Bog |
Quagmire Troll | Hogwarts Valley |
Alexandra’s Troll | Side Quest: Troll Control |
Riparian Troll | Dale Family Tomb |

When fighting the undead, you must focus on using the recommended spells. Since these creatures have risen from the dead, you cannot defeat them in certain circumstances.
Undead Type | Location |
Bardolph Beaumont’s Corpse | Brother’s Keeper (side quest) |
Lord of the Manor | Underground of the Manor Cape Ruins |
Mannequin/Puppet | Minding Your Own Business (side quest) |
Inferius | North Hogwarts Region |
Animated Statues

These creatures are assigned to guard the secrets of Ancient Magic against the unworthy in Hogwarts Legacy. Some of these statues are going to be the toughest enemies you face in the game.
Animated Statue Type | Location |
Pensieve Guardian | Jackdaw’s Tomb |
Pensieve Sentry | Jackdaw’s Tomb |
Pensieve Sentinel | Jackdaw’s Tomb |
Pensieve Protector | Jackdaw’s Tomb |
Armoured Troll | South Sea Bog |

These creatures are oversized frogs that spit out ranged attacks to deal damage. Without the required spells, they can be a bit tricky to defeat.
Dugbog Type | Location |
Stoneback Dugbog | Marunweem Lake |
Great Spined Dugbog | North Ford Bog |
Cottongrass Dugbog | North Ford Bog |
Rampant Dugbog | South of East North Ford Bog |
How to check enemy levels in Hogwarts Legacy
The enemy scaling in Hogwarts Legacy is simple. Each enemy you encounter will have a certain level associated with it which can be displayed on their individual health bars.
If the enemy has a higher level than yours, then it will be indicated by green digits next to the health bar while red indicates that it is one of the hardest enemies to face in the game.
Furthermore, these enemies will only scale up and not down. In case you enter an enemy’s territory at level 20, then the enemies in that area will not go above the level of 20 when scaled.
You can display the level cap of each area by zooming into the map and hovering over each area. This will show numbers such as 5-20, 10-40, etc.
Knowing the enemy levels will let you strategize in advance. For example, high-level enemies do a lot of damage, so you will need to be extra careful or choose your best spells to do the most damage.