If you have been exploring every nook and cranny of the world in Hogwarts Legacy, you might have noticed some small blue-colored monkey statues on desks. No matter what you try, you can’t seem to interact with these. These monkey figurines are actually Demiguise statues and are linked to the Hogwarts Legacy Man Behind The Moons side quest you will undertake for the caretaker Gladwin Moon.
There are 30 of these demiguise statue locations all over Hogwarts and its surrounding areas and collecting them is necessary for unlocking and upgrading the Alohomora spell.
How to start Man Behind The Moons quest
Man Behind the Moons quest is automatically triggered once you complete the main story quest, The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. As part of The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament, players will talk to Mr. Moon who will reveal that someone is playing a prank on him and setting up these Demiguise statues all over as these korean creatures are one of his worst nightmares.
Gladwin Moon will tell you that these statues can only be interacted with at night and request you to find and collect Demiguise Moons from all these statues. As part of the quest, he will teach you the Alohomora spell and ask you to collect 3 Demiguise Moons.
Once you have done this quest, Man Behind The Moons begins where you will be tasked with finding more statues to uncover who is behind the prank. For every 9 statues you collect and return to Mr. Moon, your Alohomora spell will be upgraded to open higher-level locks.
Unfortunately, the 3 statues you collected initially do not count toward this quest.
You must wait for the night to collect these monkey statues, as mentioned in the game. Their locations and the quantity of the Demiguise statues for each region of Hogwarts Legacy are listed below.
There are 3 main regions: Hogwarts, The Highlands, and Hogsmeade. Demigiuise statues are present in all of them so there are ample for you to collect and upgrade Alohomora. Finding and returning these Demiguise Moons to Mr. Moon is necessary to earn the Demiguise Dread achievement.
Hogwarts Castle Demiguise Statues Locations
The 10 Demiguise statues and their locations in Hogwarts for The Man Behind The Moons is given below:
The South Wing Demiguise Statue
Fast travel to the Clocktower Courtyard floo flame and then pass through the door to enter Gryffindor Tower.
As you enter the new area, turn left after going down the stairs and follow the hall till you reach the last door. This door will be locked so open it using the Alohomora spell and you will enter the washrooms area.
One of the stalls in the washroom has another open door behind it that leads into a boiler room. The demiguise statue is in that boiler room.
Defense Against The Dark Arts Tower Demiguise Statue
From the transfiguration courtyard floo flame, you will see a locked door on your right as soon as you enter the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. Open this level 2 lock and pick up the Demiguise Moon.
Great Hall Demiguise Statue
Fast travel to the Great Hall floo flame and to the back right of the hall will be a locked door. Open it and pick up the demiguise statue from the table in front of the fireplace.
Divination Classroom Demiguise Statue
Fast travel to the Divination Classroom floo flame. Go upstairs and then climb the ladder to enter the classroom. The Demiguise statue is up in the room.
Library (Restricted Section) Demiguise Statue
Enter the Restricted Section of the library by traveling to the Library floo flame. Keep following the path as it leads you downwards. You will encounter an eye chest and near it in the same area will be a demiguise statue to be picked up.
Storage Closet Demiguise Statue
Go toward the Potions classroom. Right at the entrance of the classroom, you should see stairs leading downwards. Follow them till you reach the Long Gallery.
In the Long Gallery, you should see a level 2 locked door on the left. Open it to pick up the Demiguise Moon.
Beasts Classroom Demiguise Statue
In the Bell Tower Wing, go to the Beast classroom near the Flying Class Lawn. On the right side of the floo flame will be two doors, enter the first door from the right. The door requires level 2 Alohomora to open. The demiguise statue should be inside the hut.
Bell Tower Ramparts Demiguise Statue
Fast travel to Bell Tower Courtyard floo flame and make your way toward the circular fountain as you should see a locked door underneath the battlement stairs.

Unlock the door and you will find the Demiguise statue to the right on a crate.
North Hall Dungeons Demiguise Statue
Fast travel to Bell Tower Courtyard. Turn right and go up the first flight of stairs into the North Hall. From there, go downstairs. Keep going down these stairs until you reach the Dungeons area and come to the Sleeping Dragon Statue.
Across the statue will be another hallway and in that hallway, you will find a locked door on the left which contains the demiguise statue.
Professor Fig’s Office Demiguise Statue
The last demiguise moon within Hogwarts castle is inside Professor Fig’s office so should be easy to find and pick up. Use Professor Fig’s floo flame to fast travel there and then grab the Demiguise Moon.
Hogsmeade Demiguise Statues Locations
There are 9 Demguise statue locations within Hogsmeade in Hogwarts Legacy.
Spire Alley Demiguise Statue
Go to the Spire Street in Hogsmeade and turn to the left to the house right by the streetlamp. Unlock the door using Alohomora and you will find the Demiguise Moon upstairs.
Dervish and Banges Demiguise Statue
Go to the Dervish and Banges shop in Hogsmeade square. You can fast-travel there by using the Northern Hogsmeade Floo Flame. As you enter the shop, you will find the Demiguise Moon lying on the counter.
Brood and Peck Demiguise Statue
As you reach Brood and Peck in the north of Hogsmeade, turn to the left and enter the small house. Use the Alohomora spell to unlock the door and you will find the Demiguise moon on the mantelpiece.
Upper Hogsfield Demiguise Statue
Go to the Upper Hogsfield near the north of Hogsmeade and enter through the door by a large barrel. Use Alohomora to unlock it and you will find the Demiguise statue inside.
Tomes and Scrolls Demiguise Statue
Go to the Tomes and Scrolls shop marked on the map. Behind the cashier counter, turn left and you fill the Demiguise statue on the dressing table.
J. Pippin Potion Demiguise Statue
A small distance from the J. Pippin potion shop is a small house. The door will require an Alohomora spell to open it. You will find the Demiguise Statue upstairs on the table.
Hog’s Head Inn Demiguise Statue
Travel to Hogsmeade and enter Hog’s Head Inn located west of the Western Hogsmeade floo flame. Inside the inn, you will find the Demiguise moon in a room towards the back.
The Three Broomsticks Inn Demiguise Statue
Head in the Three Broomsticks in the center of Hogsmeade. Go to the top floor and enter through the door. You will find the Demiguise statue inside after unlocking the door.
House east of The Three Broomsticks Demiguise Statue
East of Three Broomsticks, you see a small house. Enter the house, using the Alohomora spell. You will find the Demiguise statue.
The Highlands Demiguise Statues Locations
Locations of 11 Demiguise statues in The Highlands of Hogwarts Legacy are listed below:
South Hogsfield Demiguise Statue
Go to the South Hogsfield marked on the map. Go inside the first house on the right. Demiguise moon will be right by the door. Although the door will require the Alohomora spell to unlock.
Aranshire Demiguise Statue
Go to the Aranshire floo flame. You will find the Demiguise statue upstairs inside the house on the left side.
Upper Hogsfield Demiguise Statue
Go to Upper Hogsfield, where you find the Arrow Black wand handle. Take a walk through the main street, and then go inside the second house on the left. As you enter, you will the Demiguise Statue on the stool.
Pitt-Upon Ford Demiguise Statue
Go to the Pitt-upon Ford marked on the map. Go to the door behind the first house. As you enter, go upstairs and you will find the Demiguise moon on the left by the long mirror.
Keenbridge Demiguise Statue
Go to the Keenbridge marked on the map along the main river of Hogwarts Valley. Use the Alohomora spell to unlock the door of the house on left, and you will find the Demiguise statue on the table.
Brocburrow Demiguise Statue
Go to the Brocburrow marked on the map east of the Hogwarts Valley. You will find the Demiguise moon on the bottom of the shelf of the first house on left.
Irondale Demiguise Statue
Go to the Irondale marked on the map. Enter the first house on the left, and you will find the Demiguise behind the kitchen counter on the right side.
Marunweem Demiguise Statue
Go to the Marunweem marked on the map. Turn left and enter the first house with long stairs upfront. You will find the Demiguise statue behind the counter on the left. On the left side, you see a house. Demiguise statue is behind the slab.
Cragcroft Demiguise Statue
Go to the Cracroft marked on the map in the western part of Cragcroftshire. Go straight ahead and you will find a house with a stall upfront. Enter the house and go upstairs. You will find the Demiguise statue on the left.
Feldcroft Demiguise Statue
Go to the Feldcroft Village marked on the map by using the floo flame. Go straight ahead and enter the first house. Use the Alohomora spell (level 2) to unlock the door, and you will see the Demiguise statue resting by the window.
Brainburgh Demiguise Statue
Go to Brainburgh by using the floo flame. Enter the first house on the left. After unlocking the door with the spell (Level 2), you will see the Demiguise moon ahead.