Legendary Chests are one of many collectibles that you can find in God of War: Ragnarok. They contain valuable loot like crafting materials, weapon attachments, amulet attachments, and runic attacks.
There are a total of 53 Legendary Chests scattered all across the realms in the game. Some of them will be right in the open but others will require you to either complete little puzzles or find your way around.
Take note that finding all Legendary Chests is necessary for a 100 percent completion run. However, you will not be able to find all of them on your first visit.
You will need to complete certain quests and favors like Forging Destiny, The Reckoning, the Song of the Sands, and the Secret of the Sands, among others, to open the way forward.
Something else to know is that some realms have untracked Legendary Chests, meaning that they are not required for a 100 percent completion run.
Niflheim and Midgard, for example, have one untracked chest each. Helheim, Jotunheim, Asgard, and Muspelheim only have untracked chests.
The following guide will tell you where to find all of the Legendary Chests in all of the realms in God of War: Ragnarok.
Where to find Legendary Chests in Svartalfheim
- Aurvangar Wetlands
- Modvitnir’s Rig
- Althjof’s Rig
- Lyngbakr Island
- Jarnsmida Pitmines
- The Applecore
- Myrkr Tunnels
- The Forge
- Nidavellir
- Alberich Hollow
- Alberich Island
Aurvangar Wetlands Legendary Chest location
There will be an entrance on the cliffside to your left that is blocked by a wooden platform with ruins on it. Pass through the blockade to reach the shore.
Get out and then climb to the wooden platform on the left and keep going straight to find the first legendary chest.
It contains the Deadly Obsidian Handles attachment for your Blades that boost your strength stats.

Modvitnir’s Rig Legendary Chest location
Dock your boat on the beach as marked on the map and make your way to the ledge on the right. There will be a door across the gap that can be opened by striking the plate with your Leviathan Axe.
Jump to the other side and start climbing the wall on your left. Keep climbing until you make your way around the tower. The Legendary Chest will be at the edge of the platform when you reach the top.
You will get one-half of the Muspelheim Yggdrasil Seed. Finding the other half will allow you to open a Mystic Gateway to the Muspelheim realm.

Althjof’s Rig Legendary Chest location
Take a right from the furnace and destroy the barrels blocking the way. Make your way around the ledge and jump across to the next platform. Interact with the chain at the edge to climb your way down to the bottom-most platform.
Keep heading straight until you reach the large wheel contraption. Use it to raise the yellow-colored ledge and then return to the same location where you dropped the chain.
There will be a new grapple point now. Use it to swing ahead and launch yourself into the cracked wall. You will find a New Lore Scroll inside. Follow the way to the right and you will find the Legendary Chest at the end of the walkway.
You will get the Njord’s Tempest, a new Light Runic Attack for your axe.

Lyngbakr Island Legendary Chest location
You need to complete the Weight of Chains side quest to gain access to this Legendary Chest. Interact with the massive chain to free the tail and destroy the rocks blocking the zip line.
Now, use the zip line to travel to the other side of the river for the chest.
You can also take a boat from the eastern dock of Lyngbakr Island to reach the same location. Just climb the gold chain, and move across the doorway on your right for the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Ron of Aggravation attachment for your shield. It boosts your vitality, luck, and defense stats. It also gives your a higher chance of landing a rage burst while parrying.
The Ron of Aggravation is one of the best early-game items to get in God of War: Ragnarok.

Jarnsmida Pitmines Legendary Chest location
Follow the pathway right to the end of Jarsmida Pitmines. You will come across a wooden pillar contraption that holds up running water. Use its grappling point to pull the crane towards you. This will divert the direction of the water and cause the massive crane in the back to change its direction.
Destroy the yellow crystal barriers to the left using the explosive pot and make your way down the rig. There will be a large block of stone that you can climb on.
Now, use your axe to freeze the mouth of the wooden pillar to stop the flow of water. This will cause the giant crane to swing back to its original position.
Wait until you (on the stone block) rotate to the new area. Jump across and head straight for the Legendary Chest. You will get the Pommels of the Undying Spark for your blades.
The attachment boosts your runic and strength stats as well as grants the Scorching Burn effect to inflict burning damage to enemies in God of War: Ragnarok.

The Applecore Legendary Chest location 1
Destroy the cracked wall in the flooded room to open a new path. Head through the tunnel and swing across the wooden platforms. Keep going straight and take the first left to face the waterfall.
Swing across to the other side and then drop below to open the large wooden double door. The Legendary is at the back of the room.
You will get the Fortified Frost Knob attachment for your axe.

The Applecore Legendary Chest location 2
Climb the left and head straight until the cavern opens up. Turn left from here and keep going around until you can swing your way across. The tunnel will dip ahead before opening up into a room below.
Drop down and crawl your way through the little space on the left. You will find another crawl space on the left. Head through and open the large wooden door.
Move across the ledge on the right and keep going straight. Swing your way across the platforms and follow the wooden walkway until it opens on your right. Drop below and head straight under the bridge. Swing your way to the left over the blue waters and climb the ledge.
Open the large double doors and use your spear to help you move across. Raise the large iron door at the end and turn left. There is a little space here by the wall through which you can drop below.
Crawl your way forward into another massive cavern. Climb all the way up and follow the tracks until you find the runes on the left. Use them to open the hidden door in the wall for the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Banahogg Knob for your axe.

Myrkr Tunnels Legendary Chest location
Take a left at the end of the tunnel and destroy the red vines to clear the way for the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Fog of Fimbulwinter heavy runic attack that creates an ice wave to freeze enemies and deal frost damage.

The Forge Legendary Chest location
Make your way to the marked location. There will be a large wooden wheel lying against the rocks. Look to its right, between the legs of the wooden platform, to see another water wheel in the distance.
Use your axe to freeze the water. This will clear the way and raise the iron gate below. Head inside for the next Legendary Chest in the game.
You will get the Atlas Eruption heavy runic attack. This is perhaps one of the strongest abilities in God of War: Ragnarok. You can create explosions that deal massive damage to nearby enemies.

Nidavellir Legendary Chest location
Follow the way through the village until you get to the end. Spot the wooden interactive object to the right of the doors, below the torch. Use your spear to help you climb up.
You will get the Luminous Recovery Handles for your blade.

Alberich Hollow Legendary Chest location 1
This Legendary Chest requires you to complete The Lost Treasure side quest. Turn left from the giant Thor statue and go into the cave entrance.
Follow the path until you spot a yellow crystal barrier on your right. There is an explosive pot just ahead. Use it to destroy the crystals for the Legendary Chest.
You will get the second half of the Muspelheim Seed from here to complete your quest.

Alberich Hollow Legendary Chest location 2
There is another Legendary Chest that you can find while doing the Lost Treasure side quest. Reach the spot on the map to find the way blocked by more yellow crystals.
Grab the explosive pot and quickly climb the small ledge on the left to lob the explosive at the crystals below. This will open up the tunnel. The Legendary Chest is just head.
You will get 5,000 Hacksilver and 1x Folkvangr Whetstone.

Alberich Island Legendary Chest location
This Legendary Chest is going to take some effort. Start by climbing the wooden platform on the shore. Destroy the green blockade on the left and follow the trail below. Destroy the boulders ahead to free the water wheel and then return back to the wooden platform above.
Swing across to the next platform below and then use the crane on the right to swing ahead again. Follow the curving path to the right and destroy the boulder to free the chain.
Interact with the chain and then use your axe to freeze the wheel ahead.
Now, quickly run back to the previous wooden platform and interact with the portal. You have to destroy the large boulder and freeze the water wheel to bring down the lift.
This will bring down the lift. All you have to do now is head straight and climb the ledges to get the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Jewel of Yggdrasil, an amulet fragment that increases the number of enchantments you can hold. You will also get 45,000 Hacksilver and 30x Whispering Slab.

The Strond Legendary Chest location
Once you destroy the wooden door using the Twilight Stone early on in The Strond, head straight out and drop from the ledge. Turn left and destroy the debris to find the Legendary Chest inside the room.
You will receive the Skadi’s Edge light runic attack.

Temple of Light Legendary Chest location 1
From the marked location, head straight and then turn left to follow the winding stairs. Drop down the ledge from the left where there is a little lantern on the ground.
Then turn right to see a grappling point. Instead of swinging across, turn left to drop down another ledge. Now look left again under the rocks to spot the Legendary Chest.
You will receive Hades Retribution, a light runic attack for your Blades of Chaos in God of War: Ragnarok.

Temple of Light Legendary Chest location 2
Following the winding stairs to the top until your path ahead is blocked by a door of light. Drop down from the left ledge and do a U-turn to enter the door. Use the chain ahead to raise a Twilight Stone.
You now need to solve a little puzzle. Use the Twilight Stone to throw your axe to the back of the steel grating but do not recall it. Interact with the chain to lower the Twilight Stone and then recall your axe to break the target and free the elevator. Drop down and loot the Legendary Chest.
You will receive the Hilt of Gram relic that Kratos can use to stun nearby enemies.

Temple of Light Legendary Chest location 3
You need to solve another little puzzle to access a Legendary Chest located in the large chasm of the Temple of Light. Start by kicking away the debris and dropping down the ledge. Then grapple across the pillars to the platform on the left.
Look to the right and use your Blades of Chaos to swing the pillar. When the pillar swings to the right side, use your Leviathan Axe on its deflective surface to break free the next grapple point.
When done, head straight and loot the Legendary Chest. You will receive the Rune-Engraved Release accessory which increases the damage of the first Sonic Arrow or any other runic-charged arrow.

The Barrens Legendary Chest location 1
You can only get this Legendary Chest while completing the Secret of the Sands favor in God of War: Ragnarok.
Follow the tunnels to make your way to the end of The Below. You will eventually spot a breakable spot on the roof. Smash through and the Legendary Chest will be right in front of you.
You will receive 5x Whispering Slab for your crafting and the Shoulder Straps of Radiance chest armor.

The Barrens Legendary Chest location 2
This is a fairly easy Legendary Chest to find. Head to the northern part of The Barrens. You will find an Elf building in the location marked on the map. Clear out the Dark Elves inside and find the Legendary Chest in the southwest corner of the building.
You will receive the Gauntlets of Radiance wrist armor in God of War: Ragnarok.

The Barrens Legendary Chest location 3
Head to the giant skeleton skull on the northeast side of The Barrens. Head inside and climb to see another climbable wall on the northern side. The Legendary Chest is on top of it.
You will receive the Belt of Radiance waist armor to increase your set in God of War: Ragnarok.

The Barrens Legendary Chest location 4
For this Legendary Chest in The Barrens, you need to first complete the Secret of the Sands favor. Once that is done, head out to the southeastern half of the area to find a little gap in the wall.
Slip through the entrance to find the Legendary Chest behind some Nest Vines. You need to bounce your Leviathan Axe off the Twilight Stone nearby to clear all three Nest Vines.
You will get the Rond of Affliction for your shield.

The Forbidden Sands Legendary Chest location 1
While exploring The Burrows, you will encounter a group of Grims and Dark Elves twice. On your second encounter, exit the area and climb the wall ahead.
Turn left to see some Nest Matter and a Twilight Stone below. You need to throw your Leviathan Axe at the Twilight Stone to clear the Nest Matter and reveal a grappling point.
Using the new grappling point, climb the wall and turn around to cross the gap to the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Hel’s Touch light runic attack for your Leviathan Axe.

The Forbidden Sands Legendary Chest location 2
Once you free the Hafgufa, you will find the Legendary Chest inside the arena where you encounter a Bergsra. This section will be on rails, so you will automatically be led to the Bergsra.
You will get the Nemean Crush heavy runic attack for your Blades of Chaos. It does insane damage and can knock back enemies at the same time.

The Forbidden Sands Legendary Chest location 3
Reach the location marked on the map to find a cave entrance. There will be two Nest Vines on opposite sides that require you to solve a puzzle to access the Legendary Chest.
Head to the left side of the cave to free the leftmost Twilight Stone. Command Atreus to place two fully expanded Hex Bubbles on the stone and the wall before using your Blades of Chaos to ignite them. This will clear the Twilight Stone from its Hel’s Bramble.
Now, hit the left-most paddle twice with your Leviathan Axe to set up the Twilight Stone. Use your axe on the left-most paddle of the second Twilight Stone to have it face the previous one.
Next, throw your Leviathan Axe as shown in the image below to clear the Nest Vines and get to the Legendary Chest.
You will receive the Hardened War Handles attachment for your Blades of Chaos. It boosts your strength and increases the damage of your Hyperion moves.

The Forbidden Sands Legendary Chest location 4
The final Legendary Chest is located inside The Elven Sanctum, which is in the northeastern corner of The Forbidden Sands. Head inside and find the main library. Climb up the side ledge and head back to find the Legendary Chest.
You will receive a Jewel of Yggdrasil.

Where to find Legendary Chests in Vanaheim
- The Southern Wilds
- The Abandoned Village
- Pilgrim’s Landing
- Noatun’s Garden
- Cliffside Ruins
- Vanir Shrine
- Freyr’s Camp
- The Plains
- The Jungle
The Southern Wilds Legendary Chest location
After traveling west from the starting point of the Southern Wilds, you will find the first Odin’s Raven. You then need to travel North into the forest until you will find the tree root maize in front.
Slip through the narrow path between the tree roots and head to the other side. You then need to travel North again and into the wooden archway.
There will be some poisonous plants blocking the way and you can clear them by throwing the axe at them. Soon after that, you need to fight enemies found in the ruins.
By going to the North of the Ruins, you will find a crack in the wall that you can crawl through into the cave. Turn right and the Legendary Chest will be on the right.
You will get the Wrath of the Frost Ancient light runic attack. It gives Kratos the ability to stagger enemies with an ice beam.

The Abandoned Village Legendary Chest location 1
If you travel North and jump the ledge from the starting point of the Abandoned Village, you will end up in a hut. Take the left and take the Zipline to the north side.
At the end of the path, you will face the Hateful boss that you need to defeat. The cave also has the Draugr Hole that you can collect.
Head inside the small hole in the wall North of the cave. Climb ahead and take a right, the second Legendary Chest will be on your front.
You will get the Rond of Restoration shield attachment.

The Abandoned Village Legendary Chest location 2
Travel south from the path in the jungle until you will arrive in front of the stone wall close to the waterfall. Climb to the right of the waterfall and use the grappling point to jump to the other side of the cave
Navigate North from the Winding Forest path until you will arrive before the two huts that have a big gap in between.
Move the crane in the middle to use the hook as the Grappling Point. Grapple to the other hut and head North. You will then find a closed cave entrance on the right wall. Open it using the chain and head east.
Use the hook in the middle to grapple and jump the gap in front. Head North and you will face Blue Scorn Plant that is Poisonous. Throw the axe on the right tree to clear the path.
Use the Gold Chain in front to climb upwards into the wooden ledge. The Legendary Chest will be below the ledge at the end of the pathway.
There will be Scrorn Plants releasing poisonous gas into the atmosphere close to the chest. Throw the axe to destroy the plant on the right side. You can then access the Legendary Chest by dropping down into the ground.
You will get the Shatter Star Shield for the Shield Punch ability to knock back enemies.

The Abandoned Village Legendary Chest location 3
In the middle of the Abandoned Village, you will come across an optional Wooden Crane Puzzle. You need to move the crane in the middle so that you can jump across the other side.
After getting to the other side, you need to travel right and head to the Northeast side which is the same direction where you came from. But this place was only accessed by the grappling point of the crane.
On the other side of the gap, where you will find the Legendary Chest in front.
You will get the Helios Flare light runic attack for your Blades of Chaos.
Pilgrim’s Landing Legendary Chest location
After collecting the Lore Marker located on the Northern edge of the River Delta, you will find a Drawbridge. The Legendary Chest will be on the other side of this Drawbridge which is blocked by the Red Fungi Bramble.
To drop the Drawbridge, you need to follow the following steps:
- Throw the axe on the left side of the bridge to drop it a little.
- You then need to look for the Chandelier on the right side and drop it by throwing the axe.
- Yank it on the right side to light up the candle on the right side of the Chandelier.
- Wait for it to settle down in the middle and use the sigil bubbles to light up the candle on the left end.
- Yank the Chandelier on the left side once both candles are lit. This will light up the candle on the ledge on top.
- As soon as this candle starts burning, you will see the Red Fungi Bramble clearing away.
- Throw the axe on the right side to drop down the Drawbridge.
Travel ahead from the Drawbridge and you will find the Legendary Chest in front.
You will get the Grip of the Fallen Alchemist for a massive health-regeneration burst every time you throw an enemy with your Leviathan Axe.

Noatun’s Garden Legendary Chest location
After collecting the Lore under the rainbow in the Noatun’s Garden, you will find a locked door on the left side. The door is locked due to the Counterweight that cannot be detached due to the Red Fungi Bramble.
You need to create two magic bubbles: one on top of the counterweight and one on the locked gate. Burn them up using the Blade of Chaos and Red Fungi Bramble will be destroyed.
Head towards the other side where there is a window on the side. Throw the axe by aiming underneath the counterweight. Doing so will unlock the castle gate.
As soon as you will enter, you will be attacked by two flying nightmares. Collect the Legendary Chest after killing the Nightmares.
You will get a Jewel of Yggdrasil to use at a workshop.

Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest location
In Cliffside Ruins, you will discover the new region called Goddess Falls when you are heading South on the River Delta. Once you have discovered this region, you can easily open its gate utilizing the Rune Slate.
Using the boat, you need to travel south at the edge of the Veiled Passage. Beach the boat and head west on foot. You then need to fight four enemies: three nightmares and a Reaver after climbing the wall close to the bridge.
After defeating all these enemies, travel North and get down using the Gold Chain. If you travel a little further, you will Legendary Chest below after the drop.
The path below is inaccessible and can only be cleared by blowing up the Red Pots and rocks using the Hex Bubbles. Throw the Sigil Arrow to light up the bubbles.
Doing so will clear the path below. You can then drop down below to access the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Mists of Helheim heavy runic attack for your Leviathan Axe. It creates a misty area that inflicts frost on all enemies inside.

Vanir Shrine Legendary Chest location
After collecting the Artifact Hylli Crest, head South towards the closed gate that needs to be opened. After opening the gate, look to your right after going inside.
There will be a small hole in the wall that is blocked by Hel’s Bramble. Use the Blade of Chaos to destroy it using the Blazing Surge. Once the hole in the wall is open, you will see a chain holding a target.
You need to cut the target in half using the Leviathan Axe. After that, a gate will open that contains the Legendary Chest inside. Head back into the left pathway to find the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Rampage of the Furies light runic attack for your Blades of Chaos.

Freyr’s Camp Legendary Chest location 1
After collecting the two lore on the starting point of the Freyr’s Camp, you need to head west into the little dome inside the cave. Inside this dome, there will be a stone blocking the path.
The stone can only be destroyed with the help of the Wind Fissure that can be obtained by completing the Foraging Destiny main quest. Once you have the right equipment, you can easily destroy the stone to get through.
After getting into the new path, you will find the Legendary Chest in front. It will contain 500 Divine Ashes.

Freyr’s Camp Legendary Chest location 2
As soon as you will get the Odin Raven in the Frey’s Camp, you need to head East into the forest. Use the grappling point in the middle of the gap to jump across and head forward.
Pass through the narrow passage surrounded by tree roots. You will then end up in front of the wooden structures that house the Legendary Chest.
Accessing the Legendary Chest is a rather tricky path. First, take a right and then climb the cement structure in front. Jump down and climb the brick wall Northwest.
At the top, there will be a wooden beam on the South side that you need to slip to the right side. You will then reach on top of the structure that has Legendary Chest on top.
You will get the Leviathan’s Roar heavy runic attack for your Leviathan Axe. It does increased stun damage and has the fastest attack speed in God of War: Ragnarok.
The Plains Legendary Chest location
In The Plains area, there is a secret path North of the region that has the Legendary Chest inside. You need to Travel Northwest until you will find two yellow rocks blocking the path.
You can easily clear the path by throwing the Draupnir Spear in each of the holes in the rocks. Head forward after the path is cleared and you will find the Favour Item ahead. The Legendary Chest can be found on the same path forward.
You will get the Honor the Fallen heavy runic attack for your Draupnir Spear. It allows you to do more stun damage and create showaves around you.

The Jungle Legendary Chest location 1
After completing the Return of the River Favor quest, you need to travel east until you find the Celestial Altar main door. You need to free the wheel that opens the water passage.
Head west and jump the gap using the Grappling Point. You then need to fight Dreiki after dropping down from the Golden Chain. Head back from where you came into the arena and head North in the lift.
Drop down and take the boat East to the other side. Climb up the wall on the East end and follow the narrow pathway. There will be an entrance outside with the drop.
You need to jump upwards by strategically grappling back and forth to the structure in front. On the left side, you will see the Legendary Chest surrounded by the Red Fungi Bramble.
You need to destroy it using the Hex bubble and lightning it up using the Blazing Surge. The Legendary Chest is now accessible and can be opened.
You will get the Whisper of the World light runic attack for your Draupnir Spear. It pulls enemies before launching them away.

The Jungle Legendary Chest location 2
You can find the second Legendary Chest in the northeastern part of the Jungle that can only be accessed if you have done two things.
The first thing is that you must have completed the Return of the River quest and changed the time to day from night in Celestial Altar.
You then need to take a boat to the Southeast part of the river and dock it at the end of the path. Travel West and slip through the gap in the rocks.
The path ahead will be blocked by the stone. You can access it by grabbing it from the chain from the Grappling Point. On the other side, there will be a second Grappling Point that you need to use to jump to the other side.
Travel ahead and jump the small path twice to find the small crack in the wall up front. Slip through the crack to the other side.
Get inside the cave ahead and look for a steel switch in the Northwest corner. Hit it with the axe to turn it that will open the cave door. Once inside, the Legendary Chest will be on the right.
You will get another Jewel of the Yggdrasil.
Where to find Legendary Chests in Midgard
- Shores of Nine
- Raider Hideout
- Raider Stronghold
- The Derelict Outpost
- The Oarsmen
- The Lost Treasury
- Well of Urd
- Lake of Nine
Shores of Nine Legendary Chest location
This Legendary Chest is found in your second story-driven visit to Midgard. After the cutscene where you meet Freya during Old Friends, you can see a golden chain to climb right in front of you that leads you to the chest.
It will reward you with the Sonic Aftershock accessory.
Raider Hideout Legendary Chest location
Another Legendary Chest can be found in The Word of Fate quest. After you enter Raider Hideout, northeast of Tyr’s Temple, look to the back-right side of the cave to find a room containing the chest.
It will contain Tartarus Rage, a heavy runic attack for your Blades of Chaos.

Raider Stronghold Legendary Chest location
This Legendary Chest is found as soon as you enter Raider Stronghold. Found at the base of Tyr’s Temple, towards the northeast, clear out all the enemies inside Raider Stronghold and look around at the back of the room to find the legendary chest.
You will get the Cyclone of Chaos light runic attack for your Blades.

The Derelict Outpost Legendary Chest location
In Derelict Outpost, you need to move wooden cranes around to make your way through the level. After you move the third wooden crane down, jump across the gap from the crank and head to your left to find the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Ivaldi’s Anvil heavy runic attack for your Leviathan Axe. It creates a massive shockwave to stagger enemies and push them back.

The Oarsmen Legendary Chest location
As you progress through The Oarsmen level of God of War: Ragnarok, you will have to pull a chain to progress. As the chain moves, you will reveal a hidden staircase. Follow this newly revealed path to find the chest inside to the right.
The chest will contain a Jewel of Yggdrasil.

The Lost Treasury Legendary Chest location
The Lost Treasury Legendary chest is the most complicated chest to get in Midgard. For this, you need to solve the Tyr’s Shield puzzle.
For this puzzle, you need to make sure that the gear stays in the center so you can open the door and go through it.
As you start the puzzle, turn the gear to the right side and climb the gear to get to the cliff ledge. Here, blow the pot and break the rocks blocking the doorway in between the two sides of the cliff. From here, simply drop down again.
After you jump down, turn the gear to the left, then climb back up the cliff from the left side. Now, with the gear turned to the left, slide the broken pillar here to make sure that the gear doesn’t go all the way to the right again. After sticking the pillar, get down and turn the gear to the right again, and the gear will get stuck in the middle, allowing you access to the gate behind the gear.
Now, you need to keep the back gate open long enough for you to get inside. Turn the crank and you need to freeze the two gears in place to keep the gate open, shoot your axe at one of the gears, and get Freya to keep it frozen it. Then recall your axe and freeze the second gear.
As soon as the second gear is frozen, quickly dash through the gate and the chest directly in front of you is the Lost Treasury Legendary Chest
You will get a Sigil Punishment accessory for your efforts alongside a Folkvangr Whetstone.

Well of Urd Legendary Chest location
After your first encounter with the Raider in the Well of Urd, you’ll have to climb a cliff to the next area. Here, you also have the option to head left.
Follow the path and smash through the broken square spot at the edge of the cliff. The broken wall will directly lead you to the chest.
You will get the Rond of Purification shield attachment.
Lake of Nine Legendary Chest location
This chest is found after the reunion quest. After you return to the Lake of Nine, head west of Lake of Nine. Here, destroy the ice block with your newfound Dranpnir Spear. The legendary chest is hidden.
You will get the Lion’s Roar Sauroter attachment for your Spear.
Where to find Legendary Chests in Niflheim
The Raven Tree Legendary Chest locations 1-6
You will find six Legendary Chests at The Raven Tree which lies south of the Mystic Gateway. Unlike all of the other chests in God of War: Ragnarok, these six chests are locked.
You need to kill a specific number of Odin’s Ravens to open each Legendary Chest at The Raven Tree, or basically all 48 Ravens to open all chests.
Frozen Caverns Legendary Chest location
This is an untracked Legendary Chest, meaning it is not required for a 100 percent completion run.
When you start exploring the Frozen Cavern, you will eventually come across an ice wall with grappling points.
Travel backward from that point and head on to the right loop around the pillar in front. Climb the ledge forward to find the Legendary Chest ahead.
You will get the Bitter Squirrel runic summon that digs up a health stone for you.

Aesir Prison Wreckage Legendary Chest location
Once you have completed The Realms at War, return to the Raven Tree. You will find a new path unlocked to its left. Take that and you will reach the Aesir Prison Wreckage.
This new area has several puzzles to solve. You need to solve all of them to reach the top of the prison where the Legendary Chest lies.
You will get the Nocked Proficiency accessory for your efforts. It allows Atreus to shoot an extra arrow with every third runic arrow.

Where to find Legendary Chests in Helheim
Docks of Vadgelmir Legendary Chest location 1
This is an untracked Legendary Chest that can be found early on in Helheim. When you reach the docs, push the large crate with Thrud and then climb to the top. Now, find the Legendary Chest behind the crates on your left.
You will get the Falling Sky ability for Atreus’ bow.

Docks of Vadgelmir Legendary Chest location 2
There is another untracked Legendary Chest at the docks that is pretty easy to get. Keep advancing through the chapter until you have to climb down a chain. When you reach the bottom, look around the corner to the left.
You will get the Wrath of the Wolf runic summon.

The Gleaming Bale Legendary Chest location
The next untracked Legendary Chest can be found during the Reunion quest. Head right after opening the gate at the marked location and use your Spear on the left before returning back. Use the Spear to swing across to the other side to find the Legendary Chest on the left.
You will get the Tame the Beast heavy runic attack for your Blades of Chaos.

Shipyard of the Fallen Legendary Chest location
Make your way to the end of the area and kill the two Hel-Raiders. Use your Draupnir Spear on the Wind Vent to swing across the gap for the Legendary Chest. This is untracked as well and is not required for a 100 percent completion run.
You will get the Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers light runic attack for your Draupnir Spear. It spears enemies before you can detonate them for massive damage.

The Silent Clearing Legendary Chest location
The last Legendary Chest in Helheim can only be found after Kratos has defeated Garm. This chest will be around the corner after you head downstairs.
You will get the Onslaught Shield that gives Kratos the ability to rush enemies and launch them into the air.

Where to find Legendary Chests in Jotunheim
Ironwood Legendary Chest location
Reach the marked location on the map by using two grapple points on your way to cross the gaps. You will be able to spot the Legendary Chest from the top after you destroy the barrier in your way.
There are some Nightmares here that you must clear before looting the chest.
You will get the Rampaging Ibex runic summon.

Vimur River Legendary Chest location
The next Legendary Chest can be found when Angrbroda and Atreus get attacked by some Draugrs while skipping stones on the river. Fend them off, and mount the yak.
As you move along the river look above to your right to find the Legendary Chest next to a painted rock structure, atop a giant tree stump.
Circle to the left of the river to find a point to climb. Take Jalla’s help to leap up to the platform and once up, turn around to see a grapple point.
Use it to swing over the huge gap between the Legendary Chest.
You will get the Runestone Refinement accessory.

Idi’s Sinkhole Legendary Chest location
You can enter a cave system by reaching the bottom of Idi’s Sinkhole and then crawling through a tight space. Straight up ahead you’ll find a red plant which will be used as the reference point.
Climb over the ledge to the left of the red plant, beside a torch. Ask Angrbroda to light up the torch.
Continue along the path on the left and then head up the right ledge. Light up the torch beside this ledge.
Continue forward, light up the torch in front of you and climb the ledge beside it.
Now move forward hugging the right side where you’ll encounter a fallen column, light up the torch next to it, and slide over it.
Stick to the right to reach a bridge. Head across this bridge and ignite the torch at its end before crossing the second bridge.
Ignite the torch on your left and continue forward before turning the corner. Light up the torch at the end of this tunnel.
Now head left and ignite the last torch, before dropping down toward the chest below.
You will get the Runic Potency accessory.

Where to find Legendary Chests in Muspelheim
Burning Cliffs Legendary Chest location
There is only Legendary Chest in Muspelheim and it is an untracked chest. You will be able to find it during The Summoning quest. When you reach the Mystic Gateway as shown on the map, drop down the ledge and head right into the cave. You will find the chest here.
It contains 1000x Divine Ashes.

Where to find Legendary Chests in Asgard
Plains of Ida Legendary Chest location
Head west to reach Hrimthur’s Wall. Climb the two small ledges and you will find an untracked Legendary Chest covered in Hel’s Bramble.
Add a bunch of Hex Bubbles on the chest and chain them by putting one close to the other. Climb on top of the ledge next to the chest and link the bubbles to the other side of the drop where there is a campfire.
Shoot an arrow into the fire and ignite the bubbles to remove Hel’s Bramble.
You will get the Splintered Sigil ability that allows Atreus to fire a seeking Sigil arrow.

The Rift Legendary Chest location
The last Legendary Chest in Asgard is also an untracked collectible. You will be able to get to the chest during Into the fire when Thor returns with you from Muspelheim.
Wait until the cutscene ends and then head back to the location marked on the map to get the chest.
It will contain the Runic Capacity accessory that refills your runic arrows and also empowers them.