Retaining HP is important to survive in Dragon’s Dogma 2, and if you’re out in the open with no access to an inn or house, find yourself a nice camping site. Camping kits are special items you can purchase from merchants, shops, and even in the chests and wild. The fun part is that there are six different types of camping kits of varying weight, price, and conditions of use. So, when you are intending to use a kit, make sure to read its description.
If you lose most of your HP, the only way to restore your health in the open world is through resting at a campsite. Let’s understand the difference between camping kits and understand their uses and how to get them.
Types of Camping Kits in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Camping kits help you explore the open world with maxed HP. There are over six different types of camping kits in the game, so let’s explore them to find the best one for you.
Modest Camping Kit
Price: 500 Gold
Weight: 7.00 kg
This is an affordable and lightweight camping kit for suitable locations. One drawback of this kit is that you will lose the kit if you get attacked during your rest. Therefore, you must clear out the area before camping.
Mundane Camping Kit
Price: 1,000 Gold
Weight: 7.00 kg
This kit is similar to a modest camping kit, but the only difference is that you will not lose it if you get attacked during your rest.
Grass-Patterned Camping Kit
Price: 3,000 Gold
Weight: 6.00 kg
This is an ideal camping kit to protect yourself from sturdy monsters that lure in the Vermund fields.
Explorer’s Camping Kit
Price: 2,000 Gold
Weight: 5.50 kg
Despite the weight, this kit is perfect for explorers traveling afar.
Elite Camping Kit
Price: 3,000 Gold
Weight: 4.00 kg
This is a high-quality, lightweight camping kit that stands perfectly against monster attacks.
Sand-Patterned Camping Kit
Price: 3,000 Gold
Weight: 6.00 kg
This is an ideal camping kit to protect yourself from sturdy monsters that lure wild Battahl soil.
How to Get Camping Kits in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

There are several ways to obtain camping kits, one of which is through loot. As you explore the worlds, you might find them lying around in the open. Another way is to purchase them from vendors. You will find these vendors in the capital cities, Melve and Vernworth.

In Melve, look for Runne’s Apothecary in the Southwest region or Phillbert’s Sundries in Vernworth to get to the shop selling all inventory items, including the camping kits and weapons. As for Explorer’s Camping Kit, if you have the Deluxe Edition of the game, you can purchase it in the early game.
How to Make a Camp in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

All camping kits are useable items, so it is preferred to have just one in your inventory to save space. The only catch about the Modest Camping Kit is that it is the only kit that gets destroyed if you get attacked during your rest, but if you don’t get attacked, it gets back in your inventory.
To make a camp, open the map and look for a fire logo representing the campsite. Over 86 campsites are spread throughout the nations of Dragon’s Dogma. These campsites are out in the open, probably near rivers or bridges.

It is preferrable to clear out the area before setting for a camp. Once you clear the area, approach the fireplace and choose the Make Camp option to set up your camp with the desired kit. Once you set up the camp, you can cook meat for yourself and your allies to recover HP.
Best Camping Kit in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Among the six camping kits, the Elite Camping Kit stands the best due to its premium quality that allows it to withstand any monster attack and is lightweight, making it easy to carry in your inventory. To get your hands on this kit, you can either head to Checkpoint Rest Town and get the kit inside a chest in the Windworn Gully, or you can complete the Hunt for Jadeite Orb quest and get the kit as a reward from Offulve.
Finally, you can head to the Volcanic Island camp and get the camping kit from the Armory. You can only purchase one Elite Camping Kit per day, so if you want another, try coming back another day to get a new one.