To upgrade special weapons and armaments from +5 to +6 level, you must find the Somber Smithing Stones 6 in the Elden Ring. These can be found on corpses, looted from areas, and dropped from bosses. You can even purchase them from merchants in exchange for Runes.
These smithing stones are scattered throughout the different regions of Elden Ring, and this guide covers all the locations in detail and provides a method for getting an unlimited amount of them.
Volcano Manor

Volcano Manor has special ruins and fortresses that house three Somber Smithing Stones 6.
- For the first one, you need to travel to the Guest Hall Site of Grace and travel Southeast into the alleyway. From there, you need to take the stairs leading to the roof. On the roof, there will be a corpse that will yield you Somber Smithing Stone 6.
- You need to head towards the Prison Town Church Site of Grace, where you will find another Somber Smithing Stone 6. Once there, you must first travel east and north, following the covered pathway along the lava river. At the end of the pathway, you will find Somber Smithing Stone 6 from a corpse.
Mt. Gelmir

Located west of Altus Plateau, Mt. Gelmir houses two pieces of Somber Smithing Stone 6.
- You need to travel to the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace. From the Site of Grace, you need to head south, where you will encounter Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast. Defeating him will reward you with one Somber Smithing Stone 6.
- Mt. Gelmir has another Somber Smithing Stone 6 that you can grab, and to get it, you need to head to First Mt. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace. Once there, you must travel southeast and look for a corpse on a chair. The corpse will be on the cliff and give you the Somber Stone.
Leyndell Royal Capital

Leyndell, Royal Capital, is one of the best locations to farm Somber Smithing Stones 6 in Elden Ring. You can find up to six pieces here.
- The first Smithing Stone can be found by traveling to the Divine Bridge Site of Grace in Leyndell Royal Capital. From there, you need to take the corridor heading Northeast. Once the corridor ends, you will find Somber Smithing Stone 6 from the corpse on the left side.
- For the second Somber Smithing Stone 6, you need to head further Northeast from where you found the last Smithing Stone. A corpse will await you beside the wall that will yield Somber Stone.
- The third Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be located by traveling to the Leyndell Catacombs Site of Grace. The path running Northeast will lead you to the corpse lying on top of a wooden platform. Looting the corpse will give you the Smithing Stone.
- Another Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be found if you travel further Northeast on the same path that you got the last Somber Smithing Stone. This one will be dropped by a Scarab, which can be found close to a large staircase on the right side of the path.
- After traveling to the Cathedral of the Forsaken Site of Grace, you will find the fifth Somber Smithing Stone 6 in Leyndell Royal Capital. You need to look for a corpse located close to the statue, which will drop the Smithing Stone.
- The last Somber Smithing Stone 6 can be found if you take the bridge Southeast from the Cathedral of the Forsaken Site of Grace leading to the Forbidden Lands. A scarab will be waiting for you on the bridge, which needs to be killed to get Smithing Stone.
Deeproot Depths

- For the first Somber Smithing Stone 6, travel to the Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace in Deeproot Depths. From there, you must travel Northeast in the woods and look for a scarab that will drop the Smithing Stone.
- Travel Northwest from the Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace, where you must look for another Scarab. This scarab will be close to the Crucible Knight Siluria boss and drop Somber Smithing Stone 6.
- Travel Northeast from where you found the last Scarab, tracing the path along the edge of the Deeproot Depths. You need to find a corpse along the tilted structure that will drop the Somber Smithing Stone 6.
- For the last Somber Smithing Stone 6 in Deeproot Depths, you must travel to the Across the Roots Site of Grace. From there, you must travel Southeast and look for four Ant Queens. The boss has her Ant Cave close by from where you can find Somber Stone from the corpse.
Ainsel River

If you are exploring different regions for Somber Smithing Stone 6, Ainsel River is a good place to visit. It houses three Smithing Stones.
- The first Somber Stone can be found after traveling to the Grand Cloister Site of Grace. You then need to travel Northeast from the Site of Grace until you reach the south end of Lake of Rot. Here, you will find Somber Smithing Stone 6 from a corpse.
- Travel to the Ainsel River Downstream Site of Grace and head Northeast. Inside the room in the ruins, you will find Somber Smithing Stone 6.
- Travel to the Nokstella Waterfall Basin Site of Grace for the third Smithing Stone. Find your way to the bridge north and look for a scarab hiding in the leaves at the base of the stairs. This scarab will drop Somber Smithing Stone 6.
Where to buy Somber Smithing Stone 6 in Elden Ring?

To get an unlimited supply of Smithing Stone 6 in Elden Ring, ensure you have Lyndell, the Capital City. Head straight to Zamor Ruins Site of Grace in the Mountaintops of the Giants and move in the southwest direction until you reach an area leading to a downward staircase. This area will be right outside the entrance of the First Church of Marika.
You will find a chest holding the Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing (3). Offer this item to the Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold to buy smithing stones 5 and 6 in exchange for 12000 Runes.
How to Get Somber Smithing Stone 6 in Early Game?

If you want to get the sad smithing stone 6 in the early game, head to Sellia Crystal Tunnel in Caelid and defeat the Fallingstar Beast. Once defeated, the boss drops many somber smithing stones.