Mohg, Lord of Blood, is a powerful yet optional Demigod boss in Elden Ring. Unlike Mohg the Omen, this boss specializes in blood flame magic. This boss is hidden far from the game’s main story path, and there are two reasons why you’d want to take him down.
Firstly, he’s one of the Shardbearers, and you must defeat two out of five Shardbearers before entering Leyndell, the Royal Capital, and the second reason is his possession of the Great Rune, which makes him worthy. One additional hidden reason why you’d want to fight Mohg, Lord of Blood is that it’ll give you access to Shadow of the Erdtree DLC in Elden Ring.
Before breaking into the guide, please understand that Mohg has devastating attacks that will burn through your healing resources, if you don’t have proper tools and knowledge to counter it. Do get Purifying Crystal Tear to cure yourself of his blood-fire magic and Mohg’s Shackle to stun him and land attacks to drain his health.
Elden Ring Mohg, Lord of Blood Location

Mohg, Lord of Blood, is located at the Mohgwyn Palace in the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum. There are two ways to get to the palace. The first involves completing White-Faced Varré’s quest.
You will find Varré at the Rose Church; he will first ask you to invade someone else’s game with festering bloody fingers. After completing the first task, he’ll give you the Lord of Blood’s favor, and you need to head to the Church of Inhibition to interact with the statue and complete the quest. When you visit Varré for the third time, he will give you the Pureblood Knight’s Medal, which you can use to travel straight to the Mohgwyn Palace or fast travel to the Site of Grace you have unlocked near the palace.

Another way to the Mohgwyn Palace is to use the waygate teleporter in the consecrated snowfield northwest of the Yelough Anix Ruins. To activate the teleporter, you need to kill the sanguine noble NPC.
Now, go to the Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance Site of Grace and take the stairs up. Upon arriving, you’ll have to deal with several Putrid Corpse attacks and a Gore Pile.
Dodge and jump over, and then take the stairs to the left, where you’ll find Blood Spirit guarding an Isolated Merchant.

Then, take a right, go straight, and take another flight of stairs towards the right. This will be the exit of the Mausoleum proper and the Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint site of grace. Now, go straight from here to enter the fight arena.
How to Defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood Boss in Elden Ring?

Mohg is one of the toughest optional bosses in Elden Ring. He has devastating physical and magical attacks and many bleed-inflicting spells. Several items throughout the game make the fight easier. First, we recommend you use Mogh’s Shackle, a consumable that stuns the boss, allowing you to deal him a great deal of damage.

Another thing you need to come prepared for is Mohg’s blood curse, which he casts a few minutes after the fight begins. When Mohg casts the curse, everything turns red, and you start to take tons of damage. To diminish the blood loss effect, you need to come prepared with lots of healing items and potions like Purifying Crystal Tear, Staunching Boluses, or Lord’s Aid incantation.

As for the first phase, the boss inflicts standard and pierce damage using his trident and uses sprays of blood-fire that give both fire and bleed damage, this calls out to equip yourself with an armor and talisman that can negate the damage effects. For the second phase, you need to stay in medium range away from the blood fire to give some nice juicy hits while the summon keeps Mohg busy. The key here is to back out before you take too much blood loss buildup but also stay aggressive to continue giving him damage.

Lastly, stick to Mohg’s backside, as he mostly uses forward swinging or lunging attacks, and let the summon take damage from the front.
Reward for Defeating Mohg

After defeating Mohg, Lord of Blood, you’ll be rewarded with the Remembrance of the Blood Lord, 420000 Runes, and Mohg’s Great Rune. You will also unlock the Shardbearer Mohg trophy.
How to Cheese Mohg?

If you want the fight to last a few minutes, we recommend using Bloodhound Fang (+10) weapon, Purifying Crystal Tear for the blood loss, Grant me Strength incantation, and Mimic Tear Spirit Summon. The strategy is fairly simple, once you enter the arena, summon the spirit and equip Grant me Strength incantation to boost your physical attacks.
All you have to do is go behind Mohg and repeat using Bloodhound’s Finesse. Every strike from you and the summon will take down the boss’s significant health. In the second phase, wait for the boss to come down and repeat the same attacking strategy.
How to Defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood Without Fight?

There’s another way to defeat Mohg, but without actually fighting him. To do this, enter the arena and when you see him coming toward you, exit the game. When you load the game back, you will be outside the arena. This method will load Mogh into the world so you can obliterate him without even going near him.
After doing this, you must come down the elevator and head back to the Midpoint Site of Grace. From the site of grace, you need to turn northeast and walk toward the cliff’s edge to see a platform you can drop onto. Face south and jump right to get to the bottom of the cliff.
Once you’re on the platform, jump down the rocks from the northeast and climb the one directly in front of you. Follow the same path in the northeast direction until you reach the end. When you find no more paths in the same direction, turn right and use a horse to hop across the other side.

Once you’re on the other side, turn your camera to the southwest and climb the huge rocks with blood stains on them. When you’re at the top, follow the southeast direction. In the end, you’ll only be heading toward the east. Summon your horse again because this is where the work begins!
From the north edge of the rock, hop over the big gap with your horse and jump to the other side. Move to the northwest direction and jump to the lower rocks.

Turn towards the east and jump to a small rock on your left. From there, you will see a small opening below, and the rocks below you will continue vanishing. This is your clue to being in the right place.
Now face the opening while moving directly southeast, and quickly drop in. Immediately hit the jump button to land on a platform on the back of the cave. Turn around toward southeast to see the gap and just drop down. Once you’re out in the air, quickly press the double jump button to stop yourself from dying. Next, you’d want to keep swinging that sword.

Eventually, you’ll get the ‘Demigod Felled’ message and you will get all the rewards.

Mohg, Lord of Blood Attacks and Counters

Mohg has many hard-hitting attacks that can give you significant damage if you misread them, most of these attacks involve blood and fire spell. We have listed down some attacks with their counters to get you through the battle with ease:
Attacks | Counters |
Clawmark | This attack follows with a forward lunge and an explosive AoE explosion, when you see Mohg doing this, roll away immediately to a safe distance. |
Bloodboon | It has a horizontal swing and may end with an overhead slam; if Mohg slams the spear into the ground, you’ll have a good opportunity to dodge his attack and run behind him to deal damage. |
Spear Swing | Mohg creates a ring around you and aims his swinging spear toward you; to counter this attack, avoid being in front of him. You can either heal during this time or attack him from behind. |
Thrust | The boss thrust his spear on the ground, when you see him doing that, roll past the trust and catch him from the back. |
Ritual Countdown | Once you’ve taken out half of the boss’s health, he chants “Nihil” while thrusting the spear into the ground, causing hemorrhage. You must immediately use healing items and Purifying Crystal Tear to reduce the bleeding and attack him. |
Bloodboon Ritual | The boss holds his spear in the air, releasing blood flame followed by a slam on the ground and an explosion; you need to roll away and go behind him to strike damage. |
Airborne Assualt | The boss takes his wing out and throws splashes of bloodflame before charging forward, you need to roll sideway to dodge both attacks. |
Spear Slam + Explosion | Mohg slams the spear on the ground causing it to glow but followed by an explosion, you need to roll away to counter this. |
Upward Swing + Slam | The boss holds his spear in the air releasing bloodflame followed by a slam on the ground and explosion, you need to roll away and go behind him to strike damage. |