In Elden Ring, Spirits are companions that can be used to help you during fights. They are also known as Spirit Ashes, and they aid players during combat. The game has loads of Spirit Ashes; however, some are better than others.
If you’re struggling to choose the Best Spirit Ashes for conquering the lands between, then this guide is the right spot for you. Let’s dive straight into the top seven spirit ash summons in Elden Ring.
6. Godrick Soldier Ashes

The Godrick Soldier is the best spirit ash for the early game as it summons two Godrick soldier spirits to help you out in combat. These spirit tanks do damage. Though they cannot one-shot bosses these do certainly relieve the pressure, allowing you to do the main damage.
Now, to summon them, you must be near a rebirth monument. The Godrick Soldier performs better in combat compared to the wolf and skeletal summons
To get Godrick Soldier Ashes, head to the western region of Stormhill Shack. Once you’re near the cliff area, go around it, and you will see some jellyfish. When you notice red jellyfish, this is your clue that you’ve reached the correct point of the tomb that contains the spirit summon. It costs 54 FP to summon a Godrick Soldier Ash.
5. Spirit Jellyfish Ashes

Another early-game spirit, the Spirit Jellyfish, can apply the Poison effect to enemies. This is a great ranged support summon that can help in early boss fights. The trick is pretty simple: Stay behind the jellyfish as it tanks most of its damage.
Its attacks, however, are not that powerful. But its defense is high, making it a great support for you during fights. To summon them, you must be near a rebirth monument.
To get this spirit ash, find Roderika, Spirit Tuner, and talk to her at the Stormhill Shack. She will reward you with the summon after you exhaust her dialogue options. It costs 31 FP to summon a Spirit Jellyfish.
4. Kaiden Sellsword

The Kaiden Sellsword is a good melee support ash and can do light and strong melee attacks. The Kaiden Sellsword Spirit Ash buffs himself and has a very high defense rate with large HP, which makes him good against bosses.
It is placed in the B tier as it requires a high FP cost at 88 to be summoned but, in return, does not provide as much support as some of the other spirit ashes. Still, it is decent to be used till mid-game.
To get this summon, you must head to the Cliffbottom Catacomb in Liurnia of the Lakes and take down the Erdtree Burial Watchdog, Banished Knight Oleg. He has high defense and can last quite a while in combat. He uses wing attacks, which are extremely powerful against low to mid-level enemies.
3. Latenna the Albinauric

Latenna Spirit Ash is one of the game’s most powerful because it constantly bombards the enemy from long range. As long as she can see the enemy, she will keep hitting them with her attacks.
Her attacks have massive DPS as her single shot fires three arrows simultaneously. The main strategy lies behind her proper placement, like during Dragonlord Placidusax boss fight.
Talk to Latenna the Albinauric at Slumbering Wolf’s Shack, and accept her request and she will reward you with the summon. It costs 74 FP to summon this.
2. Black Knife Tiche

Black Knife Tiche Spirit Ash is a useful companion during fights because it can dash out high damage to enemies while dodging incoming attacks with great effect. This spirit ash deals damage using its assassin-like somersaults and strikes with a bow or black knife. Though this summon does not have much HP to be a tank, she does have high speed and reflexes which help her dodge most of the incoming attacks while being the aggro.
To get the Black Knife Tiche spirit, head to the northwest of Deep Ainsel Well toward the Moonlight Altar. Here, you’ll be led to the Ringleader’s Evergaol, where you must fight Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader, to get this spirit ash. It costs 132 FP to summon it.
1. Mimic Tear

According to most players, the Mimic Tear is the best and most useful Spirit Ash in the game. This mimic creates a clone of your character, with everything from armor, stats, and weapons being the same. This will create an AI version of your character and smash the bosses alongside you.
This is the tankiest and high damaging summon that duplicates your damage. One of the best reasons to get this spirit is that its damage can be customized according to any fight, and it has a ton of HP.
For the mimic tear ashes, head to the undergrounds of Nokron, Eternal City in the Siofra River region. Once you’re there, head southeast from the location, and you will find a treasure chest behind the Stonesword Key imp statue. The game doesn’t list any FP cost to summon it but it will be limited to 660 HP only. So use it wisely.