Yshari Sanctum in Diablo 4 is the dungeon in which you must complete the objectives to unlock the aspects and loot. Finding the aspects is the most important in Diablo 4 as they can significantly increase the strengths and abilities of your character.
Every dungeon in D4 is different from each other. In some dungeons, you have to complete the objectives; in others, you have to kill the bosses. This guide will give you the details to complete the Yshari Sanctum dungeon in D4.
Yshari Sanctum location in Diablo 4

If you’re searching for the Yshari Sanctum dungeon in Diablo 4, head to the Kehjistan region within the game. In the Caldeum area, you’ll come across the Imperial Library Waypoint. This waypoint is unlocked once you complete Act 6 of the main story.
You will find the entrance to Yshari Sanctum dungeon just east of the Imperial Library waypoint in Kehjistan.
Diablo 4 Yshari Sanctum dungeon walkthrough
Like other dungeons, clearing this particular dungeon for the first time rewards you with an aspect. Needlefare Aspect is the aspect you can get after completing Yshari Duneon. When you deal thorns damage in Diablo 4, the Needleflare aspect has the potential to cause damage to all nearby enemies.
Inside the dungeon, you will encounter various enemies with names containing “Mother.” The dungeon has different enemies. Most of them are like humans and attack together. Some enemies attack from a distance. There are objectives in the dungeon. You need to defeat all enemies in certain areas and specific enemies too.
Mother’s Judgement boss fight
Ultimately, you must defeat Mother’s Judgement boss in Diablo 4. Regardless of your chosen character class, defeating the “Mother’s Judgment” boss is relatively easy. You can mostly stay close to her in melee range throughout the battle.
During the encounter with the “Mother’s Judgment” boss, it is crucial to exercise caution when dealing with the small and large red circles she creates on the ground. Defeating her will complete the Yshari Sanctum dungeon in D4.