Diablo IV provides players the opportunity to fast-travel in the game. Using waypoints, you can travel to different areas of each region in the game. The Sanctuary map has a total of 35 waypoint locations which are spread across all five regions, including Dry Steppes, of Diablo 4.
Waypoints are not available from the start. Instead, players have to find these waypoints and interact with them to unlock each one. Once a waypoint has been unlocked, you are free to teleport to it simply by opening up the map and selecting the waypoint.
You can even teleport to a specific waypoint in Diablo 4 while you are inside a dungeon. This is useful if you need to clear out your inventory or repair equipment. There is no cost of traveling when using waypoints in Diablo IV.
All Diablo 4 Dry Steppes waypoint locations
The Dry Steppes region is situated in the northwestern part of the Sanctuary map. Dry Steppes in Diablo 4 has a total of 8 waypoints. Similar to Scosglen, it also has 2 waypoints that are only unlocked after you complete a Stronghold. All of these waypoints in the Dry Steppes region are listed below
- Ked Bardu
- The Onyx Watchtower
- Farobru
- Fate’s Retreat
- Hidden Overlook
- Ruins of Qara-Yisu
- Jirandai
- Alzuuda

Ked Bardu Waypoint: It is located on the north side of the region and is considered an important city
The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint: It is situated below the Ked Bardu waypoint. You need to complete Onyx Watchtower Stronghold to unlock it.
Farobru Waypoint: It is the topmost area of this region. It is the second stronghold waypoint in this region after the Onyx Watchtower
Fate’s Retreat Waypoint: It is located close to Chambatar Ridge.
Hidden Overlook Waypoint: It is situated in the south of the Fate’s Retreat waypoint near Jakha Basin
Ruins of Qara-Yisu Waypoint: It is the southeastern area of the Dry Steppes region after you complete the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold.
Jirandai Waypoint: It is considered an important city. It covers the southern area of this region
Alzuuda Waypoint: It is the southwestern part of the region near the entrance of Fields of Hatred.