Diablo 4 Druid: Spirits Of The Lost Grove Walkthrough

The Druid: Spirits of the Lost Grove in Diablo 4 is a quest for the Druid that gives him awesome powers. Here is how to do it!

The Diablo 4 Druid: Spirits of the Lost Grove is a priority quest for the Druid class that is available once you reach level 15. This class is fun and impressive, but it throws several challenges at your face that you need to overcome to progress in Diablo 4. 

You can increase the combat potential of Druids in several ways. Ond one is unlocking the first quest for this class by exploring the area of Tur Dulra.

The quest will take you to several locations, and you need to eliminate multiple enemies to free the innocent spirits.

However, it is crucial to understand how you can initiate the Spirits of the Lost Grove quest in Diablo 4 before you do that.

How to unlock Spirits of the Lost Grove in Diablo 4 

You can unlock Druid: Spirits of the Lost Grove by conquering the Tur Dulra stronghold in Diablo 4. These strongholds are present in different areas, and several evil enemies rule these places. We’re concerned with the one at Tur Dulra. 

Spirits of the Lost Grove location in Diablo 4

The Tur Dulra area is ruled by a monster called Baelgemoth, Infernal Tormenter. You must bring this enemy down to complete the stronghold.

However, the fight is not going to start right away as you first must visit the stronghold and free all the spirits found on the different sides of Tur Dulra.  

The boss itself is not going to bring much trouble if you know how to dodge the incoming attacks. Stay quick on your feet and perform heavy attacks to drain Baelgemoth’s health. Luckily, he doesn’t have much health, so stay patient and perform your attacks with caution. 

Druid: Spirits of the Lost Grove walkthrough 

The Druid: Spirit of the Lost Grove quest starts after peace has returned to Tur Dulra in Diablo 4. After conquering the stronghold, make your way toward the marked location to find the Druid Ardreth. 

He is located in the bottom area of Tur Dulra. This is the place you can later use to gain powerful boons by spending the Druidic Spirit Offerings.  

Ardreth will thank you for your work, but will ask you to travel to the Southeast area to bring back the spirits. You need to interact with the Spirit Lord found close to the Firebreak Manor area.

To reach the area, make use of the Fast Travel and fight your way to get the Spirit Lord’s Altar. You can reach the location by moving East from the town and then taking the Southern pathway toward the forests.

Here you will be assigned another task by Gathlen in your “Spirits of the Lost Grove” Diablo 4 quest, where you have to free the Spirit Lord by reaching the Abandoned Grove. 

You need to head North from the Spirit Lord’s Altar to find the Grove. Here you will defeat face Gorefeast along with several other enemies.

You must focus your attacks on the elite enemy and then strike down the large effigy to break free the Spirit Lord.  

Now you can return to Tur Dulra using Fast Travel and head toward Ardreth by climbing down the passage.

Interact with him and place the Gathlen’s skull on Tur Dulra’s Altar. This will complete the Spirits of the Lost Grove quest in Diablo 4. 

Druid: Spirits of the Lost Grove rewards 

The Spirits of the Lost Grove rewards include 1,300 gold and 6,635 XP. Apart from these, you will unlock the four animal spirits in the same area as Ardreth.

Here you can interact with each Spirit and use the Spirit Offerings to acquire boons. Each Spirit holds a total of 4 boons, and it is up to you as to which one you want to buy first and how much you want to spend. 

These spirit boons will grant your character to the next level and reap extraordinary passive effects. So put in the hard work and grab these items to become a beast as a Druid class player in Diablo 4. 

Faizan Saif is a senior guides writer at SegmentNext.com. He started gaming after playing Call of Duty 2 and became obsessed. He is actively taken part in Call of Duty eSports scene and have won ...