Among the many quests in Dead Island 2, Lost and Found is an entire category of quests that is separate from other side quests. The Lost and Found quest series has players looking for either Missing Persons or Lost Weapons. While there are a total of 15 Lost and Found quests in Dead Island 2, only 6 of them fall under the Lost weapons category.
While the Lost Weapons in DI2 aren’t always legendary weapons, they are still pretty good and worth the time you invest in completing these quests. For that very reason, we are going to provide you with all the DI2 lost and found weapons locations and information on how to complete the quests.
Dead Island 2 Lost Weapons locations
- My Mailman Was A Zombie (Bel-Air)
- Jo’s Rainy Day Stash (Venice Beach)
- Fool’s Gold (The Pier)
- [REDACTED] (Venice Beach)
- Drunk and Disorderly (Ocean Avenue)
- The Clean and the Snatch (Beverly Hills)
All of these lost weapons are found through different side quests. Unfortunately, getting each lost weapon in Dead Island 2 will take some time as these side quests unlock at different intervals in the game. Some of these side quests even have different prerequisites you must meet or quest chains you need to complete.

Once you have completed a Lost and Found weapon quest in DI2, simply head to the weapon stash and claim your prize to complete the quest.
Lost Weapons Quests
Quests | Location | How to Unlock Weapon | How to Complete Quest |
My Mailman was a Zombie | Bel-Air | After completing the main and side quest, get the journal from the delivery truck on Alphine Dr. | Locate 3 mail packages from the villas. As you collect the third mail package, defeat Wayne the Mailman and collect his keys. Use the keys to unlock the weapon crate behind the delivery truck |
Jo’s Rainy Day Stash | Venice Beach | After completing quest#14 get Jo’s Rentals journal from a building with shark on it in Venice Beach | Find Jo’s Secret Stash, Jo’s Beloved Baby, and Jo’s Final Farewell journals. Find Jo’s Stash from the roof of Marla’s Tapas & Tacos |
Fool’s Gold | The Pier | Defeat Dante – the crusher zombie, and collect A Totally Legit Letter Journal | Find Deep Shit, Meeting of the Minds, and Flaws in the Plan journals. Head to the buried safe location east of the lifeguard HQ · |
REDACTED | Venice Beach | After completing main and side quests, get journal from Lt. Ford Zombies on west barracks of Venice Beach | Head to the northwest area toward a container with an electric hazard trap in front. Destroy the blocks in front to get to the hidden stash |
Drunk and Disorderly | Ocean Avenue | Finish main story and get Dudes Who Chug journal from the ground flood bathroom of Lotusville Mall | Find Dudes Who Get Inked, Dudes Who Get the Munchies, and Dude Interrupted journals from Lenny’s Tattoo Parlour and Pier Grill. Defeat Jordan – the Firestorm slobber zombie, and get his car keys. Head to Serling Hotel and get inside a door with Staff-Only sign on it and open the weapon chest |
The Clean and the Snatch | Beverly Hills | Get A Parting Gift journal from pool outside the Beverly Hills HQ | Find Dave’s Phone, Note from Michael, and Obi’s Phone journals. Defeat Obi at “GOAT Pen” and get his keys. Use the keys to unlock Obi’s Things lockbox behind the pool |
Rewards of Each Lost Weapons Quest
Take on your guard to navigate through six different places in Hell-A and implement unique strategies to unlock each lost weapon. You either need to collect certain items or defeat zombie boss. Let’s go through each of the rewards weapons quest
My Mailman Was a Zombie
- 2000 XP
- Raven rifle
Jo’s Rainy Day Stash
- 2000 XP
- Primed Crowbar
Fool’s Gold
- 2000 XP
- Blood Rage legendary dagger
- 2000 XP
- Bodycount legendary assault rifle
Drunk and Disorderly
- 2000 XP
- Party Starter legendary knuckles
The Clean and the Snatch
- 2000 XP
- Electrocutor Officer’s Sword