Among the powerful creatures of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Lord of the Mountain, aka Satori, is the strongest. The Satori has a rare spawn rate and is hard to tame. It spawns on the Satori Mountain, usually at night. The nights and their appearance are random and you may often return disappointed after not finding it in its dwelling place.
This guide pinpoints the exact requirements, location, and taming strategy for the Satori in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
How to find Lord of the Mountain in Zelda BOTW?

To find Lord of the Mountain, you must first get to Botrick in the Outskirt area near the Rota Ooh Shrine. Botrick will tell you to look for the Lord of the Mountain at Satori Mountain.
The Lord of the Mountain spawns at random locations and times during the night. Therefore, you need to look for glowing greenish light in the area. A wise choice would be to use Ridgeland Tower for this, and once you have spotted the glowing aura, make your way toward it. We found the Satori in the marked location below.

How to tame Lord of the Mountain?

Make your way to the Lord of the Mountain in complete stealth mode. Use stealth armor like Sheikah Set to get near the Satori without being seen. It is important to note that if you don’t wear stealth armor, the creature will sense you from a mile away and disappear.
You will need to balance warmth and stealth together in the Satori Mountain. You will need a warming/spicy meal or Spicy Elixir for this. Your stamina meter should be full, and also you must have plenty of stamina-boosting items in your inventory.
After some time, the Satori will eventually calm down and you can ride it.
Can you Register Lord of the Mountain?

Unlike the other creatures, the Lord of the Mountain cannot be registered at the stable. You can only have it for as long as you are riding it; once you dismount from it, it will run away and disappear.