10 Best Unique Weapons In Kingdoms Of Amalur

Kingdoms of Amalur has a plethora of unique weapons but to be the best you must use the best. This article sorts that out.

In Kingdoms of Amalur, unique weapons stand out due to their special bonuses, high damage output, and striking design. Locating them can be challenging, as they’re scattered throughout the game world, hidden in chests, tucked away in secret locations, or even as rare drops from defeated foes.

The beauty of unique weapons lies in their versatility, as they can cater to a range of playstyles, from nimble warriors who favor swift strikes to hulking brutes who unleash devastating blows. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to track down all ten of the best Unique weapons in the Kingdoms of Amalur.

Let’s look at the best unique weapons you can find across the Kingdoms of Amalur.

10. Windcarver (Teeth of Naros DLC)

Kingdoms of Amalur Unique Weapons

Type of Weapon: Long Sword

Where to Find the Weapon: Head to the tallest peak in the Teeth of Naros, and you will find the weapon randomly there in chests or as loot.

Effects: The blade is as sharp as a razor. Its stats are scaled according to the Fateless One’s experience level. It inflicts 92 physical damage and 59 piercing damage and grants +10% physical damage and +6% critical hit damage.

9. Gentleman’s Favor

Kingdoms of Amalur Unique Weapons

Type of Weapon: Greatsword

Where to Find the Weapon: After completing the faction quest, you will get the weapon at the House of Valor.

Effects: This greatsword requires you to be at level 20 to wield it and has excellent damage stats with 57 physical, 12 piercing, +20% health, +20% physical damage, and +10% piercing damage. However, the speed of attack is relatively slow.

8. The Lion’s Claw

Kingdoms of Amalur Unique Weapons

Type of Weapon: Faeblades

Where to Find the Weapon: After killing the Headsman at Tinehil, you will find the Lion’s Claw in a random chest at Castle Gastyr.

Effects: This fast-speed unique weapon has stats of 89 physical damage, 38 piercing damage with 30 bleeding damage for over 5 seconds, and a +15% chance of a critical hit. Getting this weapon requires your character to be at level 18.

7. Lunala’s Sight

Type of Weapon: Longbow

Where to Find the Weapon: You will find this longbow in random chests or loot throughout all the worlds.

Effects: A fast-speed longbow that requires your character to be at level 20. This weapon has 80 physical damage, 36 piercing damage with a +15% chance to critical hit, +15% critical hit damage, and +15% damage at night.

6. Lightning Rod (Teeth of Naros DLC)

Type of Weapon: Staff

Where to Find the Weapon: You will find the weapon in random chests in the Teeth of Naros.

Effects: Storm magic is notoriously difficult to handle since it cannot be contained like other magics. Though crude, the tridents carried by the murghan seem adept at channelling the raw power of lightning. Mimicking those designs, this staff can make even the mightiest of storms easy to handle. This is slow-speed lightning damage of 128, 59 shocking damage over 5 seconds, and a 5% chance to steal 18 health per hit.

5. The Heavens’ Gift (Teeth of Naros DLC)

Type of Weapon: Sceptre

Where to Find the Weapon: After completing the Circles of Strife, you will find this weapon in the final divine reward chest near Njordir’s Font.

Effects: An average speed sceptre with +1 health regen per second effect does 33 primal damage, 20 primal damage over 10 seconds, and 22 fire damage.

4. Oristhimos

Type of Weapon: Chakram

Effects: These chakrams inflict 45 Physical damage, 45 Ice damage, and 45 Freezing damage over 6 seconds. Also, do an additional +15% Damage with Magic and +15% Ice damage while at low Mana. This average speed chakram requires your character to be at level 18.

3. Atropos and Veshani

Type of Weapon: Daggers

Where to Find the Weapon: You will find these daggers in the chest at Dannestar Tower during the Echoes of the Past quest.

Effects: These extremely fast daggers are the best unique weapons if your character is level 14 or above. Considering its damage stats of 35 physical damage, 35 piercing damage, 50 poison damage over 5 seconds, and a 15% chance to steal 30 health per hit, it owes it the rightful name of righteous vengeance.

2. Shipbuilder’s Mate (Legend of Deal Kel DLC)

Type of Weapon: Hammer

Where to Find the Weapon: Complete the Heroes Shall Not Pass quest to earn this reward, or you can find it during the Scouting Mission.

Effects: It does 229 Physical damage. It also gives a +15% chance to Critical Hit and grants +15% Health and +15% Physical damage.

1. Sword of the Bolgan King

Type of Weapon: Greatsword

Where to Find the Weapon: This sword can be randomly looted from the corpses of random Bolgans.

Effects: A slow-speed, deadly long sword that does 202 physical and 36 piercing damage. You can get this weapon if you’re character is at level 20 or above.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.